Playing Dumb to Catch a Fox

Fan Sect Main Manor

Lin Fan sighed as he sat in the corner looking at Jun Fan breathing heavily with the apothecary by her side. Outside, a fire was still burning on Eight Clan Mountain, and the execution of Ray Tang was beginning to smart.

It was like this three years ago, with a similar fire burning in the forest, when he first went hunting with Lightning Woo and his father. At the time, one of the most valuable lessons he learned was how to play dumb to catch a fox.

"Lin Fan..." Jin Lan had said as a small rabbit ran up to Lin Fan to get the carrot in his hand. "I know your past at the Fan Sect was horrible, but if you ever want to get revenge, you need to stop thinking so hard..."

"What do you mean? For years I scrubbed Tang Fan's floor and was his best friend. However, once they find out I don't have spiritual roots, I'm not even worth of scrubbing the floor?"

"I was the smartest person in that sect! I did the best in Sect School, and always got good grades! However, because of something I can't control, They threw me in the water with some stupid flotation device!"

"What?! Is it not even okay that i take a bath?!"

"Kid... Again, that rabbit came to you because you left your guard dropped. It wouldn't be your lunch tonight if you tried to trick it into a snare... These rabbits are used to human traps and need something different to end up on your plate?"

A small lightning bolt came out of Jin Lan's fur and hit the rabbit, which caused it's eyes to instantly dim. Lin Fan sighed, maybe his uncle had a point. Maybe it would be better that he didn't try so hard to out smart everyone. However, deep inside he was always thinking of a plan.

Lin Fan spent years training with his uncle, and perfected how to get animals to drop their guard. After a few years, even the clever Red Tail Fox in the forest was coming up to him and letting him eat him for dinner!

He would dance by the fire like an idiot and often times the fox would come over to steal his food. However, that food was really the plate it would be served on, and he was happy to once again feel like his plan was coming to fruition...

'Tonight, when Jin Lan comes, I shall finally get my revenge on the Rock Clan...' Lin Fan grinded his fist so tightly that blood almost started to burst out of his hand... If it wasn't for them killing my mother, and hiding my body, I would've gotten to know her intimately...

"What are you doing idiot?" Bin Fang sighed and sat down by Lin Fan... "You coming up with great plans for what you're going to do to my daughter tonight?"

"Your daughter will be doing all the great planning... I'll just sit back and watch..." Lin Fan said with a smile to earn a few more points for himself. "Anyways, if you want, I can try and talk to Jin Lan one more time... I'm sure he'd be willing to take a few people in exchange for your life..."

"No, I reacted too promptly when I saw that wolf by my wife..." Bin Fang sighed as Pluck walked into the room with Lightning Woo... "Anyways, it seems like you have something important to discuss with your chicken..."

"I'm a dragon!" Pluck said with an aggrieved expression... "Anyways, the wolves have left their den and will be here in three hours! All the trenches had been dug and all the traps had been set..."

'I guess this will be the time I finally show step father my true brilliance..." Lin Fan said as he shook his head reflecting on the past. "I think I finally convinced him that I'm no longer the person he met as a child... However, he's forgetting that I'm only an idiot on the outside..."

"Lin Fan... You're thinking so hard it's starting to get hot... You're scaring me..." Lightning Woo said as he licked his face... "Anyways, are you really going to stand a chance against my father... We can just go to the den like he said..."

"Hmph, you can go brat... I'll handle it..." Bin Fan said with a smile as he rubbed his black beard as Su Fan walked into the wall... "Anyways, just take my daughter with you okay... She has enough problems as it is..."

"Who put that there?" Su Fan complained after she thoroughly memorized the house. "Anyways, what's going on Lin Fan... I thought you were going to whip me... What's taking so long?"

"You little..." Bin Fan started causing Lin Fan's sadist points to rise quicker then he'd experienced in a while... "You... you're now setting up appointments to torture my daughter?"

"I... I think it's efficient..." Pluck said as he nodded his head... "However, boss, are we really going to keep the princess here?"

Lin Fan nodded his head and got up and stretched. Now that he had the system, everything he wanted was going to fall into place. However, he couldn't help himself from drueling like an idiot as Su Fan bent over to try and hug him, and instead hugged a statue...

+ 30 sadist points

+ 50 sadist points

"HAHAHAHAHA" Lin Fan Laughed... "Your daughter is the greatest treasure on earth Bin Fan! I'll have to make you a grandmother so she can make you a brother so she can make you a niece so I can have you a brother!"