Seven Legendary Pearls

Forbidden Valley Outskirts

Dragon Zen laid on the side of the river as blood dripped out of his chest. Since he was already in the Forbidden realm, this type of injury wasn't enough to kill him. However, it was a large enough injury that he wouldn't be able to fight for a few weeks.

The elf in charge of Forbidden Valley, Han Zhou, had promised him quite a few gifts if he returned with Lin Fan before the Forbidden Tournament started in a few weeks. The way it was now, though, he wouldn't be returning anywhere or moving until the tournament started.

He felt like he could barely see the world and felt like Lin Fan was actually a genius hiding behind the mask of an idiot. Everything he heard from Han Zhou entailed Lin Fan doing stupid things with girls like making them squat on all fours and get whipped while he sang songs. However, could it be that he was also playing an idiot?

'I... I know some people think I'm stupid, but I'm actually smart!' Dragon Zen pushed himself off the floor as he felt a strange voice begin to appear from the river... 'I only did bad in school because I was never given any attention by the teachers! However, as the son of the owner of the Dragon Throne, I have endless potential,...'

As Dragon Zen was lying to himself suddenly that voice became loud enough to hear. A mellifluous tone spread through the air as a small girl with a coat made out of coral walked out of the river into the bright sun.

She smiled as she walked onto the soot filled side of the river as she appeared behind Dragon Zen on his right side. He couldn't see her because of his eye, and tried to turn only to find out she wasn't there.

The little girl, on the other hand, was just staying on the right side of his scaly face as if she was playing with her little plaything. She leaned into his ear as her pale white skin shinned in the sun as her black hair fell down to touch his eyes.

"There is little I like more then seeing someone so strong... Would you like to team up? If you join my team, I really do believe we can win the tournament...'

"I'm done with teamwork for the next few years... However, be warned, my father is the owner of the Dragon Throne..."

"Oh, so if I control you, does that mean your father will be upset?" The little girl licked her lips as she took out a small pearl and played with it in her hands as she tried to decide... "I mean... I have the 99th most rare treasure on the Heavenly Chest List here for you if you decide to help me out..."

"The 99th item? I learned that in school, but I forgot..." Dragon Zen regretfully only remembered the top 10 and barely bothered studying the bottom of the list... "However, since you're from the water race, it must be one of the Seven Legendary Pearls?"

"It's the least rare one, but enough for someone as cute as you..." The girl sighed as she realized that Dragon Zen had figured out she was from the Water Race. He wasn't a complete idiot, but she only wished he'd died to her Water Serpent so she wouldn't have to waste this pearl... "My name is Hanna Lin and I'm the holder of the Blessed Sumatra Pearl... In exchange for me using it to heal you, you'll be required to do one thing to pay me back..."

"I remember that pearl... It's the one that I have to swallow right! I will only be able to spit it out if I complete the task..." Dragon Zen opened his mouth without a second of after thought about it... "Fine, but first you should tell me what I have to accomplish right..."

"The same thing as before... Kill Lin Fan... He stabbed my brother in the eye so he deserves to die..." Hanna Lin smiled and cut open her finger before she dropped a piece of her blood on the pearl and gently pushed it into Dragon Zen's mouth... "With so much going on, having someone so strong on my side will be worth it..."

"I... I like the smell of your blood..." Dragon Zen smiled as he swallowed the pill and began to feel stars spin around his head. Suddenly, he began to hear the sweet sound of someone singing, and it got louder and louder as that pill fell down his throat.

The next moment, he felt like his mind had ended up in a cage surrounded by thousands of bars. He had no idea what happened, but he felt himself moving further and further away from that voice as his body began to move on his own...

"Well, you're really an idiot..." Hanna Lin said as a small projection appeared in both her hands with both the water serpent and Dragon Zen. "However, you have pretty good stats besides for intelligence... Just a little dumb... Well, very dumb..."

Hanna Lin sighed as she looked at the hole in Dragon Zen's body and sighed as she took out the real Blessed Sumatra Pearl and fed it to Dragon Zen. If only Dragon Zen stayed away in school, probably would've learned to identify the Seven Legendary Pearls. Instead, he was now dancing by the rivers edge as Hanna Lin put her feet in the water...

"Well, those two are also interesting... However, if I came within ten feet of that man he'd probably kill me..." Hanna Lin smiled at Gale Fan as he ran off with Tang Fan towards the tents in Forbidden Valley... "Scary, and here I thought my father was a nightmare...'

Hanna Lin had the ability to sense power levels thanks to the seven pearls that she owned. The Pearl of Detection would change colors depending on the rank of the person. Gale Fan didn't know his rank, but he was actually already in the Enchantment Realm, which was after the Forbidden Realm. Even seeing him run away, though, made Hanna Lin excited, if she found a man who looked like Gale Fan she'd immediately propose to him.

"Now, let's go see what this Lin Fan looks like... Hopefully, he won't mind me taking that system from him..." Hanna Lin smiled and sat on Dragon Zen's back as he bent down on all fours like a horse. He could only watch in horror from a long distance away as his body took off from the little girls pearl controller...

"Now, let's go see what this bad boy can do..."

Fan Sect Outskirts

Lin Fan stood in the center of the grass field around the metal polls and rocks he'd set up for the battle. There was still bunnies running around prowling for wolves as they tried to seek revenge on the wolf that had killed their father.

That bunny was a very fecund bunny and was actually a Magic Beast that had millions of children. Some even said that 50 percent of the bunnies descended from that one bunny. In a way, it was sort of like the story of his father, except he had babies on thousands of worlds.

Lin Fan was only aware of Eight Clan Mountain, and really hoped to catch up to his father in terms of having children. However, right now, his priority was increasing the strength of his Eternal Lightning Body.

[Elemental Lightning Body has broken through the Basic Rank and reached the Moderate Rank!]

Lin Fan sighed as lightning wolves surrounded him from every side at Jin Lan's direction. He had to struck by millions of bolts of lightning to fully master the Elemental Lightning Body. However, rather then getting struck over and over again, he decided to connect the network of polls to his arms so he would get shocked constantly.

Basically, the lightning would go into the metal poll, and because the way he connected the polls each bolt would strike him hundreds of times. With this small little calculation, a single bolt of Jin Lan's lightning would be enough to torture hundreds of beauties or one Lin Fan.

Lin Fan couldn't torture women at this time, and knew he had to get strong quickly. Suddenly, a lightning bolt came out from the mouths of a hundred wolves, bypassing a few crazed bunnies, and hitting him in the chest.

Instantly, a bar appeared in front of him showing how much of the lightning element he'd absorbed into his system. Because he didn't have spiritual roots, his system had to absorb an element for him to have power in the Forbidden Stage.

Long story short, he could have control of any element as long as he got hit with it enough. However, he wasn't a masocist, and was only having dreams of whipping his girls as bolt after bolt of lightning shot into his body.

"He... He's thinking about me, I can tell..." Su Fan said as she rubbed his ass... "Also, I really think he hit me so hard in the ass, I'm starting to see again... He has white hair, doesn't he?"

"No, Su Fan..." Mimi Fan pat Su Fan on the back... "You just walked into a tree, which is why I think you're seeing white..."

"Oh, well, maybe he just has to hit me harder?" Su Fan sighed as she felt the lightning in the air dissipate beneath her feet... "What about you? Did Lin Fan give you any missions..."

"He said that I'm going to be a blacksmith when I grow up, and he purchased some blacksmith scrolls for me to practice with! I can't wait to show you the torture chamber I'm making..."

"I... I can't wait until I can see it!" Su Fan smiled as Lin Fan screamed from the Lightning striking his body... "I'm so excited for your future, Mimi Fan!"