Super Clan's Gift

Rock Clan, Eight Clan Mountain

Li Rock sighed as he looked down at the three small children that were related to Lin Fan. Out of all the children he wished he had, none of them made him more sad then Lin Fan. He still remembered that day he took Lin Fan's mother away from him and drove up to the top of Eight Clan Mountain.

For many years, Ara Fan had served him well before she was past her expiration date. However, he hadn't seen her since he released her into Brake Root Forest ten years ago. He was pretty certain if a Magic Beast hadn't eaten her by now she was probably living poorly trapped in a man's lair.

Luckily, Li Rock was pretty certain that Lin Fan had memorized that his mother was dead after his conversations with Bin Fan. As for the girl he sent, Ha Rock, he couldn't understand why she hadn't returned any of his messages, and waited impatiently by the Rock Sect Gate.

All he could see was the mist of the mountain as it mixed with the smoke from the burning Tang Sect and the rise of the morning sun. It was hard to believe that the Fan Sect had been attacked two times in two days and that there was still no fire burning in that village. Li Rock sighed and took a swig of some Heavenly Liquor as one of the kids he had with Ara Fan ran over to him and picked up some scraps that he dropped.

This was Lin Fan's half-brother, Ra Fan, and he was a complete waste compared to his older brother. Li Rock sighed and reached out and picked up Ra Fan. Perhaps it was a sense of danger, but today he decided not to beat this little brat...

"Father... You aren't going to hurt me today?" Ra Fan said with a confused expression as he stared at Li Rock's handsome jaw and gorgeous blue eyes. "I thought if I didn't pick up the scraps fast enough, you'd kick me in the back of the head?"

"You're Lin Fan's brother? Did you know that?" Li Rock said as he bounced Ra Fan on his leg... "From this day forward, you will be a member of the inner sect! No one except me will ever treat you poorly again!"

"Wow! Really?" Ra Fan smiled before a hand hit him quickly in the back of the head. Li Rock instantly changed his mind and smiled as he leaned against the red gate that was at the top of Eight Clan Mountain.

However, suddenly, out of the mist he saw a large number of men approaching. He turned around and called over a few of the guards to go check it out...

"Yes! Yes Li Rock!" The two soldiers knocked over Ra Fan and pulled out their swords only to be shot in the head by an arrow as soon as they left the gate.

Li Rock instantly dropped the beer he was holding and picked up Ra Fan into his arms. Holding him like a protective vest against the arrows that were traveling through the mist towards his soldiers.

"Shit! Is it the Fan Sect? Soldiers! Attack! Don't let them get near me!"

Li Rock ran away from the gate and towards the Rock Clan Main Hall before he noticed that Ha Rock had appeared back in the sect. She was holding a farmer's scythe as she rubbed her butt with her other hand with a smile on her face.

He didn't know how she got back, but he was glad to see her.

Ha Rock had been his trump card and was also the person he most wanted to see!

"Is Lin Fan dead?" Li Rock said as he rubbed his chest. "If so, did you find out what his system did?"

"Is that his brother?" Ha Rock smiled as she leaned in and poked Ra Fan's cute chubby cheeks. "His cheeks are so swollen. Have you been okay, little guy?"

"Sister Ha? I was just protecting father!" Ra Fan said as he rubbed off the dust off his face... "He hit me again, but I'm strong! Only if a dragon swallow me whole will I ever feel pain!"

"Dumbass, answer m--"

Suddenly, Li Rock's head rolled on the ground as Ha Rock covered Ra Fan's eyes. She smiled and kissed him on the cheek as the troops from the Jiang Super Sect decimated all that was inside the Rock Sect.

All the men were being killed by soldiers in the Ocean Realm. The strongest members of the Rock clan were only in the Warrior Realm, and barely stood a chance.

Obviously, the women and children were left alive, but the three that were treated the best were children related to Lin Fan. The Jiang Sect couldn't think of any better gift then to give them to Lin Fan as a present...

"Come on... I know a man who really wants to meet you... Would you like to meet your brother, Lin Fan?"

"You really mean it! I can meet the legendary women slapper!"

Ha Rock suddenly felt a twinge of anger as she heard that nickname... So, he'd earned a nickname since she left? Had he increased his amount of women from five to thirty? Her head began to rush with vehement thoughts of jealousy as she put down Ra Fan in a dragon carriage...

"Little cutie... Your father will be staying here, okay? After that, though, would you be willing to help me find your mother?"

"You mean? You think mother is alive?" Ra Fan's life seemed to get a million times better... "I haven't seen her since father left with her to Brake Root Forest!"

"Brake Root Forest, huh? I wonder where I'll find her..." Ha Rock cracked her knuckles as she held Ra Fan's ears as more and more soldiers were killed behind her... "Oh well, I can always make him a child if I can't find his mother..."

"You must really like brother..." Ra Fan smiled as he kept his eyes closed... "However, where are my two sisters? Did father let them out from the cellar, yet?"

"Your father is in the cellar, deep beneath the ground, and is paying for putting them there..." Ha Rock kissed him on the head as two more beautiful blonde haired kids were put next to Ra Fan... "See, they are out of the cellar! Now, shall we see Lin Fan!"

"You're the best sister Rock! You're the best!"

Fan Sect Outskirts

Lin Fan smiled as a notification appeared again followed by the sound of lightning striking his body. The wolves were beginning to get tired in front of him, and had to recharge. All he could hope was that his Eternal Lightning Body was strong enough to deal with that Dragon Kin.

[You're Eternal Lightning Body has leveled up from the Moderate Realm to the Solemn Realm]

[You've gained access to Ocean Realm skills related to Lightning! Increase the amount of lightning stored in your body to learn higher level skills!]

'Seriously? I drained an entire pack of Lightning Wolves of their lightning and I only have enough for Ocean Realm skills.' Lin Fan gulped as he stared at Su Fan squatting on the ground as she crawled towards him... 'It looks like I'll have to find another use for my points...'

"Lin Fan... My ass misses you... Can you leave a mark on it... I think you're helping me see..." Su Fan stopped right in front of him as Lightning Woo came up with a worried look on his face... "Wait, is something wrong, Lin Fan?"

"I smell a large force coming down the mountain..." Lightning Woo said as his orange eyes started to sparkle with light, showing a look of both fear and anger as he sensed the impending force... "They are definitely strong enough to slaughter five Dragon Zens..."

"I guess that means Su Fan's ass will have to take a beating..." Lin Fan rubbed her butt which still had marks on it from the night before... "However, can you tell where they are coming from..."

"It's definitely not from around here..." Pluck was never far away from Lightning Woo as he crossed his wings and shook his head... "If I'm right, those men are from the Jiang Super Sect... They must be here to try and eat me..."

"Are you serious?" Su Fan said with an aghast expression... "This is really bad Lin Fan! Smack me as hard as you can! I really want to be able to see by the time they show up!"