How we Met

It was Senior year when fate led me into Ashton's loving arms. He reminded me of autumn. His personality like sitting around the warmth of a campfire in temperature that is just cold enough for a jacket. His voice was as beautiful as a gentle breeze on wind chimes. His eyes and hair as dark as the tree bark during sunset.

I met Ashton in English class. The teacher placed us right next to each other. We started talking and he walked me to my class that day. From then on I knew I liked him and with every encounter, we had my admiration for him grew.

Apparently, he felt something too because on September 5th it happened. He was holding a bouquet of red roses and an envelope with a wax seal on it. Trembling he handed me those things without saying a word. It turns out the envelope enclosed a poem that stated.

I noticed you from day one

I liked you from the start

From then we've had fun

And you've grown in my heart

You truly made a mark

That will forever be in your name

You created a spark

That I hope will turn into a flame

You're the one I want to love

You're the one I want to hold

I hope one day we'll send off doves

And wedding invitations we'll fold

Since you are my one idle

Will you except girlfriend as your tittle

After reading that I looked at him with a tear of joy streaming down my face, and in a whispery voice managed to get out the words "of course I will". A sigh of relief passed over him, as he held me as close to him as possible.

Our first date was beautiful. Ashton picked me up that Saturday at about ten in the morning, and we headed out to the city. We sang along to the radio the whole way there. We had lunch at McDonald's and then made our way over to the Science center like the nerds we were, and ended the day with dinner, at the top of the Sears Tower.

After that we were inseparable, and the most loved couple in school. We were the one couple every one talked about, we won prom king and queen, and we were even voted most likely to get married. Sadly the marriage thing didn't happen.

He did propose to me though. November 15th and we had just moved into our apartment in the city the week before. He had told me to meet him in our favorite park after I had gotten off of work. I finally reached the park around six. The sun was already starting to come down and I saw him sitting on a flannel blanket, under the cherry blossom tree, surrounded by a bunch of tea light candles, and sitting next to him was a picnic basket and a vase full of roses. We sat there ate our food and watched as the sun goes down as well as staring at the glimmering stars in the sky. As we were star gazing he turned to me got on one knee and pulled out the most stunning ring ever. It had two oval diamonds diagonally stacked on top of each other, and a sapphire attached to each side of the diamonds. Out came the words "Alice will you marry me" and I screamed yes so loud that all of Chicago could hear me.

We did however decided to wait for the wedding. We wanted something big but he was getting his masters as well as working a part-time job and I had just started my job which took up a lot of my attention. We just didn't have time to plan something extraordinary. Looking back on it now I wish we would have gone for it. I had always dreamed of getting married before I died and I know he did too.