You're my Grandson Now.

Jun Fan's veins in her thin, beautiful arms started to shimmer as the energy from her body slowly started to infuse with her hands. Her hair began to float behind her back as six massive rocks shot over the mountain right towards Lin Fan's position.

Even with Emergency Protection, he knew that Jun Fan was his only hope of getting out of this alive. He put his hand against her bra strap and tried to channel whatever little energy he had inside of her. Since she was his [resurrection slave], there was a special bond between her energy and his energy. Thus, he hoped that this wouldn't be the last time he touched her soft and slender back.

"What... what the hell? Lin Fan! Who did you piss off?" Bin Fan dropped on his knees as his life flashed in front of his eyes. "You... you have my daughter with you each night, and you still managed to piss someone off this bad?"

"I didn't only have your daughter last night..." Lin Fan winked at Bin Fan which both infuriated and depressed him. Even now, he was still trying to earn points for his system... This little brat had to be taught a lesson or he would kill them all!

"Light of Eternity, Sunshine Burst!" Jun Fan screamed, and caused five massive beams of light to shoot at the gigantic boulders that were nearing them at a ridiculous pace.

However, luckily, all she had to do was slightly change their course and not destroy them entirely. Frankly speaking, the only person who could send such an attack was in the Forbidden realm, which was the realm above the Ocean Realm.

Lin Fan shook his head at this moment.

Even he realized this was definitely because of Princess Mane. He planned on interrogating her with not only whips and chains, but with every toy he could buy that would inflict pain.

'You... you should've told me that your ass came with danger...' Lin Fan shook his head as the boulders were deflected by Jun Fan's attack. 'If I knew your ass would risk the lives of all the other girls around me, I would've definitely made you take the walk of shame!'

Lin Fan had a really good night because of her, but that didn't mean he was satisfied. Without torturing her with the whip, he would've never gotten enough points to revive Jun Lan, and thanks to Jun Lan the boulders had no crashed on the Tang Sect's west camp.

Even Ray Tang, who was still laying half dead on the floor could tell that something horrible happened. Unfortunately, Jun Lan had to make a decision where to deflect it to, and at this moment a gigantic fire shot into the sky and ruptured the clouds.

"I'm... I'm going to need time to rest... I won't be able to participate in the battle against the wolves..." Jun Lan started to cry as her knees dropped to the floor. "I'm sorry master... All I wanted to do to please you today is going to have to wait..."

"It's okay..." Lin Fan looked into her golden eyes and pet back her blonde hair... "His daughter will suffer in your place... I promise she won't open her eyes until I drain all my anger on her..."

+ 50 sadist points

+ 100 sadist points

+ 300 sadist points.

Bin Fan was so angry his hair started to turn red and his body started to steam. Now was not a time to make jokes! How many people from the Tang Sect just died because of the girls he brought home every night!

Just now, hearing the name Princess Mane, even he was familiar of who that was. She was a member of the last generation of night queens! Having her here was like asking a thousand Ocean stage experts to attack! She was literally the one person that the elves still feared, and he was whipping her along with his daughter for fun and games?

"You... you better take that girl with you and leave... I'd rather fight the wolves by myself and die in their mouths then have such an idiot for a son in law..."

"Father in law... I had no idea you could get so angry... I'm sorry, but I have to stay to help your daughter not crash into things... I'm the only thing that can crash into her..."

+ 200 sadist points

+ 500 sadist points!

"This isn't funny!" Bin Fan said as Lin Fan picked up Jun Fan and put her in his arms... "However, wait, is that the founder you're holding? Is that seriously the founder of the sect?"

"Yup, and that means you can call me grandfather..." Lin Fan said with a smile, realizing that he was actually now technically Bin Fan's grandfather... "I promise... I won't make you any uncles okay?"

"My life... My life was once bright and full of prospects, and then you came along..." Bin Fan sighed and pointed over at the Lin Fan manor... "Let's take her to the apothecary and make sure that she doesn't have to suffer any more then she did already..."

"Yes grandson..." Lin Fan said with a smile before poking Jun Fan's face... "Let's go make sure her mouth still works..."

+ 50 sadist points

+ 100 sadist points

Forbidden Valley

Three elves and one dragonkin were looking at the dead bodies of the bandits they sent after Princes Mane. Clearly, the wolves had chosen to get revenge for what happened a few years back.

However, what surprised them more was how vicious this wolf was. All they were looking at was bones mixed in with some chicken feathers... Did it also eat a chicken too?

"She's too dangerous to not do anything about... Sooner or later, she's going to be stronger than any one of us..."

"What are you worried about? Night Queens are only powerful when they have their families around..." Han Zhou pointed at the three girls in cages behind them. "We have all her family, and she has nothing but the dress on her back... She's dead the moment we find her location..."

"I'd rather not gamble" The dragonkin said as he regretfully smacked his lips. "The humans already have the system holder which according to the prophecy means the coming of the next major war... If I'm not mistaken, our only hope is to kill her before that war happens..."

"Excuse me, but... can you please not hurt my sister..." A white haired beauty said as she shook with chains around her arms... "She's... she's really good at listening to order... Please... please if you do, I'll stop resisting the medicine..."

"We like watching you resist..." Han Zhou smiled as he tossed a rock against her cage, causing her to shake uncontrollably... "However, your sister, we'll just kill... As for that man protecting her like an idiot... "Dragon Zen... please do the honors?"

"Sure," Dragon Zen was in the forbidden stage and was extremely formidable... "However, afterwards, all three of those girls are mine... Nothing makes better babies then Night Queens... Hopefully, if I get all of them, the war will never have to come..."

"Screw you! You'll never have me! My sister has good taste in men! Whomever that guy is, he'll kick your ass!"

"Girl... The only thing that guy can do apparently is be an idiot..." Dragonkin Zen smiled before he flapped his wings and shot into the sky...

"Now, where the hell is Eight Clan Mountain?"