[27th May 2025]
School's over for today, and now it's time to meet up with Jinny.
Usually, we are in the same classroom but some of her subjects are different from mine. Like we are both in the arts but she didn't take maths as an optional subject, though I regret taking it. The other time we are separated is during this final period, I chose physical education and she picked computer technology for some reason.
I found her choice to be rather different from what she was doing at that time. I was sure she would pick Physical education, I mean she had a yellow belt in Karate at that time, now she has the Blue belt though. Clearly, she has an interest in things related to Physical education but according to her words
'I want to try something different'
these were her words if I remember correctly. She really is a free-spirited one, it's just too cruel that the free bird is going to be tied inside the cage after 12th graduation.
The engagement with the fiance is going to be held when both of them graduate from high school, so we only have from this May to next March till a solution is found to her freedom.
I may need Silica's help in this, she's a genius sister after all according to everyone. But I wonder if it's alright for Jinny to meet Silica, their personalities don't match at all.
One is a carefree, brutish, pleasure seeker and the other is a careful, elegant and a work-seeker.
Students are also starting to leave this small locker room. It's just a simple room, brown tiles, white walls, lockers on both sides of the wall and two long benches near the middle. My locker is at the top right, away from the door. All the girls seem to have changed back into their uniform from the sports uniform and are starting to leave the room, most of them have already changed back and gone out.
Ok, now I'm alone inside the locker room, so time to change now. I should be quick, Jinny must be waiting.
That is the sound of my phone's messenger notification. Who would send me a message? It must be Jinny's but why is she sending a message?
I took the phone out of the locker and turned it on. Spotted the messenger app and opened it. Yup, it's a message from Jinny.
She has written that apparently Siberite has invited her out for a lunch, so she's going to meet her. Also, Siberite told her not to tell anyone.
Well, that's what I meant, they don't match.
But Siberite inviting Jinny out for a lunch, that's rather strange. I wonder what Siberite wants to talk about with Jinny. Meh, no need to think about it, even if Siberite tells to hide it, Jinny will tell me anyways.
It's also strange that I'm not feeling Jealous about Jinny meeting up with Siberite, especially in a supposedly secret meetup.
I really do trust Jinny a lot, sometimes I wonder if it's a good thing. But I don't want to doubt her, so let's just get changed and go back home.
There was the house driver that picked me up in the early 11th standard. But I don't go in the car anymore, I much more enjoy going home with Jinny and on the way home discovering various locations with her.
Of course, those two objected to it. But the objection is all they are going to do, so I didn't pay it any heed, which further made those two hate me.
But well it's better that way, at least this way I won't feel bad the day I ruin them.
While thinking about some future stuff like how to get Siberite to fall in love with me and again making sure that nobody is inside the locker room, I started taking my P.E uniform off.
The uniform is nothing special, it's just a simple blue tracksuit with the school's symbol printed on it. It isn't fancy but it gets the job done and the fabric is also nice. As for the reason why I waited for everyone to go before changing back to my school uniform is just that I don't want them to see 'that' on my body.
I will only show it to Siberite, and maybe Jinny if she asks someday.
I quickly stripped the tracksuit and put it back inside my backpack. Most students just leave it in their locker, but then I would have to change into it during the Physical education period. In the 5 day school, this period is only on Monday and Friday, so those days I just put the tracksuit under my uniform from the home. Then I only have to take the school uniform off and the tracksuit is already under it.
Yeah, it makes me uncomfortable during summer, but I really don't want to show ''that' thing to these students I don't even know. They already somewhat avoid me, after seeing the thing they will really start avoiding me completely.
I took the white shirt from the locker and swiftly put it on, buttoned it and pulled my hair out, from under the collar. This hair is also getting rough, the life period of this dye is about to be over I guess. Well, Jinny's dye should also be reaching its end, so next week let's ask her to get it dyed back again. I really like this silver dye, it goes well with my short hair. The school's shirt is also rather simple, it's white with black stitching and black collar and a pocket on the top right area, along with the school symbol printed on the top right shoulder
As for the skirt, it's a knee-length which perfectly covers my knees, there are some girls who have it over the length and many who have it slightly below my length, but I find this length to be perfect. As for the design, I like it quite a lot. It's a black and red plaid skirt, I'm thinking of getting skirts with a similar design to this one.
With the skirt on, I quickly grabbed the black shoes and put them on, the white sports shoes will be going inside the locker. I can change shoes here.
With the uniform put on, I got out of the locker room and headed back to my classroom, the school is already over but I forgot a note.
That note has the formats of the advertisement which that girl Monika actually wrote down for me. I didn't think she would actually do it, I was quite surprised when she gave it to me after the recess. I put it inside the space under my desk and forgot it, so let's quickly get it back and go back home.
Ok, the note is inside the bag, now time to leave the school
ah, but before that should probably go to the washroom, not going to find a clean one on the way back home.
I picked up my bag, hung it over my shoulder and started heading down the corridor, to the washroom. Most of the classes are empty as expected, but there are still very few students who are still in the classes and are just chatting with each other.
I ignored them and went near the washroom
Hmm? there's a faint noise inside the girl's washroom.
There's a very small 'L' shaped path before the whole washroom. It's to make sure that nobody can see inside the washroom from the outside, I walked in and hid near the end of this path, peeked my head a little and saw a very common scene.
There are three girls picking on a single girl. And that single girl is Monika.
Well, I guessed she was being picked on because of her timidness, and that guess seems to be correct. As for the three culprits, they are also from my class.
They are standing in a semi-circle, not allowing Monika any chance of escape. Her black hair is dishevelled, the right mirror of her glasses also seems to be cracked. There's also slight blood coming out of her nose, she is crying but her uniform is perfectly fine.
Now, what could be the reason for these three to pick on her so badly and also what did Monika do to be picked upon. Or it could just be bullying for fun but that doesn't seem to be the case. The faces of three girls are very serious like they are punishing Monika for some crime. There is not a hint of joy or happiness on their faces.
Now that I think about it my ability to pick up on emotions is quite good, is it the trade-off for having my own face become emotionless?
ok, now Siberite, stop avoiding the main topic. Should I barge in and help Monika?
I could but it's also none of my business.
ah, the girl in the middle with a dark white hair just slapped Monika. The slap seems to be quite solid, there's a red mark on Monika's cheeks now and Monika's teary eyes are wide open with sudden pain.
"Girl, why didn't you reject him?" asked the white-haired girl with a calm face and soft voice.
This made Monika more scared, her left hand which is over the red cheek is starting to shake and for some reason, she's not opening her mouth.
"I see, not going to answer. Take your skirt off"
ah, Monika's clearly shaken now, her entire body is shaking now. But why does this girl want to strip Monika's skirt? is she a sexual harasser? There's also a scissor in the girl's hand which she got from the blonde-haired girl standing to her right.
But what is she going to do with a scissor? she's making Monika take off her skirt after that only defence would be the underwear.
Am I thinking it right?
I should also probably decide whether to get involved with this or not and stop stalling. But I'm curious whether what she's going to do with the scissor is what I think she's going to do.
Monika, as expected, is just shaking and not moving her hand to take the skirt off but it's strange she's not saying anything and just has this scared expression. It's like she has seen a ghost.
"Belle, the hand"
On the middle girl's order, the long black-haired girl on the left moved and grabbed Monika's hand and pulled them over the head, quickly the blondy on the right moved and grabbed Monika's legs, now Monika can't move her arms and legs in protest.
Monika's crying sea worth of tears but again for some reason, she's not saying anything and desperately trying to free her hands and legs, but to no success.
Finally, the middle white-haired girl moved forwards and unbuttoned the skirt, forcefully pulling it down, the skirt is now hanging on the blondy's arms which have grabbed Monika's legs.
The middle white-haired one moved forwards and crouched down with the scissor in her hand.
Monika's panties are in full display now, it's simple white underwear which is a standard for most school girls.
Now is she going to do what I think she will do?
"Girl, this is just the beginning, quickly tell me why you didn't reject that bastard's advances?" she said in a completely straight and serious tone.
"I see, still no answer. Haaahhh, I really don't like doing this" now she sighed and placed the scissor over Monika's underwear
ah, so she's going to cut the underwear. It seems I was wrong.
I thought she's going to strip even the underwear down and cut the hair under it.
I lost, also Monika did write the formats for advertisements down for me so I guess this is the most that I could do. She better be indebted to me after this, dragging me into their problem.
Before the white one could cut the underwear, I forced myself out from the corner and walked towards them
"Um, could you stop that. It's better if her lover gets to see what's under the underwear first. You can see it after that, no problem right?"
"you? aren't you the school's biggest problem student? also in our class. Get out of here!!"
The long black-haired one barked and glared daggers at me but this isn't anything compared to what those two throw at me.
Seeing me still standing here, the black one became slightly agitated and released Monika's arms to walk towards me. She raised her hand to slap me but before it could reach my cheeks—
"Belle, stop" the white-haired one ordered and the hand stopped just a few centimetres away from my cheek. If she didn't stop and really did hit me, then I would have also started fighting back. I also have Jinny's knife with me, but it doesn't look like it would come to that.
"Lily, but!" the black-haired one who's named Belle protested but with one glare from this white-haired one Lily, stopped and got back behind Lily
"You are Silica Vel, right?" asked Lily, she got up and walked towards me, now standing in front of me.
Monika has already been released, now she's just cowering while sitting down, she still hasn't pulled the skirt back and I can clearly see the underwear sticking to her privates. Really what a timid girl, still not saying anything. But let's ignore her for now and deal with this Lily in front of me.
"Yes, and you are Lily, right?" despite the previous behaviour, she's really a beautiful girl. Smooth skin, almond-like eyes, shapely nose, small and juicy looking lips. A face like this accompanied by her shoulder-length wavy white hair really adds to her aesthetics.
"It's Lily Vikar, the least you could have done is remember the names of your classmates"
"Yeah....No. By the way, what did Monika do for her to bring upon your wrath"
"Why should I tell you?"
"Because I told you to"
"I see" Lily tilted her head to the side and slightly smiled. Her other two companions are just standing behind her, and just looking over here.
This girl doesn't seem to be a simple character, I should be a little careful
"So, tell me. Is this a lover's quarrel?" that's what I got from their talk.
"Interesting, so Miss Silica was watching, why didn't your sense of justice come earlier?" her tone is like she's interviewing me
"Well, you know, Justice always comes in the end"
"I see, so am I supposed to take it as a pun?"
"It's up to you. You are independent after all"
"hahaha, true, I guess. Well as for the reason" Lily turned back and walked towards Monika, crouched down and grabbed Monika by the hair and forced Monika's head to face my way. Monika's eyes are pleading for my help, asking me to save her, but still why the fuck won't she say anything?
Her other two companions are still just observing everything and letting their supposedly, leader? do everything
"You see, Miss Silica, my boyfriend for some reason got attracted to this girl and tried to make moves on her even though he still had me. And this girl also didn't reject those advances and accepted them happily. Now, do you get it?"
Well, I do get it, Jealousy is a bitch, I also experienced it today, but
"Isn't your boyfriend also at fault here?" They are both responsible, the boy for making the advances despite having a girlfriend and the girl accepting the advances despite knowing that the boy has a girlfriend already
"Of course, he is. The boy is the bigger culprit and hence has already suffered the punishment and in addition to that is no longer my boyfriend. Now it's the turn of this girl to face her punishment. It's after all fair right? I'm just paying back what these two did to me"
Yeah, it isn't jealousy. I mean you wouldn't hurt your significant other in jealousy and just one-sidedly hurt the other party. Unless
"You didn't love your boyfriend right?"
"You really are a perspective one, Miss Silica"
"Then couldn't you just let them do their thing? it's not like you really liked him or anything like that"
"Now, that's where you are wrong, Miss Silica. Any normal person would, but I wouldn't. True, I didn't love him, but I still gave him all the time, took care of him and never made attempts to cheat on him. This is what he deserves for wasting so much of my time and effort"
Yeah, she really is a strange one. Throughout the entire explanation, her eyes are narrow and there's just a slight smile on her face as if she's getting entertained by something.
"So, haven't you already done enough to Monika, she most likely paid what she owned you and highly regrets her actions" this Monika girl is annoying, why the hell isn't she saying anything? this isn't helping her situation at all
"Well, No. I have a principal and that is to pay people back a hundred times more for what they did to me" uuuu, scary little fellow
"You didn't kill the boyfriend right?"
"hahaha, don't worry Miss Silica, nothing extreme like that. He just won't be able to make a woman pregnant anymore"
"You....don't mean..." I speak while looking at the scissor in her hand and gulping my saliva down the throat.
"hmm? what?...ah! no, no, Miss Silica, your imagination is quite violent. Just fed him infertility medicines"
fuuu...thank god... wait no! there's nothing thankful about this. But
"Do they just sell something like that in the market?" what has the chemist shops come to? No wonder, the crime rate is on a rise
"No, Miss Silica. I have my own sources, I will tell you later"
"Sorry, but I think I heard it wrong. What do you mean by, later? we are going to ignore each other after this right?" I really don't want to get involved in this girl
"hahaha, you are a real funny one, Miss Silica. C'mon, let's continue our discussion over at the restaurant. Treat on me"
"Yeah....you can continue with your lessons with Monika. I need to go" Monika is looking at me with a betrayed expression, but I need to save my own ass before someone else.
I turn back and start to walk away from them but before I could turn the corner
"Miss Silica, let's have lunch together. This girl has already paid enough, also I forgive her as a toast to our new friendship"
she grabbed my hand. I turned my head, looking at her smiling face and closed eyes really don't make me feel happy.
"No, no, please continue. Monika should really receive more punishment, I don't think she has learned her lesson"
"Miss Silica, but that isn't what you said earlier"
"hahah, I could say the same to you, Miss Lily. You really don't stick with your words"
"hahaha, alright, since we both don't stick to our words. Let's have lunch, we may have so much more in common. Belle, Dan, I'm going to have lunch with our new friend. You two, get this girl state back to normal and send her back home"
Consent! where's my consent!
I really shouldn't have barged in. Too late to regret now, I guess.
Jinny's also having lunch with Siberite, So, I might as well do it.
"Alright, but the restaurant will be of my choice"
"Of course, Miss Silica, as you say. Now let's get going"
haaahhh, today is a long day.
"Yeah, let me piss first. That's why I came here after all" and got entangled with this Lily girl
After getting lighter, I washed my hands, before turning the corner and leaving the washroom, I glanced back and saw the belle girl picking Monika up and pulling the skirt up to button it.
The blondy named, Dan, started combing Monika's dishevelled hair back into normal and glanced at my direction with envious eyes.
As for Monika, she's still looking at me with a face full of betrayed expression.
"haaahh" I couldn't help but sigh out loud
"hmm? what happened, Miss Silica"
you happened that's what happened.
Looks like Jinny and I will have a lot to talk about tomorrow.