Sadist Points acquired by pain and suffering?

Lin Fan saw Bin Fan staring at him as well as the entire Fan Sect.

They were currently holding a funeral, and many people were crying including Ban Fan and Gang Fan. Gang Fan had always been mean to Lin Fan, but he was still somewhat taken aback that his son Tang Fan was about to be buried.

Lin Fan and Tang Fan didn't have the best history with the latter being the cause of much suffering in his life when he used to live at the Fan Sect. He used to be Tang Fan's servant and regularly had to do insane chores that some would consider meant only to cause him suffering.

This included things like having to dig for clams when it was raining, and sometimes he was even forced to charge with people who were in the higher stages of the Magic Realm, or Warrior Realm. The Magic Realm was for people who cultivated external energy, and the Warrior Realm was for those who cultivated internal energy.

Long story short, every time Tang Fan ordered him to fight someone in the Warrior Realm for his 'improvement' he'd end up with broken bones, and have to work through the pain. For this reason, Lin Fan actually started smiling as he walked up to the casket that Tang Fan had been placed inside.

'Wow... He's really dead and they cut him in half... the man who used to deliberately try to break my bones so I never grew taller then him finally got his treatment returned in full...'

Lin Fan smiled and looked at Gang Fan who was staring at Lin Fan an extremely grotesque and angry expression. He could even see Gang Fan's heartbeat through his armor as his brown hair fell down his sides.

"You... you keep touching my son..." Gang Fan hadn't seen Lin Fan in years, and didn't want to jump to conclusions yet as his involvement in Gang Fan's death. "However, I find it strange that you're in his fiance's room, and he just got killed for trying to molest his fiance...'

"I'm sorry... Is that really why he was killed?" Lin Fan raised his brow in shock as he looked at Bin Fan as he nodded his head with killing intent suffused in his eyes... "Wow... I just found out I have a system, so I decided to go sleep in my room... Is there a problem with me sleeping on the ass that was there?"

"You... you really have a system?" Bin Fan was shocked as was the entire Fan Sect. Dozens gasped and suddenly thought about the transgressions they committed against Lin Fan with horror. If he really had a system, then according to the prophecy, he'd become strong extremely fast!

The prophecy was put in place to warn people of treating those without spiritual roots as nothing more then slaves, and many people didn't believe in systems. They thought it was an allegory to stop people from abusing women and men that were sealed from the gates of eternity. However, Lin Fan just said he had a system, which meant that the tales were likely true.

However, no one would believe someone like Lin Fan unless there was proof. Bin Fan still had no choice but to ensure nothing happened to Lin Fan. If he did have the system, according to the 'made up' prophecy. He'd eventually be the only one that could win the war for the human race.

"I... I think we both know Lin Fan is responsible for my son's death..." Gang Fan said with a serious expression as Lin Fan walked up to Su Fan to comfort her. "Please... let me kill him, and afterwards we can figure out who to turn to to extract the system..."

"You know that's impossible... Just like Tang Fan thought it'd ever be possible for me to look down on him so much... However, right now, I'm still on this earth, and he's in a casket... It's a shame that his plan to stop my growth ended with his death..."

"You... you... you're asking for it brat..." Gang Fan pulled out a sword as Lin Fan ignored him and walked towards the Green Sea. He'd walked through the Green Sea from the territory of the Lightning Wolves to arrive at the Fan Sect. Now that he was here, he couldn't help but smile as he picked up a golden clam...

"This... this is for you Tang Fan..." Lin Fan tossed the clam into the sea as a few birds swooped down and tried to grab it. However, like Lin Fan, the shell just barely survived before it sunk into the ocean. However, one day, that clam could find it had a beautiful pearl in its body like he had with his system.

"You... you dare turn your back to me brat?" Gang Fan's body began to glow with fire as Lin Fan smiled and ignored him.

+ 100 sadist points

+ 200 sadist points

Lin Fan got points from peoples suffering and enjoyed the feeling of air touching against his body as he picked up a clam and tossed it at Gang Fan's face.

"Sorry, your son always said you like to eat clams... there... I got you a clam so you could mourn in piece..."

"Gang Fan... Don't you dare attack Lin Fan..." Bin Fan pushed Gang Fan's sword down as he pulled out a golden sword of his own... "You... you can fight me, and if you win... I'll let you try and kill Lin Fan..." Bin Fan tried to cheer Gang Fan up by putting his arm around him, but it didn't work... Gang Fan instantly exploded with a massive energy as a fire pushed back Bin Fan...

+ 300 sadist points

+ 400 sadist ponits

[You've earned just enough sadist points to activate emergency protection! Danger threat to your life is at code 99! Please activate emergency protection or risk dying...]

'How do I activate it?' Lin Fan ignored Gang Fan as he powered up and started to glow with a fire glowing on top of his head... 'Do I just press this button...'

"You... you little shit! Die!'

Lin Fan pressed the emergency protection button as Gang Fan slashed down with his sword towards Lin Fan's head..

"Even a thousand deaths isn't enough to pay you back you little shit!"


The Fan Sect had been around for hundreds of years and was founded by Jan Fan. When Jan Fan created the sect, though, she was aware of an old rumor and made a tablet about that tale.

The tale was that someone with a system would one day come along and stop the coming of the seven race war. That person would have a system, be great with girls, and would cause thousands of descendents to walk across the land.

If that person did happen to ever stumble in the Fan Sect, Jan Fan wrote that the person would be entitled to the Fan Sect's Vice Elder position, and would be able to take any girl he wanted and use her to get points.

The points could be made at the displeasure of the owner of the Fan Sect, and no matter what that girl had to do no one could get in the way of the system holder. Even if he decided to find Jan Fan, she would also serve this man.

Was this a premonition of what was to come?

She didn't know, but she suddenly felt like someone from the future was calling her and telling her that she was his... It made her skin turn hot as she looked at the rising sun two hundred years before the present day.