Warning Signs

The woman continued to giggle as the man's lifeless body laid in his own pool of blood. The woman placed her blood-stained hands and placed it on her face. "How exhilarating." The woman said seductively as her giggling turned to panting, like a dog in heat. All of a sudden she heard footsteps coming towards the alleyway behind the bar. The woman started panicking until she heard a familiar voice.

A man in square-shaped glasses dressed in a white dress shirt and black pants saw the scene.

"How absolutely disgusting. You're like a wild beast who just eaten her prey, can you at least look presentable and not soil yourself." The man said with an arrogant tone.

The woman's eyes begin to flare as she saw the sight of the man. "What are you doing here? What I do is none of your business."

The man adjusted his glasses and put his hands in his pocket as he continued to walk forward. "Filthy." He looked up at the woman with blood on her face. "Boss wanted me to check up on you."

The woman was shocked and annoyed at this revelation,"Wh-why? Is it something important?"

The man gave a half-assed answer, "That's something that you should already know. I'm just here to keep a rabid dog on its leash."

The woman muttered under her breath, "You're one to talk."

The man was now standing over her. "Clean yourself. You look fucking disgusting." The man threw a handkerchief at her that was sticking out of his pocket.

The woman began to wipe her face and hands and asked once more. "I don't need you checking up on me. I can handle myself."

The man grabbed the woman's collar on her dress and pulled her close. "I don't give a fuck what happens to you but the Boss does. You better keep yourself in line or your gonna end up like Augustin."

He let go of the woman's collar and she plopped onto the floor. He looked at the dead man's body that laid next to them. "Clean that shit up."

The man adjusted his glasses and disappeared. The woman was watching him as she was clenching the blood-stained handkerchief in anger.

The next morning at Laqueur an employee was holding multiple trash bags in his hands.

"Yo, can you get the back door's alarm I'm gonna throw out the trash." The man yelled to the other employee as he walked outside.

"Sure thing, Boss." The employee's voice was heard as the man stepped outside.

He began throwing the trash bags in a big bin in an alley way at the back of the bar. He was humming a tune as he was doing so. After he was finished he closed the lid smacked his hands together until he saw something strange.

He put a palm on his face, "What da hell is that?"

He ran back inside. "Yo call the police. There is something they gotta see. This is straight out of some monster movie type of shit."

Moments later two police officers were with the Laqueur owner staring at the man's mutilated body. One of the police officers starts analyzing the dead body. The police officer was fairly fit and looked like he was in his thirties. He scratched his forehead and walked to his police car. The other police officer was a woman around the same age as the other police officer. She stood staring at the body of the man.

"We're gonna need some medical assistance for a young man who appears to be in his mid twenties." The man put the radio back and went back to his partner and the owner.

"You have any idea how this might've happened." The officer lady asked the owner.

"I-I-I'm not sure we we're pretty busy last night up until 2am. We would have to check the cameras." The owner was sweating as seeing the body was taking a toll on him. The officer patted him on the back. It was a subtle attempt to comfort the man even though he barely showed any reaction.

The male officer brought the female officer towards their police car and huddle together away from the owner. The male police officer whispered "We might want to call a specialist for this one."

The female officer nodded in agreement. They made their way to owner to tell them their plan.

"We are gonna call a specialist to deal with this." The officer placed a hand on the owner's shoulder. "They'll take care of you."

The owner was confused, "What do you mean? Can't you deal with this right now?"

"As soon as we make the call we'll be on our way. You might have to close your bar for the meantime." The officers made their radio call and drove away.

"What in the world?" The owner slumped against the wall until he felt something wet with his hands. There was blood on his hands. He didn't realize it until he began rubbing blood between his fingers to rub it off. He immediately got off his feet and saw the splatter mark on the wall.

In a police department downtown multiple police officers were sitting at their desks nonchalantly waiting for something to happen. It was quiet until the Chief of Police came hankering down to their desks. He went to one detective's desk and slammed a case file startling the unsuspecting detective and the other officers.

The chief of police was a hardened man in his forties who held a stone cold expression on his face. He seemed like a man who kept his guard up all the time and did not tolerated failure. "Listen up. We got ourselves another one of these mysterious killings. This time a man in his twenties got a hole the size of a fist in his stomach. This son of a bitch or son of bitches got some nerve messing with us. I want you one of you to handle this case in an orderly fashion as this is bound to happen again."

The chief looked at a clean cut detective who was wearing a grey suit with his badge in poking out of left breast pocket. "Detective Louis." The chief suddenly called him out.

The man stuttered. "YE-Yes sir." The poor man was starting to sweat.

"I want you to take the lead in this case. It may be a big job but I think you can handle it." The chief patted him on the back and got another set of papers which piled on his desk.

"I-it would be an h-honor sir!" Louis stood up and saluted with his eyes closed.

Louis could hear chuckling, he opened his eyes to find out the chief already left and he was saluting to no one. The others were poking fun of him as they watched the pile of paper stacked on his desk obstruct his view as he sat down.

"Good luck Louis You're gonna need it." One police officer said.

"Star of the police department. Me hoy me Boi." Another detective chimed in.

Another detective came and gave Louis a headlock. While he was tapping his arm to let go he said, "Don't worry about them dawg if you need any help just holla but, not when I'm busy."

"But you're always busy." Louis sighed as he stared at the files while the others left their desks.

Randomly Louis opened one of the files and started reading.

'In the fall inside the national museum a mysterious man in robes laid in front of a new exhibit with bullet holes in his body and his right arm that showed nothing but bone...'

'What in the world? There are no pictures of the body. It's just a description. This is messed up for real.' Louis thought as he stared up at the ceiling fan.

In an office building downtown a man in a purple suit was watching the news in his office.

"A couple of days ago a man in his twenties was murdered at a bar in the downtown core. This bar, Laqueur where many of its patrons come for a night out was home to a brutal massacre. The man in question had a large cut across his neck and abnormally large hole in his stomach." The newscaster said.

"That's a Snooker's Looker" Another newscaster reacted.

The other newscaster gave a dead stare at him and proceeded to continue on. "We'll give you more updates on this developing story. This is Channel 24 news."

The man turned off the television. "Bring me Sebastian"

His assistant bowed, "Of course. I'll contact him right away."

The man and his assistant were in a different room this time. It was sort of a temple which housed an altar and was illuminated by candles in the owners and lanterns from the ceiling. A man dressed in white clad robes with square shaped glasses stood in front of them. Along with a young beautiful woman in her twenties.

The man in glasses knelt before the man in the purple suit. "You're grace I've brought her here. What do you desire?"

The man in the purple suit took a seat in a throne like chair behind the altar. "Sebastian, raise your head. It seems that Myra here decided to take matters into her own hands and startle the masses."

Myra had her head down. She was trembling in fear.

"Child why do you succumb to your desires? Our goal is much greater than fruitless squabbles." The man said in a commanding voice.

"I-I'm not so sure..." She couldn't think of an answer that would please him.

Sebastian intervened. "I tried to keep an eye on her but she disobeyed my callings."

The man was annoyed, "SILENCE!!"

Sebastian stopped talking and adjusted his glasses. The man got up from his throne and flash stepped towards Myra. The man was towering over her. He held her chin and stroked her hair.

"Child your desires overwhelm you. It would be better for you to purge you of this evil with flames of His Light."

Myra's eyes were opened wide an she was frozen in terror to even speak. The man's commanding grip was gentle yet it felt like was crushing her soul. All of a sudden he placed a hand on her chest and his hand began to glow. The blinding light made his assistant and Sebastian cover their eyes. Myra was screaming in pain, "AHHHHH."


The flashing light dissipated and Myra was on her knees holding her chest. "What is this pain?"

"A warning." The man knelt on ground next to her. "Do. Not. Fail. Me Again."

She looked up to the man. "What do I have to do?"

The man chuckled, "That's something you should already know by now, foolish child. BEGONE."

Back in Myra's apartment it was already evening. She was staring at her bathroom mirror. She touched the collar area of her chest and there in the light was a symbolic pattern that when touched she felt excruciating pain.

She looked down at her bathroom sink. Then in frustration she knocked over all her stuff sitting in the sink. It made a large clamor.


She ripped the drapes from her shower.


She punched the mirror and her hand started to bleed. In the cracked reflection of the mirror Myra slumped down on her bathroom floor.


She clenched her fist in anger.

"Where is that girl..."