Blindfolded Bunnies

Fan Sect Outskirts, Checkpoint One

Jin Lan sighed as he came across a site he never expected to see sitting in front of him. He had three hundred wolves that were his closest family members surrounding him, but he never expected to see blindfolded bunnies that were shivering with fear.

However, there was a very pleasant scent coming from the blindfolds that smelled like young women. He walked up to it and sniffed it, and was pleasantly surprised to see his step-son's writing on the bunnies.

"Step Father..." Lin Fan's handwriting said in big black letters... "This is a present so you take it easy on the Fan Sect! We found your favorite type of bunnies and even put a pleasant scent on them!"

"The brat... He thinks killing my brother can be recompensed with bunnies..." Jin Lan sighed and looked back at his raging troops turning hungry from the properly prepared bunnies. Even though they were still alive, and scared, many of them had been seasoned in a way that any Lightning Wolf would love.

Lin Fan had really gone out of his way to tease them before their big battle...

'Perhaps I'll only kill the men, and leave all the women for Lin Fan..." Jin Lan sighed as he looked back at his pack of wolves... 'That way, he can take control of the human part of the mountain and we can reign in harmony...'

Truthfully, Jin Lan saw two benefits in killing the head of the Fan Sect. One, it would get him revenge for what happened to brother birthfire, and two it would allow Lin Fan to take control of the sect.

However, now the little brat literally seasoned bunnies and had them acting like scared women on their wedding night... He turned back and nodded his head at his youngest lightning wolves...

"You can eat them, but be quick..." Jin Lan sighed as he sniffed one and thought about eating it... However, he didn't see a reason he should be eating over the young in his pack... However, of course, a few of the older wolves pushed passed them and also started eating the bunnies.

In a few minutes, all the bunnies had been devoured as he looked at the Fan Sect's fires burning down the hill. The moon was whirling behind the opaque clouds, and making their victory more apparent.

At night time, a Lightning Wolf could kill humans above their level by their stealth techiniques. They as a race had spent years perfecting the Lightning Steps that allowed them to increase their speeds greatly and dodge attacks.

However, suddenly, Jin Lan turned around as he started to walk and heard a popping sound.

Ta ta!

Ta ta!

Suddenly, all the wolves that ate dropped to the floor and instantly started vomiting. They began to try and throw up the remaining bunnies. A few of the bunnies were still alive, and hopped off, but the rest simply puked out so much that it began to disrupt their inner strength.

Lightning Wolves had something known as a Lightning Gland which was required to make lightning based attacks. Humans had similar cores in their bodies that stored their elements, however, Lightning Wolves were in their mouths...

Jin Lan sighed and realized that fragment smell of women's panties had distracted him from the attack talismans inside the rabbits mouths. More and more loud bangs sounded as even his top generals rolled on the floor helplessly...

'Smart brat... They won't be able to use lightning attacks now that they ate your stupid bunnies... However, how did he make them go off after they ate?'

Jin Lan sighed and saw some alchemist water containment pills littered across the floor. The pills probably burst when the rabbits were bitten into, which caused the attack talismans to react and explode.

Simply put, the talismans were water soluble and would only activate under a great amount of water. The saliva in a rabbit was nothing compared to the large amount of water in a pill. It was for this, reason, also that many of the running bunnies looked drunk as they ran off into the woods...

"You're step-son is dead when I see him..." A wolf came up to Jin Lan and spit out a bunny that he'd been smart enough not to bite into... "However, he really learned our weaknesses over the years... Don't you think it be wise we attacked in a more indirect way?"

"I don't think it would be very becoming of Lightning Wolves to be scared of some little humans in the Warrior Realm... Both me and you just broke through the Ocean realm... That little brat has no idea how quickly I'll tear off Bin Fan's head..."

"I'm sorry, but you didn't answer the question... Since you tried to avoid it, I'm killing Lin Fan..."

"Touch him, and your wive and children and all of your family our dead..." Jin Lan glowered into Uncle Heathens eyes... "You know how hard it is to get a human to trust wolves? With him in place as the head of the Fan Sect, will finally be able to get revenge against the elves..."

"That's your revenge plot, and Lin Fan is my dinner... Take my kids, but I'll be having his wives and body for desert..." Uncle Heathen sprinted off into the distance, activating his lightning steps and increasing his speed greatly...

Was he a fool?

Jin Lan laughed knowing the type of things that Lin Fan had probably planned... After all, he was like a son to him, and he taught him how to be the most cunning bastard. The kind of cunning bastard that can even trick a man's wife to get down on all fours and receive a massage!

"You won the first round, little brat..." Jin Lan rushed forward, leaving behind the sick wolves with a few of the older members... "However, there is still 250 of us left... Your perverted rabbits can't be the best you thought of, can they?"

Fan Sect Outskirts...

Bin Fan sighed and looked at the crafty set up that Lin Fan had made, including the metal rods he had propped up in the center of the field...

At this time, the wolves were beginning to sprint onto the field, and one massive wolf was leading the charge... He sighed, and looked down at Mimi as she nodded her head. Suddenly, dozens of water containment pills were thrown forward at her direction...

"Fire!" Mimi Fan said again, causing a large amount of arrows to get sent into the sky... To be honest, many of the men felt like idiots firing arrows at such a fast beast. Unless Lin Fan had come up with the ultimate scheme, Bin Fan would survive for only a few more seconds before that beast bit off his head...

However, to their surprise, suddenly the large beast in the front of the pack fell, and slid into one of the rocks before it's body started to spark with lightning.

The next moment, all the lightning rods in the area lit up as a large amount of water containment pills exploded. From that explosion, the entire area became electrified as the large wolf slid into a hidden trench and fell...

How the hell had Lin Fan known that would happen? All they heard was a loud wolf groan as he fell into a trench full of panties and spikes...

"He... He's a good father... I told you he'd be worthy of your wife..." Mimi Fan pet Bin Fan on the back as he dropped his mouth and stared out at the lightning wolves waiting patiently in the distance... "Now, are you ready for phase two of his plans?"