The fire to do something and a offer

27th May 2025, 1:15 PM

We are at the restaurant, Uma Jills. It's one of the most expensive food chains in this city of Chandi, India. The food here is worth the price, it's a treat for your taste buds and the way they present the dishes is nothing less of orgasm for the eyes. The decorations are also very classy and cozy. It gives somewhat of a rustic feel with the brown wood furniture and non-painted red brick walls, along with the flower decorations that are also pleasing to look at.

Right now it's lunchtime, so there are many people here, of course, none of these people can be of lower status.

It's located just a few kilometres away from the school, but the electric scooters are located in every sector of the city making the transport quite easy, of course, the drawback being that they would be actually available and not already in use. They have introduced them a few months ago, so there's still a craze of it among people.

It's not something new, many foreign countries already have this for the past many years, but my India is somewhat behind in the race and it's only in this year of 2025 that it's status elevated from developing country to a developed country. Bringing in much more MNC'S in the country and hence increasing trade and business significantly, but because of this, the crime rate is also on a rise.

Criminals are getting more and more organized, and are starting to use their brains instead of going in brute force.

One example of organized crimes reaching new heights is this girl sitting right in front of me.

Lily Vikar.

She's a criminal. Her entire family is just criminals, well mostly. And their assets are comparable to our Vel family.

The only difference is that most of Vikar's assets come from their underground involvement and our Vel's assets are mostly because of our surface business of food chains all over the world. And yes, this Uma Jills is also one of our restaurants. Though I don't know if I should use the word 'our'.

Maybe the Vel family also has some underworld involvement, but it's definitely not as prominent as the Vikar Family. Who on the surface are the owners of the few medical facilities but get their main business from the countless black hospitals in the underworld.

That's what she meant by sources. It's her family business to provide chemicals and all kinds of medicines to all kinds of shady people.

But that's not the most dangerous thing, the most dangerous thing here is this girl. Who's involved with her family's underworld business from just high school.

She's a criminal in making, who already uses her family's business and reach to do all kinds of criminal stuff. Like feeding her ex-boyfriend infertility medicines and doing stuff to Monika.

And now for some reason, this girl has taken an interest in me and I don't know what to feel about that.

She's eating the pasta while having her eyes locked with mine. We talked a lot since coming here, and how could I tell she has taken an interest in me? Well, you don't tell all this stuff I just discussed with someone you are going to leave alone. Telling about her family's business to someone she just met today, if that's not taking an interest in me then I don't know what is.

The only thing is why has she taken an interest in me, what's her goal?

She's just staring into my eyes like she's looking for something. In return, I'm also doing the same thing, it's a fun game to play.

There's also another thing that surprised me, apparently, her white hair is natural, it's not dyed like my silver hair. Which I think just adds more to her beauty, this girl can really qualify as a supermodel. Smooth skin, perfect body shape, long and slender legs, and uff! those breasts, not too big nor too short, just the perfect size.

"Miss Silica, your eyes are wandering in the wrong region"

"No, they aren't" I lied with the straight face and shifted my eyes from her breasts to her face. This girl is dangerous, she's making me realize that I may be a female pervert.

I mean I did kiss Jinny, though it didn't make me feel anything but now I want to try different things with her. I mean it's not like she minded it.

But I should probably just make these thoughts disappear, and if they don't go away then make sure to not act upon them. That would be wrong of me, but if Siberite doesn't accept my love no matter what I do then maybe I can try to act upon them.

There isn't anything wrong with just thinking, right? as long as I don't change that thinking into reality and control myself. And I don't feel like I will lose my control in front of this girl, only Siberite can make me lose control.

But shit! after kissing Jinny, I wonder what it tastes like to Kiss this girl. Jinny's kiss was kind of salty with a mix of sweetness, and now I wonder if different people's lips taste different.

But it's getting kinda late now, I also have to meet up with Jinny, so let's try to get this meeting over with. It's not like she will leave me now, so I have got plenty of time to talk with Lily in the future.

"Miss Silica, your eyes are wandering near the wrong region again"

shit, I subconsciously started staring at these perfect breasts. Her smile is telling me she's not thinking anything good about me.

"Sorry, but rest assured, I'm not a pervert"

"Sure, Miss Silica, if that's what you say" yeah, she doesn't believe that. But it doesn't look like she's offended, so that's at least good.

"Well then, Lily, it's time for me to go now. I have someone to meet up with—"

"Oh! I didn't know Miss Silica has a boyfriend"

"No, I don't. It's a female friend"

"oh, sorry for the misunderstanding. Then I won't take much more of your time"

"Thank you, then I shall take my leave, you can pay the bill as per the condition"

"Hahaha, of course, of course. Haahh, you really are a bitchy and weird one, Miss Silica"

"Well, Same to you. Miss Criminal" I said while getting up and picking my bag to leave

"That's a nice name. Also, Miss Silica, remember my previous words. If you need any help with some 'stuff' then make sure to come to me, I will gladly be in your service but if someday you do actually come to me for help then remember the deal, okay?" your subtle smile is kinda scary but I don't dislike it

"Sure, If the day arrives. Till then, I hope we can continue building our friendship"

"Same sentiments here, Miss Silica"

"Just call me Silica, we are not strangers anymore"

"Really?! Then Silica it is! Silica, Silica, Silica, hm! has a nice ring to it. Hahaha"-

I don't want to avoid her, it's about time that I seriously started making those two fall into despair.

It's not going to happen anytime soon, but I need to start building the base for it.

The deal she mentioned is also part of building this base. She doesn't know about my circumstances but according to the deal, she wants to form a partnership with me.

If I ever come to her for help with some certain 'stuff' as she mentioned then I would also have to help her in return. It's a simple give and take.

As for the certain 'stuff' that she mentioned, it has to do with her family's power.

I wondered how the boy who had his fertility taken away by her didn't report anything to the police. But apparently, her family has strong connections with police, most of the senior officers there are appointed with the help of Vikar Family, so they have a lot of say in the criminal investigations.

So the boy probably reported but his case was buried under the piles of files, which are never going to surface again. He's never going to get his justice.

Listening to this, just a single impression of her dominated my mind. I was impressed by her. At such a young age, she has so much power, even though the power is built by her father but she knows how to use it for herself. Her ambitious nature and goals shook my brain and heart, I also want to be this ambitious, stop with the wishy-washy thinking of mine and actually do something realistic to achieve my goals.

My goals are not as extreme as her though. If I reach out to her for help then I would have to help her achieve her goals. But what did she see in me for telling all this stuff? You don't normally discuss things like this in your first meeting, but I guess this is not a normal situation. She wants me to help her with family wars.

Lily has three other siblings. A brother of the same age, a second brother who's three years older and a younger sister who's two years younger.

Their father needs to decide who the next heir of the family would be or simply after him who would be best to control his underground business.

He has given all four of his children equal power, they can use any of the family's facilities or use family's power as long as they don't harm it or worsen their reputation. That's why she so easily got those medicines and police to bury the case.

The younger sister doesn't want to do anything with all this and just lives an isolated life. But things are not so easy with her two brothers. In the end, the one with the most support from all the branch families, most connections, and the one who uses the power they have been given efficiently and improves the business the most will become the heir after the father retires in the next 10 years.

And of course, she wants to win it. Right now it's early stages, so she's trying to form as many connections as possible and getting a hang of using the powers she got. If she gets the support of the Vel's, then things will become a lot easier for her, but that's not going to happen for a very long time.

So if I ask for her help in something big, and she succeeds in completing the request, then I would have to convince the Vel's to support her and of course, she would continue providing support to me when she actually becomes the heir. And that's impossible considering my current state in family, which is of the child they shouldn't have given birth to, but of course, Lily doesn't know that. She just knows of me as a problem student from school and thinks my family situation is just fine.

I really couldn't believe that someone as ambitious as her existed, maybe a lot of them do but this is the first time I have seen one in front of my eyes. I'm talking about the usual ambitious people. It's not like I don't have ambitions, I also want to marry Siberite, make those two regret living and support Siberite as she manages the family business in the future without any pressure from those two.

I also have ambitions like Lily, but the only difference is that she's realistically working towards achieving it and is not like me and many others who's like 'Oh! maybe this will work' 'If I do this then maybe this will happen' and just think of stupid, uncertain, unrealistic ideas and most of the time not even implement them and get depressed about it.

I guess I'm jealous of Lily. This is a different kind of jealousy from when I saw that boy confessing to Siberite. That time my inners were boiling and I didn't know what I could do. It was not a very pleasant feeling, but this jealousy isn't like that. This jealousy makes me want to be like Lily and actually work towards my goals realistically, this jealousy makes me motivated.

"Thank you, Lily" is the least I could say for her helping me, I hanged the bag on my shoulder and left the restaurant, though my face doesn't show it, it's still completely ice-like but I feel really alive and this burning fire to do something.

"What the fuck? if you are thankful for some reason, then pay the bills" I ignored her dumbfounded face, glanced at those breasts for a final time for today and finally left the restaurant.

Now it's time to make Siberite fall head over heels for me.

Let's discuss with Jinny on how to do it, she has a lot of internet knowledge after all.