Blood in the Water

A couple weeks have passed and Mio had recovered to the point she could feel minimal pain. Most of the time she spent reading some of the books that Ceros left on her bed while she watched over her. She read stories of powerful main characters that found magical weapons and saved the world, stories of characters that level up and have endless adventures. Alucard would pop in here and there just to check up on her but to Mio she was still intimidating. She had the assets that made men and women fall for her and it was just overwhelming. Alucard would pinch her cheeks and talk about random things like television she watched. Mio would stand there and nod and Alucard would happily continue talking.

'It was interesting to have people open up to me like this.' Mio was surprised by the effort they both showed to make her feel comfortable.

'Sometimes I hate it when people approach me. It made me feel uneasy because I wasn't used to people or talking in general, especially to people I didn't know.'

It was about 1 in the afternoon and Mio was laying in her bed reading a book that Ceros left. This time it was a story of a man who became a monster. Mio was silently reading until Ceros barged in.

"NEEEEEE-SAAAAN!!!" Ceros yelled happily.

Mio was startled and dropped the book on the floor.

"Mastah wants you in Training Room 02." Ceros began pulling her out of bed.

Mio was still in her gown and Ceros was staring at Mio's body.

"Ooooh lewd, Nee-san."

Mio covered her chest even though she wasn't naked. It felt like Ceros' eyes were looking at her naked body. Nonetheless Mio got changed and followed Ceros to the training room. Mio didn't get a good look at the facility after the whole testing incident so she was staring at the various rooms, the ceiling and floor. The rooms were a whitish-grey color and the rooms had automatic sliding doors with a key card scanner in front.

Ceros grabbed her hand, "Why are you staring off into space? The room is right over here."

Ceros scanned her card and the metalic door opened to Alucard standing in a middle of an empty room covered in padding.

It was silent for a moment until Alucard started to speak. "Mio take a seat on the floor. You too Ceros. I have something to say before we start."

Ceros sat on her knees while Mio sat cross-legged staring up at Alucard.

"Mio in order for us to have any use of you the Blood Moons we have to train you but, what does that mean and what does that entail? Simply put, we have to make sure that you're up to the challenge. This is gonna be a lot of work and I want you to know that we as in Darling and I believe in you and what you can become but the problem is do you?" Allucard leans in closer and points at Mio's chest.

"I know you heard this a couple of times but there is something in you that if fallen into the wrong hands will lead to destruction of the world. That's a lot to bear considering that this was all a misunderstanding to begin with. Archette, the director and I still don't understand what this Chaos Blade really does or how powerful it can become but I do know that we will come to the truth sooner or later and you're going to help us find it. This leads off into what I wanted to get into in terms of training. Mio." Alucard signals Mio to stand up.

"In most movies, television and even books talk about training as a form of getting stronger. That is only a portion of what it truly means. Maybe it's just a means to an end, I suppose it's getting stronger to overcome an obstacle. If that was the case every person would just have to train to overcome every problem they have in life. A never ending journey." Alucard says as she places a hand on Mio's shoulder.

"That never ending journey could be entirely pointless so to find meaning to strength or to give it weight is to seek the truth. I know that might sound strange but, whatever I teach you here and what you learn from protecting here always ask "Why? I want you to keep these in mind as we go about in this training process."

Alucard begins to create some space between Mio and herself. Ceros immediately recognizes what is about to happen and backs away and observes from a safe distance.

"Mio for this first lesson I want you to know where you stand as a fighter. I will charge at you and I want you to give me your best shot." Alucard began posing in a fighters stance.

Mio put her hands in front of her face watching Alucard as she prepared to strike. Alucard dashed up to Mio and immediately hit her with a left hook. The punch went wide and Mio thought she could weave out of the way but Alcuard used her momentum to pull Mio's shirt with her right hand and sweep her off her feet. In one motion Alucard was on top of Mio with a fist to her face and arm on her chest.

Alucard immediately got off of Mio and helped pull her up from the ground.

"I hope I wasn't too rough on you. I got a good gist of what you are capable of, even if you weren't fighting back."

Mio was amazed at Alucard she never met anyone with such poise and confidence. 'It was strange. I thought for a moment there I recognized a similar fighting style.' Mio then looked to Ceros who was jumping up and down.

"Uwaahhhh!!! MASTAH THAT WAS Amazing!!" Ceros began clapping.

"It was nothing." She began to pat Ceros' head.

In Laqueur, a random bar in the downtown core of the city where it's patrons came in with friends or by themselves came to have a good time. The bar itself was pretty busy with its lively chatter and loud music booming through its speakers. A woman in an beautiful red dress came walking in, as soon as the other patrons saw her come in alone they were trying to put on the moves on her. A muscular dude with a grey t-shirt and slick haircut approached her first when she sat in front of the bartender. The guy sat beside her and ordered her drink for her. The girl winked and then proceeded to order the 3 more.

She leaned in towards the guy "I'm not that easy, lover boy."

The bartender who wore a tux made the drinks at a steady pace and made an interesting remark, "Here you go 3 drinks for the lady and the bill for the player. You've been served."

The guy ruffled his hair and clicked his teeth, "No biggie I gotchu. This isn't a problem for Chad."

Chad approached the woman and started flexing. "What do you think of these? Chad's flexing technique has never failed him ever."

The woman didn't even notice Chad or his muscles. She was silently sipping her drinks.

Chad fell to his knees, "The Mighty Chad has been rejected!! Impossible!! Chad cannot handle this disrespect. I have graced your presence Chad deserves better."

Chad grabbed the woman's shoulder. He leaned in and whispered, "Chad always gets what he wants.."

Chad then raised his fist and proceeded to swing at the woman while she was away from him. Then a man sitting behind him grabbed his fist and threw him to the ground.

A random guy in the bar yelled, "WHAT A SIMP!"

The man grabbed Chad by his collar. "You can't just hit women just because they don't want to be with you. Pathetic."

The woman finally turned her head towards the scene. "I finally found my entertainment for tonight."

The bartender then proceeded to call security. The bouncer who was about 6'5 and weighed about 250 lbs came and picked up Chad like a baby and quickly threw him out. The bouncer yeeted him 3 feet from front door of the bar. He fist bumped the bartender and then resumed his post at the front entrance of the door.

The bartender placed a hand on the man, "Thanks man, but let us handle it next time. We don't want to kick people when they don't deserve it."

The man said nothing and took up a stool next to the woman in the red dress. The man ordered a drink and proceeded to stare at his phone. The woman tapped him on the shoulder hoping he would notice her. He put his phone in his pocket and faced the woman.

"Thanks for that." The woman's gentle reply made the guy lose his composure.

The bartender quickly interupted, "Here's your drink sir. You've been served."

The man downed his drink quickly and with an audible gulp he turned and faced the woman again. He felt that he needed a drink in his system to gain some confidence. He rested his arm on the counter and swiveled his empty glass counterclockwise. He had a serious look on his face and said, "There is no need to be thankful. I just saw something that I didn't like."

The woman giggled, "Well do you see something you do like?"

The man scanned the woman from head to toe watching her beautiful complexion, vulumptuous breasts, her slender waist and thighs. The man nodded, "I certainly do."

The woman smiled and placed a hand on his thigh and whispered in his hear, "Let's go outside for a bit.."

The woman grabbed the man by the arm and led him outside. They looped around the back to find a darkened alley beside the bar where they could be alone. The man was confused at why he was brought to this secluded alley. He kept looking left and right until the woman reassured him by pushing him up against the wall. It surprized the man and he didn't like being dominated so he flipped it so that he had her pinned against the wall. "You won't get a handle on me that easy" The man said seductively.

Slowly he began kissing her neck while placing his knee in between her legs. The woman started to get excited and brought his lips to hers. They were feeling each other up and the man was getting really hot and bothered. He let go of her for a second and said, "Let me put it in."

For a second he could smell a hint of flowers. The woman was smiling as she began to hold her arms around his neck. All of a sudden he was beginning to lose feeling in his arms and legs.

'What's happening? I can't feel my arms and legs.'

She kissed him again. As she released her lips from his she plunged her arm into his stomach. She slowly removed her hand from his stomach and it was painted in the man's blood. She licked the blood from her hand and giggled. The man slowly dropped to his knees as he watched the blood pour out of his stomach. He couldn't feel the pain but he still held the opening with his right hand while he stared at the woman. She grabbed his chin while he was still conscious and she whispered in his ear, "Thank you for the entertainment. I've had a lot of fun.."

She pushed the man so he laid on his back. In one fell swoop she cut the man's neck. The cut was wide but it was enough for blood to pour out. The blood spilled out of his neck and he was choking on the blood. With his life ending he stared at the woman once more. "This woman...I never seen someone so beautiful...What is this scent? It lilacs..."

He closed his eyes, "...and crysanthemums..."