Sadistic Farm

Lin Fan talked with both delegations from the Jiang Super Clan, and the Monarch Super Clan. Both of the super clans wanted him to be on their team for the Forbidden Tournament in Forbidden Valley, and both of them brought him gifts.

The Jiang Super Sect brought his three blood relatives along with a few high grade lightning pills. These lightning pills contained about three hours of suffering on the metal polls in the Fan Sect Outskirts, and would save him countless hours on cultivation.

As for the Monarch Super Clan, they had brought several workers that could help the Fan Sect, and all of them were women that were experts in certain trades. One was a blacksmith, another was a farmer, and the other was an alchemist.

Mimi Fan already looked extremely excited at the prospect of having such a hot teacher. The blacksmith from the Monarch Sect had extremely large features and a body that curved inward like an hour glass on a mission to please men's eyes. However, out of all the gifts that touched him the most, was the fact that he turned Li Rock into a [Resurrection Slave]

The Fan Sect had a ton of farm land that was normally given to members of the Fan family that weren't gifted with spiritual roots. They lived normal lives without much suffering, however, Lin Fan had other plans for Li Rock as he bowed in front of Lin Fan and rapidly hit his head over and over and over again until he died only to be revived.

Lin Fan smiled as he revived Li Rock again only to have him kill himself as he went with the blonde alchemist from the Monarch Super Clan. Of course, there was nothing in the rules for the Forbidden Tournament that said he couldn't be on two teams. Hence, he accepted both of the gifts from the Super Clans, and even started poking the blacksmith's ass.

"It's not made of metal..." Ana Moe said as she blushed at Lin Fan's persist ant touching over her round ovular butt. "Now, I'm here to help you in anything that you want... However, if you want my butt, you might want to take me out on a date first..."

Ana Moe blushed as she thought about what the clan master at the Monarch Super Clan said regarding Lin Fan, and that was to please him at any cost. The fact was she thought she he meant by blacksmithing, but now Lin Fan was drooling as he stared at her round features.

"It's just so perfect, and you're also a blacksmith! I think the world is truly fair!" Lin Fan commented as Mimi Fan sighed and covered her eyes... Was this how all men were? She promised in the future to never marry am an unless he was as successful as the chicken man!

"So, father... Are you going to stop touching her butt... She's here to show us ideas for how to make you stronger..."

"There is so much potential there, though, to earn points..." Lin Fan sighed as he gently stopped poking her butt as he sighed and stood up to look up at her face. She had the cutest dimples and even was turning red the closer he got to her. As of right now, there was not a single thing that she laid out on the table that he didn't like...

"So, since the humans usually lose at the Forbidden Tournament, my super clan's main elder told me to help you increase your strength quickly... I believe you have a few areas that haven't been mined that have a surplus of Fire Grade Crystals... These should be able to turned into Low Grade Fire Catalyst Pills, which should increase your strength safely..."

"I see, and your clans elder also is okay with me working for two Super Clans? He's not upset at the fact that I want to use you for my benefit?"

"No, not at all... In fact, he says if you need new tools to torture women, you can try them out on me..." Ana Moe said as she blushed and lowered her head. "However, I prefer I really do get to know you first... I never kissed a man let alone was used to give him points..."

"He's going to make you scream..." Mimi Fan couldn't help but have a corrupt world after living with Lin Fan for a few weeks. "However, even I can't help but get lost in your butt! Is that natural to have such a large butt?"

"It's my father's family... We all have features like this..." Ana Moe said as she passed him a small dagger that she had made that had reached the Blaze Rank in terms of quality. There was the Normal Rank, the Entry Rank, the Blaze Rank, and then the Horizon Rank for low grade Blacksmith items.

The Blaze Rank was a weapon normally meant for someone in the Ocean Realm, but Lin Fan was more interested in the line that she had said about him doing anything to her...

"So if i said bend over, you'd have to do it?"


"Mimi Fan! Go get your mother! We'll need a medic!"

Mimi Fan smiled and walked out the room as she took a piece of metal plate with her as Ana Moe blushed and bent over on the iron table full of her hammers, anvil, and other supplies.

+ 500 sadist points!

Lin Fan smacked hard because he was excited and caused Ana Moe to scream.

He finally had a new ass for his family! He smiled and looked down at Ana Moe as she somewhat trembled from his slap... She didn't look ready for the full Lin Fan treatment yet, so he sighed and pointed at the table...

"Let's... let's see what you can do with a little extra heat in the room... How is that for starters?"

"You... you mean you want me to suffer slowly?" Ana Moe said as she wiped the sweat off her head and smiled at Lin Fan... "You mean... You aren't as terrible as the rumors about you actually are?"

"I'm actually more concerned about getting revenge for Ra Fan... Do you know of anywhere extremely hot and hellish that I can send a man to dig for eternity?"

Ana Moe nodded her head, and pointed to one of the women that the Monarch Sect had gifted to Lin Fan's Sect in exchange for his participation in the Forbidden Tournament... The women in question was a geologist who was familiar in the minerals, and was here to help Lin Fan find Fire Grade Crystals.

He smiled and lightly slapped Ana Moe's butt, causing her to jump and give him + 30 sadist points. However, his real mission for today was to ensure that he made Li Rock suffer as much as possible.

Fan Sect Farmland

Lin Fan smiled as a beautiful black haired beauty stepped out of a dragon carriage with a small compass in her hand. She nodded her head and put her finger in her mouth before she put it out to test the wind.

"This is the area... This area is extremely rich in Fire Grade Crystals!" Rae Moe said as she turned to look at Li Rock as he stabbed himself over and over again in the arm earning Lin Fan a few hundred sadist points... "This area is perfect for excavating rare minerals... However, whomever does this will have to suffer quite a lot..."

"Fire Grade Crystals tend to make the land not able to be farmed, which is why this area seems so desolate. However, when you dig ten feet, you should begin to see a red shimmer, and that's when things will get really hot..."

"I think this will be where I torture people for all eternity..." Lin Fan nodded his head and decided to call this place Sadists Farm. "Li Rock... How would you feel about digging here until your body gets set on fire and I have to revive you only to burn again?"

+ 50 sadist points

+ 100 sadist points

Li Rock dropped his head and then fell on his knees only to apologize hundreds of times. However, would Lin Fan really care about someone who dare abused his family, and especially his mother...

"Sorry, but... you know you deserved this..." Lin Fan ordered Li Rock to start digging as Rae Moe showed him a good place to start. He smiled and ordered Li Rock to start digging his eternal grave.

"You can only rest when your dead..." Lin Fan waved good bye to Li Rock as he cried and started digging with a small shovel... "If you die or dehydration, don't worry, I'll see your red dot go off on my map..."

"So cruel..." Rae Moe whispered under her breath as her legs started to shake... "Here, I thought Hell couldn't be created on Earth... Well, looks like I was wrong..."