Golden King Ape

Brake Root Forest

A lady hummed as she bent down and foraged for some fruit in the morning time. She'd been here for ten years, and every day she'd miraculously find food, or a unique treasure that she could bring back to the Magic Beast Academy.

Currently, she was a teacher helping teach Magic Beasts that would rule the forests and the mountains all across East Continent. However, many in her classes didn't understand how a human that had only cultivated to the Ocean Realm was able to wander so deep into Brake Root Forest.

As of this morning, she was in the domain of a legendary Dragon Beast known as the Five Tailed Grey Fox, and was currently picking some of its favorite hundred year fire fruits. Still, this lady seemed bothered even as a six meter tall fox stealthily approached her form behind.

'I think Lin Fan is finally beginning to become like his father...' Ara Fan smiled as she reached down and pulled out all ten of the Hundred Year Fire Fruits, and put them in the spatial ring in her hand. A spatial ring was something only few humans had, but she had two on her left and right hand. 'However, it would be nice if his father stopped scheming, and just showed up to help him... After all, if he hadn't helped me in those six years in the Rock Sect, I think I maybe would've committed suicide...'

Ara Fan smiled as a small statue walked passed her and did a slight bow as it headed towards the gigantic Five Tailed Grey Fox. This small statue had gold all over it's body and was roughly the size of Lin Fan's hand, which was currently hitting Su Fan in the ass. However, unlike Lin Fan's hand, this statue actually had a much more intimidating ability to inflict pain...

Still, to the Five Tailed Grey Fox it merely saw it as a small obstacle to the women who'd been ravaging its territory. She'd literally taken all hundred year fruits it had cultivated, and was beginning to explore in the territory of his Thousand Year Ice Fruit. If she got that, he could forget about ever becoming a Enchanted Realm Beast.

At this moment, the Five Tailed Grey Fox began to cause the vines in the forest to all begin to head to Ara Fan as she plucked out an ten year ice fruit that she'd just found. Her smile was so captivating that a few of the other magic beasts tried to warn her of the incoming attack.

'Now... Don't recall that night... I'm sure Lin Fan's father would enjoy that, and I don't want him getting points because of my wandering mind...' Ara Fan shook her head as the small statue behind her started to grow exponentially into a gigantic King Golden Ape. She didn't even notice it as she got a flashback from over fifteen years ago...

'Sometimes, I can't help but recall how dumb Li Rock was, and how brazen Lin Fan's father had been....' Ara Fan finally gave into the flashback of her nights at the Rock Clan.

Li Rock had always tried to woo her at night before a small statue would walk into the room and put him under its spell. That statue would turn into a gigantic wooden effigy full of splinters that Li Rock would be more than happy to use for the night.

At the same time, Lin Fan's father would appear and kiss her on the lips. She blushed as she recalled how those three children had been made as Li Rock screamed in pain from the splinters he got from the wooden statue he tried to give his all to at night.

However, she still felt somewhat angry that Lin Fan's father, Zhou Kan, had bothered to trick Li Rock so bad when a single nail of his could've killed Li Rock forever. Was this another plan to trick Lin Fan so he could be strong enough to dominate millions of women?

'I heard recently that the son didn't fall too far from the tree...' Ara Fan didn't notice but the small statue behind her had really turned into a Golden King Ape, and was currently fighting the Five Tailed Grey Fox.

Unfortunately, even the Five Tailed Grey Fox was no match for a Golden King Ape.

The Golden King Ape simply swung its fist forward and instantly all the vines in the forest approaching Ara Fan burst into flames before a gigantic spear shot into the chest of the Five Tailed Grey Fox.

It barely got a chance to blink before its body took off the ground. However, what was really surprising was how that Golden King Ape looked extremely scared to turn around and glance at Ara Fan. It was like the heaven's would kill it if it had any indecent thoughts about that beautiful black haired women...

"I think it's about time I return to class...' Ara Fan smiled and bit into one of the hundred year fire fruits as she had her breakfast. 'I'm pretty sure the students in Magic Beast Academy are awake by now... Since we're getting so closed to the Forbidden Tournament, I'm sure they'll be super excited for their lesson...'

Ara Fan sighed and looked down at the small statue behind her as it saluted and jumped back into her pocket. It was the same statue that turned into the wooden effigy that would beat Li Rock every time he tried to touch her in an intimate way, and seemed to trap him in an illusion.

However, for years, she wondered what it did every time she ventured into Brake Root Forest. It seemed like it had a will of its own.

Fan Sect

Lin Fan sighed as two gigantic forces marched into the small gate of the Fan Sect.

One appeared to be the Jiang Super Sect, and the other appeared to be another Super Sect. However, he wasn't aware of why both of them seemed so hostile towards each other. All he really cared about was the beautiful women in both their armies.

He couldn't help but drool as he studied the short skirts on their bodies, and the tight low cut shirts they were wearing. How the hell was this an army? It was like a buffet that they were trying to tempt him with...

"I'd be really careful..." Lightning Woo said as he growled behind Lin Fan... "Some of them wreak of humans blood.... Especially the members of the Jiang Super Sect... Don't trust them for a minute!"

"I... I still can't see..." Su Fan complained as she got hit in the ass again as Lin Fan had gotten accustomed to slapping her on the ass... "Did my father go great them yet?"

"Lin Fan... It's time for you to be promoted..." Bin Fan sighed as Jin Lan walked out on his right side... "I was talking to your step father, and I think you should be the leader of the sect...'

'You just don't want to die because two Super Clans are visiting...' Lin Fan smiled and accepted the robe of the Head Elder of the Fan Sect... 'However, it really is nice seeing my two father's getting along so well... It's funny... One moment they are fighting, and the next they are trying to sell me who has the best human daughter...'

Lin Fan smiled and put on the robe before he walked up to the two super clan's main leaders. At the same time, three little children were standing by Ha Rock as she shyly waved to Lin Fan from a distance... Is that where his extra ass had went? He was so upset from her being gone because it was so hard to get points without those extra butt cheeks!

"Lin Fan... I'm sorry I left, however, I have three special people I'd like you to meet..."

"He's not interested..." Mimi Fan crossed her arms as she pat Lin Fan's thigh... "I'm the only little girl he needs... Isn't that right chicken man?"

"Where did you come from? Shouldn't you be in the blacksmith shop?" Lin Fan smiled and shook his head as the three little kids nervously hid behind Ha Rock's leg... "You're only one of the little girls I want to hold dear in my heart... I plan on having more children then the stars in the sky!"

"I'm their leader though, right?" Mimi Fan said as she rubbed her hands with a nefarious grin...

"You promise me that you'll never forgot me, chicken man?"

"Mimi Fan..." Lin Fan gave her a kiss on the forehead as Ha Rock began to introduce him to the three little people from the Rock Sect... "You'll always be my main whip...I promise... No one will ever replace you..."

"Thank you!" Mimi Fan did a curtsy in her cute little red dress as Ra Fan's little head finally perched out from behind Ha Rock's back... Instantly, his eyes watered as he looked up at Lin Fan... His brother wasn't going to hurt him too, was he?

"These are your three relatives, or brothers and sisters..." Ha Rock said as she shook her head, recalling the treatment that these three little kids went through... "They had a troubling history in the Rock Clan, but they are related to you by blood..."

"Well, we all suffer a little bit in life..." Lin Fan smiled and pat Ra Fan on the head... "Welcome to the sect, little guy... What happened to your cheek?"

"Father hit me because I forgot to pick up the scraps..." Ra Fan said as he nervously bowed on the floor in front of Lin Fan. "I'm so sorry, brother! I should've been a better helper..."

"I think you're perfect... However, where is that father now? I think its about time he picks up scraps for all eternity..."

"He's been harvested... I mean harvesting..." Ha Rock made a cut throat gesture as she pointed to the dragon carriage that the three kids were in... "We needed someone strong to stay in the darkest parts of our farm land..."

"Oh, well, I think it's about time we bring that man back to life so he can suffer for all eternity..." I mean... farm for all eternity..." Lin Fan cracked his knuckles as Mimi Fan poked Ra Fan in the face... "Yup, sounds about right... Farming in hell for all eternity..."