Part One: Oblivion | 3. Elijah Eaton

She had passed out just after they pulled into the street. Simon shot him a look, but said nothing about it. The bizarre thing was, Elijah hadn't drugged her as he initially planned. She passed out all on her own. It changed the plan a fraction.

"Simon, check her bag," Elijah told him as he focused on the road in front of him.

He heard Simon rummaging through what he guessed was the contents of the girl's purse. After a few moments he heard the unmistakable rattle of pills in a plastic bottle. Simon read the label slowly, "Warning: May cause dizziness or drowsiness. Do not operate heavy machinery or a vehicle while taking this medication. And it's prescribed to one Eleanor Delaney."

"Must be her mother's name, unless she lied about hers."

Simon shuffled more, "No, her name is definitely Megan. Everything else in here says Megan Delaney on it. She's seventeen, a senior at Windsor Preparatory Academy, and the address she gave is right. Let's see... Library card, food place rewards... Hmm, no birth control items at all. Oh, here we go, I found her phone."

Elijah kept his eyes trained on the road ahead, "Use her finger to unlock it and see what you can find."

Simon did so, making thoughtful sounds as he looked through her records. After a few minutes, he commented, "No special numbers that would be a boyfriend. Nothing about any siblings. It appears her only friend really is Jessica. No job to miss her. Her parents are out of town until next week. She is socially awkward and shy but sweet and thoughtful. I knew she didn't want to give me any impressions but also didn't want to be rude when I played her a little."

Elijah smiled, "She was starting to twinkle at me until I mentioned I was married. She's a good girl. We like good girls. I think Cameron made his choice wisely for himself."

Simon grinned, "I'm so proud of him, hooking his own girl like that. So, you giving her to Jake?"

"After she's been trained some, yes. I can't have her acting up while Malcolm is sleeping. She'll be better off at Montgomery House until the wedding."

"Ooh, we haven't gotten two at once for a while. Father will be so pleased," Simon said softly. Elijah smiled to himself, he had gotten his eldest boy the girl of his dreams.

The drive took a while considering they had to cross state lines. Elijah pulled into an all night convenience store parking lot. The restrooms were around the back, where no one would be at such a late hour. Both men climbed out of the truck.

Elijah went to the back, gathering the zip ties and tape. Simon trotted around to the store and bought snacks as well as drinks for the trip, keeping an eye on their exit. Elijah casually bound Megan's ankles together, then her arms behind her back. He taped her pretty little mouth shut and lifted her chin, looking her over.

Cameron's truck lights blasted around the corner as he rolled to a stop behind Elijah's truck. Jessica was unconscious, propped up against the passenger door of his truck. Her dark hair shadowing her face and a few red marks along her throat. Cameron stepped out of his truck, straightening his clothes.

"Took you long enough," Elijah commented.

Cameron sighed, "I had to sell it. She wanted to have sex in the parking lot. I figured that was my advantage and took the time to dose her before we left. You keeping whats-her-name for Jake?"

Elijah nodded, "After some training at Montgomery House. Don't tell him about it. I would like her to be a surprise."

Cameron grinned, "I won't tell him. So, what's the plan?"

Elijah tossed him the zip ties and tape, "Bound and gagged, then we head home and get these two straight to Montgomery House."

Cameron nodded, stepping back to his truck and binding Jessica just like Megan. Elijah dug out the pill bottle and read the label himself. He sighed, without knowing how many she took he couldn't use the syringe of Diazepam in his pocket to knock her out. If she became violent, however, he would have no other option.

Simon returned with the snacks and grinned seeing the girl's prepped for the remainder of the ride. He handed Cameron one of the plastic bags he held. Cameron thanked his older brother and the trio loaded into their separate vehicles.

Megan didn't wake the entire trip, he checked that she was still breathing more than once. She was, but she was also completely out, almost like a coma. The little pale blue farmhouse with dark green shudders came into view. They parked the trucks and slid the girl's out, slinging them over shoulders to carry the rest of the way.

It was another five miles through dense evergreens on a different game trail every time they came or went. No one knew about the community, and they would keep it that way. Simon went ahead on the trail to deactivate the traps laid out for trespassers and open the main gate on the large wooden fence. He went back behind them to reactivate and lock the gate behind him.

Cameron and Elijah continued the trek along the path toward the lit up windows on the houses. Montgomery House was a converted barn, the bright red paint chipped and fading. The inside had been changed into something like a school, though it was a very particular curriculum. Cameron unlocked the side door and they carried the girls inside.

He carefully laid Jessica down in one of the large cages, which resembled a jail cell. He laid her on the hay and animal skin bedding, pulling a blanket over her, but not releasing her bindings or tape. They didn't want her screaming all night or hurting herself while they were away because her hands were free. Elijah put Megan in the cage across from Jessica. Should they earn the right to speak, they could talk but not touch each other.

The door opened again as Simon brought his parents, Duncan and Susanna, in to see the new girls. Duncan grinned at Elijah, congratulating him on finding a girl so quickly. Then he turned his attention to Jessica asleep in her cage.

"She's pretty, but is she going to be a fit, Cameron?" Duncan inquired as he watched her rhythmic breathing.

Cameron grinned confidently, "She'll do whatever I tell her to. She'll fit in fine, besides, she won't want to abandon her best friend."

Susanna chuckled, "Especially when she finds out about the meat. All right, you did good boys, now get home. Simon, Lydia is at her wits end with the children. Cameron, you smell like a whorehouse. Elijah, it's always a pleasure to see you. Do come by and check up on her whenever you desire. I hope you have a good night."

Elijah smiled, "Thank you for your help, Duncan, Susanna. Good night, everyone." With everything settled, he walked down the path to his own home. A large white farmhouse with dark blue shutters, the windows dark as his wife and children slept.

He was quiet opening the door and making his way upstairs. His wife, Hannah, laid on her side with her back to the door, her fiery red hair splayed out on her pillow. The crib at the foot of the bed held their youngest son who snored softly as he laid stretched out on his back. Elijah silently treaded into the bathroom and started the shower. The last thing he wanted was to smell when he finally laid down.

He turned off the alarm before climbing in bed. He snaked his arm around Hannah's side, smiling as she wiggled back and pressed her body against his out of habit. He had planned on going straight to sleep but the warmth of her body, the smell of her skin took his mind to other places.

She let out a soft gasp and he covered her mouth, nipping her neck as their bodies collided. He had to be careful not to rattle the bed frame or remove his hand from muffling her moans. He wanted her to himself and that wouldn't happen if they woke the baby. They rarely had these opportunities anymore and he wasn't about to waste one just because he was tired. He would be late and it would be entirely worth it.

He got his eldest son a girl and might have put another baby in his own. Life couldn't be better.