Resurrection is possible with a Sadist System?!

"I'm sorry, but you're forgetting I have a system..." Lin Fan smiled as he shook his head at Gang Fan and scoffed with a mixture of guilt and contempt... "You looked down on me all those years, but now you'll be the one forced to retreat..."

"What are you even talking about?" Gang Fan's eyes burned with fire before he slashed down towards Lin Fan's face. "You... you think you're tough because you got a system, brat? What about the years I spent training?"

"Your son trained too..." Lin Fan yawned and bent down to pick up a clam... "He trained so that one day he could replace you because he called you a useless idiot... Don't act surprised that he told me these things... I was just the slave remember?"

+ 100 sadist points

+ 300 sadist points

"Let's see if that's true when you meet him in hell..." Gang Fan's arm blurred before he slashed into Lin Fan's shield, and sent sparks flying into the air. This caused a green bar to appear in front of him as he yawned and winked at Su Fan.

His shield called Emergency Protection sent Gang Fan flying back as he smiled and walked towards him. Gang Fan rolled three times in the dirt before he angrily pushed off the floor and sent out a fire ball.

Lin Fan, however, kept his arms behind his back and walked into the fireballs as Gang Fan screamed with rage. There was no way he was going to let this little kid embarrass him in front of the entire sect. He took all the anger he had and struck down at Lin Fan as he smiled widely.

Sparks flew out in every direction as Lin Fan turned and tossed a clam shell into Gang Fan's face. It hit him and sent him falling backwards as Bin Fan sighed and pulled Gang Fan off the floor.

"You're ruining the day of your son's funeral..." Bin Fan smacked Gang Fan on the face... "Besides, you know that Tang Fan has been sneaking into others girls rooms for a while... This was just the icing on the cake..."

"He was a growing boy! Growing boy's need beautiful legs to grow strong! By the way, your daughter can't even see! What does he have to look forward to besides cheating on her..."

"I'll... I'll do something to get Tang Fan back..." Lin Fan stretched his arms over his head as he walked towards Su Fan... "However, first, both of you must give me permission to do something to Su Fan in public..."

"Why... why do I feel like something horrible is going to happen to me?" Su Fan gulped as Lin Fan smiled and walked towards her with an intense glower on his face... "Father... Does it have to do with touching that same hard thing from this morning..."

"I... I hope it doesn't..." Bin Fan coughed as he nodded his head at Lin Fan... "Fine, if you can really revive Tang Fan, you're free to do whatever you want to my daughter!"

"Su Fan... bend over..." Lin Fan rubbed his hands quickly together and smiled at the eagerly watching Fan Sect... "You... you are really lucky you are not about to see this..."

Thirty Minutes Later

Lin Fan finished earning points on Su Fan as everyone in the Fan Sect gasped.

+ 50 sadist points

+ 100 sadist points

Some people started crying from Lin Fan's mistreatment of Su Fan for the last thirty minutes. Whether it was spanking her in the butt, or what he did after that, all of them immediately chose to forget what happened...

[You've downloaded the new skill, Ressurection Slave... Warning, Su Fan's mom is very mad about what you just did and may choose to come have a word with you...]

[Ressurection Slave allows you one person and turn them into your slave for all eternity. This contract lasts until the person dies, or runs out of life force...]

'I guess it's time to turn the former slave owner into the slave..." Lin Fan really had been Tang Fan's obedient servant for years and still regretted it... "Let's make this happen..."

Lin Fan activated the skill causing swirls of lightning to spriral in the sky. Su Fan's dress blew back as her mother cried on the floor from what Lin Fan had just done. Whether it was the hot iron he placed against her butt, or the awkward massage he gave her body, she wasn't going to forgive him!

However, Gang Fan and Bin Fan seemed quite happy for some odd reason. This confirmed that the system was real, and that their dreams in the future to be free men may come true...


[Tang Fan is currently being revived... Pulse is returning, heart beat is returning... Slave has been created and will now follow your every will! This will though will go weaker with distance...]

Lin Fan smiled and nodded his head at Tang Fan as he looked down at his broken body and then looked at Lin Fan. He was confused, but immediately felt like a chick looking at its mother for the first time...

"Son... You're alive! I'm so glad!" Gang Fan squeezed Tang Fan as his body remained completely in half... "This is great! We can go on an adventure now, and try and find you a new sect!"

"Father... Lin Fan is my master... To me now you're nothing more than a piece of dust that happens to be blocking my view of the light..."

Tang Fan pushed his father aside as Lin Fan nodded his head and said "rise..."

+ 30 sadist points

+ 100 sadist points

+ 300 sadist points