She's engaged, but is in my new bedroom?

Lin Fan woke up in the morning and felt the gentle touch of a women's hand against his leg. He opened his eyes and saw the beautiful Su Fan staring into his eyes with a completely blank stare. She moved her hand down his leg as she tried to figure out what was in her room.

She had black hair and shimmering eyes, but was also completely blind to the fact it was Lin Fan was lying on her ass. Su Fan was certain Tang Fan, her fiance, must have snuck in to try and get the 'cookie' from the cookie jar, and she blushed as she tried to avoid touching that hard thing again.

"You... you have a really soft ass..." Lin Fan said with a smile as he sat up on the bed and looked at Su Fan. "However, why are you looking over my head? Don't you like looking at your future husband?"

"Tang Fan... You jerk! You know I can't see!" Su Fan began to tear as Lin Fan watched her hand quickly and amorously move up to his face. "Ugh, you don't even feel the same today?! Did you go to that place in Eight Clan District again? The place full of those other girls?!"

"Yes... I had no choice but to go..." Lin Fan really didn't like Tang Fan the moment he heard that sentence, and decided to try and earn some points off of the beautiful blind girl in front of him. "I wanted to make sure that a women that saw me for what I am received all I could give her..."

+ 50 sadist points

+ 100 sadist points

"You.. you asshole! You just have to rub it in that I'm blind... Also, you have that extremely hard thing in your pants! What the hell is that anyway? I want to know Tang Fan..."

"It's a secret... However, I told it to every single girl in Eight Clan District... I wanted to make sure I knew what it was like to experience true pleasure... With you... I'm not even sure if you'll be able to find the bedroom..."

+100 sadist points

+ 200 sadist points

Su Fan squinted and then angrily grabbed Lin Fan's face before she kissed him to test if there was any chemistry. Suddenly, her skin flushed pink as the rest of her body turned pallid and soft. It was a much better kiss then she expected, and she immediately attempted to slap him in the face!

"Ow! What did I hit?"

"I woke up with a six pack for some reason this morning, and everything was harder on my body... I didn't mean to hurt you, Su Fan... We can do that after you meet the rest of my girls..."

+ 300 sadist points

+ 500 sadist points

Su Fan started to cry as she pushed herself off the bed and stepped off of it. She had to go tell her dad what this Tang Fan had done to her and all those women! Frankly, she wanted to break off the engagement immediately, and find someone else that deserved her.

At the same time, she couldn't help but blush as that was her first kiss...

'You... you're going to pay for this Tang Fan! I'm going to tell my father about this right now!'

Main Hall, Fan Sect

Bin Fan looked down at his daughter Su Fan as she walked into the room with tears in her eyes. A few moments ago, he'd just seen her philandering boyfriend out coddling a beautiful girl. His fury began to kindle inside of his chest, but he kept a solemn expression on for his daughter's future.

Tang Fan had seven ton spiritual roots, which mean his spiritual roots could hold seven tons of energy. Having such an ability made him a once in a hundred year phenomenon, however, he still wanted his daughter to be happy!

Luckily, she couldn't see since she was fifteen, and had not noticed him bring home a few women himself as his mother slept in the other room. He figured that his daughter was in fact blessed because she couldn't see her cheating husband, however, there was a limit to how rankled he'd be willing to get!

"Father! Tang Fan woke me up with something hard near my mouth this morning..." Su Fan complained with tears in her eyes as she moped and thought about that kiss... "I... I even was forced to kiss that jerk to see if I like him, and I hate him father!"

"He did what? Before the ceremony? Is he trying to ruin your chances at getting a divine body?" Su Fan had a rare lineage that extended from Bin Fan's distand relative... "You... you serious that little bastard did that? How would he dare do that?"

"He... he also slept on my butt all night... Even though he was out with girls the night before, he had the brazen attitude to put their scent on my thighs... I'm afraid he would've done more if I didn't run away!"

"I just saw him outside..." Bin Fan slammed his hand into his throne... "Damn it! Go get him here right now and tell him if he doesn't come, he'll be going to the Silent World for hundreds of years!"

"Father... I don't want to marry him..." Su Fan started to cry as she placed her head against Bin Fan's chest... "Please... if something bad happens to him, won't it not be my fault if I marry someone else?"

"Hey... Su Fan! I thought you ran away from me!" Tang Fan walked into the room as a few girls giggled and ran off into the background... "I was just hoping to talk about the dowry I'd get for the wedding! You mind leaving and going to wait back in our room?"

"Su Fan... Leave... Leave really quick... I promise his death will be fast..."

"Father..." Su Fan smiled and turned to Tang Fan as he suddenly felt killing intent coming out of both their eyes... "Are you sure? Are you sure it's okay?"

"Look... If it's about those other women, they are just preparation baby... Preparation for what's going to come your way on wedding night... I won't be a sight for soar eyes I tell you that!"

Tang Fan smiled as he looked up and noticed Bin Fan had appeared right in front of him. As a person in the Warrior Realm, he immediately tried to switch to a defensive posture. His left hand crossed his right as he tried to block a sword with his fist.

A second later, his hand was cut through before his blood shot up and half off his body slid off onto the floor. All he did this morning was went to the Eight Clan District to try and get her a gift! So what if he visited some girls along the way to make sure she'd like it...

"Let's hold a funeral real quick before Gang Fan can make any plans..." Bin Fan smiled and looked at Su Fan as she smiled and nodded her head... "Just... don't step on him as he's dying alright... We don't want to leave any permanent stains..."

Three hours later

Lin Fan yawned and got out of the Vice Elder's room as a knell was rung on the top of Eight Clan Mountain. He was confused, and even noticed he'd gained some sadist points the night before. Su Fan was in front of him wearing a black dress as her brunette hair spun in the wind.

There was also Gang Fan, Tang Fan's father, who appeared to be crying as a body was placed inside of a casket...

'Wait? Isn't that Tang Fan, and isn't Su Fan supposed to be his wife? I wonder what made him die... I really hope that I wasn't involved... Everyone is staring at me like I did something...'

"Lin Fan... Is that you?" Bin Fan said as he scratched his head... "How did you get back, and why were you cleaning the Vice Elder's bedroom..."

"I have a system, and I just found out! Because of that, I decided to take what's mine! Remember, System holders are Vice Elders of the Fan Clan... Did you forget about that?"

"Father... That voice does sound familiar..." Su Fan gulped as she turned back and looked where she would've seen the corpse if she wasn't blind, causing Lin Fan to earn a few sadist points... "Damn it! Now I don't even know who took my first kiss! Father... Help me find out!"