Please Don't Flog Mother

Lin Fan's body was full of sweat as large amounts of impurities flowed out of his body. However, as Gue Fan held him he began to see his mother as she smiled at him while wearing a maid's outfit as she fulfilled her duties.

He was somewhat conscious of it, and thought that he didn't have any memories of his mother. However, the more he stared into her eyes, the more he realized she was the reason he was so handsome. She had beautiful black hair that flowed down to her butt, with a white apron on as she hummed and sung songs to him.

As for him, he already had a text book on modern warfare on his desk. What was he doing with such a book? Did his mom secretly wish for him to be a war general?

"Your father... He left me after he made you..." Lin Fan's mother said as she smiled and cleaned the floor... "If only you become the strongest person in the world, then will your father probably return back to me..."

Her mother had a solemn look on her face as she bent down on all fours as Bin Fan watched from the window. He was currently trying to talk to the Rock Clan and get them to leave Ara Fan alone. However, one of their Elders was being persistant about buying her, and there was only so much he could do to stop them.

On Eight Clan Mountain, there was certain rules that placed elders above servants, and Ara Fan was definitely a servant. However, she also had a kid who regularly played with his daughter, and he didn't want to just give away Lin Fan's mother if he could help it...

"She's my type... 1000 teals of gold for her!" The young master said with a vicious grin... "Give her to me, or I will show you why the Rock Clan is the most powerful on the mountain..."

"Young master..." Bin Fan complained as he pointed at Lin Fan... "You can come here and watch her any time you like... I can have her keep cleaning on all fours and even wear something more provacative... However, can you resist treating my clan members like things to be bought?"

"That's how it works, though, unless you want our clan to destroy yours..." The young master really had a thing about Lin Fan's mothers ass... "Besides, she already got abandoned by that expert after having such a little snot nosed brat... What's wrong with pilfering used goods?"

"Mommy... Who are those men outside?" Lin Fan complained as he tried to learn more about military warfare... "If I was in charge of this city, I'd cut off his head to teach him a lesson..."

"Seven years old and already like your father..." Ara Fan sighed as she hiked up her skirt a little bit, hoping to appear attractive enough to entertain but not get stolen from Lin Fan... "However, if your father cared about me, he wouldn't leave me here tending to my little long nose..."

"I like mommy! I want mommy around forever!" Lin Fan complained as the guy slapped Bin Fan in the face... "Damn it! Let me go out and beat that man to the ground! I'll toss this book at him..."

"Little Fan.... Go cool off... I'll go entertain him..." Ara Fan once again proved why she was the prettiest lady in the Fan Sect, and smiled as she walked out the door of her small little house... "Come on... Don't watch mommy do her job..."

"Okay..." Lin Fan complained as he watched his mother's booty go out the door... What was she doing exactly that required her to walk in such a fragrant way? Her skirt was too high and you could see the straps on her stockings?

"Come with me..." The young master, Li Rock said as he pulled his mothers hair... "Come with me so I can make you mine! Don't you dare resist me... you used property!"

Suddenly, a book hit Li Rock in the face, and his eye swelled up really big.

Li Rock instantly got enraged because he had forgotten his glasses today and didn't even see who threw the book. He instantly tossed Ara Fan into the wall before he reached down and picked up the tome.

"Hmmm, who the hell put this in my eyes? Was it you Bin Fan?" Li Rock could only see blurry outlines at this point, and mostly knew beauty by the touch. Hence, when the book made his vision even worse he got an even greater temper...

"No, it was me..." Ara Fan said as she bit her lip... "I wanted to please you by torturing you... I thought you'd like it if I turned the tables on you for once... Since, after all, I'm the girl you want to bring home right?"

"Li... Stay Calm..." Bin Fan suggested as he pat Li Rock on the back... "She really was just teasing you, and I saw it with my own two eyes..."

"Strip her and flog her..." Li Rock said as he pointed to the well in the center of the Fan Sect... "She wants to make me happy, then let's make her scream!"

Li Fan Outer Courtyard, Sixteen Years ago

Li Fan cried as he tried to devise a plan to save his mother. He snuck into the weapon's warehouse and found some attack talismans that would protect his mother.

However, he didn't know how to get close with all those guards around his mother, Ara Fan. He wanted to cry, and picked up the military book that his mother had gotten from her father. Apparently, there was modern cities out there where science was used to solve every day problems...

There was also modern books on warfare that he read like no tomorrow. However, now because of him, his mother was being dipped in a well and not coming out like a dragon!

"I love you, Lin Fan!" Ara Fan screamed as her body became cold from the fiftieth dip... "Please... forgive mother for not teaching you more! I'm sorry!"

"Should I kill her?" Li Rock said as he dropped her in the water, causing her to nearly suffocate... "Bin Fan, if you give her to me, there is a small chance I can let her live over the swelling in my eye..."

"I... I give you full control of her body..." Bin Fan sighed as he held his sword blade... "However, what about her child? Are you so heartless you won't take him with you?"

"Children should suffer that have bad mothers..." Li Rock said as he dragged Ara Fan out of the well as water came out of her mouth and her eyes turned red... "Just tell him in a few years that she's dead and he won't know the difference..."

Bin Fan sighed as he looked at Lin Fan holding tight the books his whimsical father had given him before ditching him for the lands of the unknown... He didn't deserve to have such a bad father, nor such a pretty mother...

"Please... please I'll trade you all my savings for leaving my mother alone!" Lin Fan ran up and slammed his book on the ground... "Also, I hit you in the eye... You look better with a black eye anyway!"

"Oh, little brat? Is that true?" Li Rock turned intense as he dropped his mother's head on the floor, causing her to gently crash against the blades of trimmed grass... "If that's true, maybe both you and your mother deserve to die today!"

"He did no such thing... Please... I'm cute right?" Ara Fan got on all fours even as her throat foamed out water... "Isn't this the look that you wanted?"

"She's right..." Bin Fan said as he put away the golden sword in his sheethe.

He couldn't start a war over a servant, even if she was beautiful, and chose to protect Lin Fan while he still could... "She's right... Her son has quite the imagination... Just take her now before he tries to attack you with his little army of toys..."

"Heh... brat, in the future, you'll call me Uncle Li..." Li Rock said as he began to drag his mother to the dragon carraige with the Rock Symbol of two twisted legs... "You may even have a brother if your mother forgets you're her son..."

"I'm sorry..." Ara Fan said as she was dragged against the sand... "However, please! Please keep studying Lin Fan! Mother love--"

"Shut up!" Li Rock tossed her in the carriage as Bin Fan stopped Lin Fan from chasing after her... "Shes' dead remember! Dead as can be!"

Present Day, Lin Fan's Bed Room.

"I... I know who it is..." Lin Fan said with his eyes still closed and full of sweat... "I remember who took mother! I remember who took my mother!"

"Ugh, Mimi Fan... It looks like chicken man is getting more delusional..." Gue Fan said as he kept carressing his back... "He told me his mother is dead, and now he's lying to himself in his dreams..."

"!0 more minutes till they come... I can smell them..." Lightning Woo walked in the room and licked Lin Fan's head, pushing back his black hair... "How much longer until my brother is awake?"

"Twenty five minutes..." Princess Mane watched the white lights floating around him slowly start to go into his body... "Twenty five minutes until a true man is born..."