He Might Get Your Wife

Fan Sect Courtyard

Lightning Woo and Mimi Fan were walking around with a list they got two hours ago from Lin Fan. She had a smile on her face as her pony tail bobbed on the back of her head, and all the soldiers had started acting really respectful towards her.

Many of the people thought that she was Lin Fan's illegitimate daughter and would either tease her gently, or try and get on her good side. However, she had a much bigger role in Lin Fan's plot to stop the Lightning Wolves, and reducing the risk.

As of right now, she had been given full authority by Lin Fan to ask the soldiers to do favors for her, and if they didn't Lightning Woo could bite their heads off. Just seeing the little girl ridding on the grey-silver fur of a Lightning Wolf made her seem both cute and intimidating.

However, nothing was more intimidating then the screaming still occurring in the background as Lin Fan dealt with the final stage of the Night Queen Baptism.

"Excuse me, but I need you to go catch bunnies..." Mimi Fan said as she showed them the list with Lin Fan's handwriting. "My father said if you don't do it Lightning Woo can eat you..."

"Hoh, little girl? You want us to get bunnies.. Is there anything else?" A group of three guards said as they looked at Mimi Fan playing with her dress cutely. "Would you also like us to try and pick flowers to stop the wolves?"

"No, but... there is something else I need from your wives..." Mimi Fan said as she showed them the list... "He wants both your wives and women's underwear for his plot... Trust me... The more underwear you bring and the happier my father will be..."

Mimi Fan had gotten accustomed to calling Lin Fan her father since it got her good things. A few weeks ago, as a slave, she barely got to eat scraps, but now people were giving them their chocolates if she asked.

There was nothing wrong with lying if you got what you want, right?

As a seven year old, she was very clever for her age, and had Pluck and Lightning Woo to back her up at this crucial time.

"Just do what the girls says... I'll kill you if you don't..." Pluck flapped his feathers as he pecked one of the soldiers in the red and green armor of the garrison troops. "Hurry up, and get your wives panties! One team get panties, and the other get the bunnies!"

"Yup, and we need the blacksmith to make long, metal rods..." Mimi Fan said with a cute smile... "Do it, quickly! Don't make me whip you!"

Mimi Fan got that line from Lin Fan last night as her mother was enjoying the lashes from him. She had been in the other room with Su Fan who was eagerly waiting her turn watching her.

"Hurry up! What are you waiting for!" Pluck said as he tossed a piece of corn at the soldiers! "Get your wives panties now before Lin Fan wakes up and steals them from you!"

"Screw you! Damn chicken!"

"Yeah, we should just kill this wolf now before he betrays us" Another one of the guards said... Even though the little girl was cute, they weren't going to give them their wives panties...

There was somethings that just didn't belong in a fight to the death, and one of those things was panties...

"Lightning Woo... Eat one and spare the other three..." Princess Mimi had a dark side after being a slave for a few weeks... "Make sure everyone is watching and let them--"

"Where am I?" Su Fan said as she leaned down and touched Mimi Fan's head... "What... what's going on? Why aren't' you guys listening to Lin Fan's daughter?"

"Su Fan... You can't be serious?" A soldier named Zhou Fan said as he shook his head... "Must we really rob our wives of the few nice underwear they have?"

"He has a plan..." Su Fan said, turning serious with a solemn expression... "I trust Lin Fan and if he wants your wives, he can have your wives! Even if he has to make them bleed for this battle! He will have your wives and if he needs do them to!"

Alchemist Shop, Lin Fan Sect.

Mimi Fan had a few more instruction from Lin Fan to complete, but was beginning to feel tired. This was a lot of responsibility for a little girl, however, luckily, it seemed there was a reason behind all Lin Fan's plots...

"So, he wants to make water containment pills? Why? If he feeds the wolves, will they run away?" She sighed and walked up to the alchemist who had on a black robe as she stood in the corner... "Excuse me, are you the alchemist?"

"Yes, I'm am her... Are you hear for the water pills that Lin Fan ordered?"

"Can... can I eat that?" Pluck said as his mouth watered as he looked at the water pill,... "That's what I need to become a dragon! Please! Please can you make a few extra for me..."

"Ah, the ingredient you're looking for to become a dragon isn't here..." The Alchemist smiled as Pluck looked downcast at the chicken feed on the floor. He was a chicken, and didn't eat such lowly food... "You... you need to go way past Forbidden Valley to find Six thousand year Ginseng Mushrooms... Still, if you want to eat a water pill, go ahead..."

"Come on... Let's go..." Mimi sighed as she took the pills... It's almost time to set up his trap..."

"You're beginning to be like him..." Lightning Woo said as he licked her face... "He's probably so proud of you Mimi Fan! When we were in the woods, he always told me that he wanted a little child that could slap people in the face!"

"Chicken Man has issues, doesn't he?" Princess Mimi laughed as she walked outside to a cage full of bunnies and panties... "Well, anyway, Let's set this stuff up..."

Fan Sect Outskirts

The Lightning Wolves were running down the mountain at a quick tempo as Princess Mimi placed Lin Fan's trap.

There were hundreds of boulders spaced equidistantly from each other in the field with large metal rods between them. She could only guess that they would be used to stop lightning, however, she had no clue what the bunnies were for...

"He... he said release the bunnies as soon as the lightning wolves pass checkpoint one..." Mimi Fan told Bin Fan as he drank some beer near the trenches... "However, you're my grandfather, right? Do you think my plan will work?"

"That brat... Lin Fan... He has a few good things about them, and one of them used to be his mind... Let's hope he can save grandfather's head, right? I'm not too ugly am I?"

"You're absolutely something only a wife could love!" Mimi Fan said with a smile and grabbed his cheeks. "However, if you do die, I promise to have Lin Fan respect your wife!"

"You little!" Bin Fan suddenly turned pale as he thought about the possiblity... "You just gave me a million reasons to live! That bastard will never have my wife!"

"You never know..." Mimi Fan said with a cute smile... "You just might die very soon..."