Part One: Oblivion | 2. Bad Idea

I wondered how Jessica had pulled it off as the man moved to the side and opened the door for us. The music blaring inside was nothing but a thumping bass line until we stepped through the door. Jessica kept our arms linked and lead me down the narrow hall. It opened up wide for the club in one side, then continued forward toward what I guessed were bathrooms and the employee areas. She pulled me into the club through the curtain of crystal-like beads.

It was dimly lit aside from the dance floor which changed colors with the beat of the music. People were grinding and gyrating as they danced their inhibitions away. Others sat at tables drinking, laughing, talking, and flirting. Some sat at the bar, though it was substantially less than anywhere else in the club.

Jessica went to the VIP rope where another bouncer stood blocking the way. He was as big and burly as the first with dark hair in a military cut and a perpetually furious expression. Before she could bar her eyes and work her magic in this bouncer, a man from inside the VIP area walked over with a smile.

I felt my heart flutter, he was gorgeous. I didn't usually think that way about someone like him. I wasn't a fan of heavy piercings, tattoos, or alternative-style hair on men, but he pulled it off and then some. I knew he had to be the infamous Cameron. He was everything Jessica looked for in a guy.

He was a head taller than both of us and we were in heels. He had an air of authority about him, very much an alpha male. His features were strong, almost harsh. His chiseled, square jaw met in the center with a cleft chin, his cheekbones high and defined, his eyes almond shaped and practically glowing blue from the shadow of his dark lashes. He looked like he stepped off the cover of a romance novel and had the audacity to put stylish clothes over what was probably an insanely impressive physique.

He had multiple piercings: seven in his right ear, five in his left ear, his bottom lip, his left eyebrow twice, his right nostril twice, his left nostril, and his septum. I wondered if there were more I couldn't see. He had full sleeve tattoos that disappeared beneath his muscle shirt and ended in skeletal tattoos on both hands. I wasn't sure what the shapes made or the symbols meant but they were beautiful works of art. I noticed more peeking out from his collar and wondered how tattooed he was.

Around his neck I spotted three metal chains, only two of which rested outside his shirt, the other was tucked inside. Around either wrist were black leather cuffs with shiny buckles, and his fingers held a slew of steel rings. His full lips curved into a half smile as he spoke to the bouncer blocking our way and I saw a flash of blinding white teeth.

The bouncer unhooked the rope and stood to the side to let us in without question. Jessica ignored him completely and bolted for the blond who had come over. I thanked the burly man as I approached the pair who were wrapped up in choking on each other's tongues. After a few awkward moments of standing there, I cleared my throat loud enough to get their attention.

He set Jessica back down on her feet, licking her flavored lip gloss off his lips as he smiled. "You must be Megan. Jessie has told me so much about you, I'm glad we can finally meet. I'm Cameron Montgomery," he said kindly, sticking his hand out in greeting. His voice was like honey and I was a little jealous Jessica had him for herself already.

I placed my hand in his and shook it firmly, or so I thought, these pills made it hard to tell. "Megan Delaney," I introduced myself. "It's nice to finally meet you, Cameron."

He grinned, nearly blinding me with his smile, "If you ladies will follow me, we have a booth over here and drinks will be along for you both shortly. I hope you don't mind, I brought some friends."

"Guy friends, I hope," Jessica said and I shot her a glare. While I was sure Cameron probably had some good looking friends, I did not want to be hooked up with one after my latest dating fiasco.

"Getting tired of me already, Jessie?" Cameron teased her as we reached the table where two other men sat. "Gentlemen, this is my lovely lady, Jessica, and her best friend, Megan. Ladies, these are my friends, Elijah and Simon."

We were both polite and greeted the pair of men, who smiled and offered us seats. Elijah was older, I'd guess late thirties or early forties from the dusting of gray hair at his temples. The rest of his hair was a rich, chestnut brown and slicked back. His jawline was strong and square with a well trimmed beard. His eyes were soft, light brown with a hint of green. He had broad shoulders, big arms, and large, calloused hands. I bet he was tall as well, but I couldn't tell while he sat.

Simon was younger than Elijah, but definitely older than us. My guess would be his twenties. He had a sandy blond military cut. His strong jaw shaven clean and smooth revealing full, kissable lips. His eyes were bright blue, framed with long, sandy blond lashes. He was more lean than Elijah and Cameron but his shirt sleeves revealed well toned muscles on his arms.

Simon grinned at Jessica, his pearly white teeth shining in the light, "It's nice to see Cameron wasn't lying about you, Miss Cartwright."

Jessica smiled, "Please, call me Jessica. I'm real. Why? Has he lied about a girl before?"

I noticed Cameron shoot a glare at Simon, which he ignored. Simon chuckled, "No, but we like to give him a hard time. We basically know you, Jessica, but not your friend, Miss...?"

I cleared my throat and tried not to squeak, which was common when I got nervous. "Oh, um.. Delaney. Megan Delaney."

I noticed Elijah watching me without joining the conversation, just listening to every word like he was storing it away.

"Do you and Jessica go to the same school?" Cameron asked.

"We used to, when we were younger. My school doesn't have free spirits," I told him.

Jessica laughed, "They despise creativity there."

"What school is it?" Simon asked curiously.

"Windsor Preparatory Academy."

"That sounds incredibly expensive," he commented.

I nodded, "It is, and it's real easy to get expelled or flunk out."

"You must be exhausted from all that."

I shrugged, "Sometimes, I guess. Yeah, I am."

Jessica scrunched up her nose, she probably saw my discomfort and pain on my face. She smiled and offered a new topic, "Megan's actually really smart. She gets awards all the time for grades and papers and debates."

I looked down, "And science projects." I glanced up noticing the men's surprised expressions. Feeling a little surge of confidence, I added, "I actually graduate in a couple of months, a year early."

Jessica smiled wide, "And then we're going on a year long backpacking trip before college."

"Young women with goals, I like that," Simon said, but there was something about the tone of his voice I didn't like. It made my skin crawl.

"Not enough young people have goals these days," Elijah commented for the first time.

My eyes shot to him as he spoke. Unlike Simon, he sounded sincere. His brown eyes shining when he looked at us as if he were proud, yet he barely knew either of us. Still, it was sort of nice.

The waitress returned with what Cameron ordered for the both of us. Thankfully, we didn't have to get caught with our fake IDs since everyone else at the table was of age, and buying the drinks. We talked about ourselves and life in general for a while.

I had, I think, four drinks. I couldn't be sure anymore. I was numb from head to toe and my mind was a haze, I finally felt relaxed. I was surprised when Simon asked me to dance with him. I agreed to one song. I wanted to be polite, but not give him the wrong idea.

After the song, I headed for the bathroom. It was grimy, but I just needed a handful of water. No one paid attention as I shook out more pills and downed them, replacing the bottle in my purse. I didn't want them to wear off, and I had no clue what time it was. I couldn't read the numbers on my phone's, when I looked.

Jessica was still grinding against Cameron on the dance floor, both having forgotten everything but each other. I guess that's what alcohol alone does. I wanted another drink and to relieve the pressure from my feet. I hated heels so much.

I stumbled on my way back to the table. Luckily, Elijah caught me and I realized how massive he was. I felt like a doll in comparison, and he held me like one.

"Careful now. It would be a shame for you to fall and mess up your lovely face," he said as he set me back onto my feet gently.

I smiled up at him, "It's these stupid shoes. Thank you for not letting me fall and embarrass myself."

He nodded and chuckled, "I will never understand why you women wear those painful looking shoes."

"They make us look good and feel more confident, but they are painful," I admitted as I returned to my seat and the waitress brought me another drink. She was definitely after a good tip.

He smiled warmly, "My wife says the same thing."

I blinked in surprise, "You're married, and out at a club without your wife?"

"Trust me, she isn't fond of this sort of environment. I mainly came to keep an eye on the boys. They can get rowdy together, especially with pretty women."

I couldn't help but ask, "How long have you been married?"

"Twenty-one years this summer," he answered proudly.

"Wow, that's a long time. Kids?"

He grinned, "Three boys. My eldest will be twenty soon, my second is thirteen, and my youngest just turned one."

"Oh, wow. You must be proud of them," I said and he nodded.

"I am. Maybe Cameron will bring you and Jessica to meet them some time. He and my eldest son are close friends," he told me.

He reminded me of my dad, or what I wished my dad was like. Proud of his children, bragging about his family to others, being a kind, gentle father figure. I smiled sadly, "I wish my parents were proud of me like you are of your boys."

Elijah gave me a sympathetic smile, "I'm sure they are proud of you."

I shook my head, downing several swallows of my drink. "They don't even bother coming home most of the time anymore. It feels like they're just waiting for me to leave."

He frowned, genuinely disgusted by such behavior, "That's most unfortunate for them to not see what a shining star their daughter is. Perhaps things will be better for you without them."

I shrugged, finishing my drink, "Maybe. That's what Jessica tells me all the time, too."

"And so you two planned your trip?"

I smiled, "Yep. She came up with it one night when I was really upset about how they treat me."

Elijah smiled, "She's a good friend."

"She's the best," I told him. "I do hope I get to meet your son one day. Especially if he's anything like you, and hopefully he won't be taken by then."

He chuckled, "I'm sure we could work something out. He hasn't met the girl of his dreams quite yet, so you have some time."

Cameron and Jessica returned to the table breathing heavy and sweating. Jessica dropped down beside me smiling bright. The waitress brought another round of drinks for the table as Simon returned from his dancing.

The night went on and on. We talked, drank, laughed, and danced more. Jessica convinced me to dance with her and I let Simon have a few more dances. I slipped into the bathroom two more times before the bar made last call. I couldn't believe it was already so late.

I wobbled on my way back to the table, holding the edge when I arrived as the room started spinning a little. The alcohol and pills were combining and making my motor skills difficult. Jessica didn't seem to want to leave Cameron yet, but it was time to go. We already should have been home considering we had school in a few hours.

Cameron, Elijah, and Simon walked out with us, offering to give us a ride home. The problem, however, was Cameron's car only sat two, meaning I would have to ride home with Elijah and Simon. While they had been polite and respectful all evening, I didn't know them that well. Jessica yanked me to the side after asking them to excuse us.

"Megan, please, I want to have some quality time with Cameron," she begged, poking out her bottom lip so she looked properly pitiful.

"Jess, I don't know about this. Something feels wrong," I told her.

She rolled her eyes, "You're just being paranoid. They'll take you home and you'll skip school tomorrow and I'll come over in the afternoon to help with the hang over."


"Megan, please..." Jessica squeezed my hands, pleading me. She knew how to get me to say yes.

I sighed, "Fine, but you owe me."

She smiled and kissed my cheek, "I always owe you. Thanks Megan." Jessica happily trotted back to the men letting them know I agreed and I weaved on my feet as I approached.

Before I knew it, Elijah was helping me into the passenger seat, scooting me into the center seat before Simon climbed in. Elijah hopped in the driver's seat, starting the old pick-up truck, and pulling into the road. I told him my address, leaning my head back against the window trying to catch my breath. I was definitely missing school the next day, and maybe I wouldn't even wake up in the morning.

I drifted to sleep on the thought of the sleeping pills taking it all away, listening to the rumble of the engine as they took me home.