Masochist Bonus

Lin Fan smiled as he constantly received points from Li Rock's suffering. However, he still had a lot to attend to at the sect. For one, he had only worked with two of the beautiful girls from the Monarch Sect and the new Alchemist remained. Luckily, the Monarch Sect had built her a new high tech Alchemist Facility before they left the Fan Sect.

They even left a few Forbidden stage experts just in case Dragon Zen arrived again to try and cause trouble. To the delegation from both Super Clans, it was well worth it that Lin Fan had two weeks with just girls and his system to train. If he got disturbed, then the reward of the Elf Empyrean Sun might be able to be theirs.

The Elf Empyrean sun was the top prize of the Forbidden Tournament, and was to be given to the winners of the tournament. It was something that all seven races wanted extremely badly because of its aid to their cultivation. One Elf Empyrean Sun was enough to increase the density of spiritual energy that could be found in the air, and therefore increase the rate of absorption of normal cultivators spiritual roots.

Even Lin Fan would see a point bonus when he was around an Elf Empyrean sun, and he was extremely excited as he looked down at the Alchemist preparing to teach him how she made pills.

She was going to begin to make the Fire Catalyst Pills and had even bent over because she knew what her other job was at this moment.

"Just do it already... Begin to get points off of me..." An Moe said as she perked out her two butt cheeks and started drawing an alchemist diagram, which was necessary every time she wanted to make a new pill... "I'm actually one of the girls who likes to get slapped in the ass, so if you want to get points you're going to have to do it hard..."

"You mean? You're a masochist..." Lin Fan gulped as he began to rub An Moe's butt... "Is it really okay that I just slap you? I think there is even a bonus in points if I get matched with a masochist..."

"Yup, I was sick a lot as a child, and had to be fed by a tube until I was nine... Because of that, every time someone is rough with me, I kind of consider it my job to enjoy it..."

"What... does that mean I can start with whips..."

"You can't bind my hands right now, but even knives don't scare me... I was operated on dozens of times growing up... I'm lucky I came out so beautiful...: An Moe winked as her black hair fell down and wrapped around Lin Fan's arm as he looked down at a large book on the table.

As a child, he always wanted to learn the type of alchemy that would make any women fall in love with him, and was curious enough about it that he began to slap An Moe as he picked up the book with his other hand.

+ 30 (+5) sadist points

+ 50 (+8) sadist points

Lin Fan smiled as An Moe smiled and kept working as she got slapped hard on both cheeks. She was trying to make a new type of Fire Catalyst Pill that would be absorbed immediately rather then over the course of the day. She smiled, and felt herself focusing better and better and better as Lin Fan smacked her against the backside of her ass...

Her skin flushed red, and much of the pain from her daily life seemed to vanish away. Truthfully, she was still dealing with the pains from her childhood, and wanted to be a Master Alchemist in order to create a pill to ease her pains.

However, one of the benefits of her condition was that she really could take a hit in the ass. Lin Fan started to sweat as he traded the alchemist book to his other hand to continue reading. It seemed like it shouldn't be too difficult for him to become an expert at alchemy. He even noticed that his system seemed to buzz every time he turned a page...

'Is it me, or do I remember reading something when I was younger about how the system holder can master any trade as long as he has enough points. However, it seems like my system is completely ignoring the book in front of me... Is it not high-grade enough to matter."

"Are you okay? Why did you stop smacking my ass?" An Moe sighed as that pain started coursing once again in her arms... "Aren't you supposed to be the king of torture? I expected more from you Lin--"

"OW!" An Moe giggled and felt her entire body shake as Lin Fan started whipping her as he picked up a few more alchemy books and started turning the pages... Damn it? Was there something that he was missing that would allow him to become an alchemist?

'I'll sleep on An Moe and wake up clear headed with an extra source of points...' Lin Fan decided that An Moe from tonight onward had to be in his bedroom at night... 'However, I also noticed that Su Fan was starting to give me more points... Does that mean she's also turning into a masochist.."

Lin Fan smiled as he finally got An Moe to stop complaining as he bent down and examined all the Alchemist Books she had with her in her traveling case. There were hundreds of books, but even as he tortured her, there was nothing valuable to be seen...

"Do you want help?" Su Fan said as she walked into Lin Fan's back... "I was hoping to find you in the bed room for our night time session... However, it seems like something is troubling you..."

"Ow!" An Moe said breaking the sweet sound of Su Fan's voice... She sighed and looked back, feeling the pain once again returning to her body as Lin Fan puzzled how to become an alchemist...

"It's nothing... The session will start a little bit later tonight... I'm just wondering how I can become an alchemist..."

"You didn't ask me?" An Moe said as she turned around and revealed her gorgeous pink eyes and cute, dimpled smile... "You need a special type of pot... I think that pot will be one of the prizes in the Forbidden Valley tournament..."

"Did I say you could turn around?"

"Oh, that made my pain go away..." An Moe giggled and turned around, leaning back over as Su Fan sighed and looked down at the map that An Moe was making. There was a drawing section for the inner core, the outer core, and then a section for materials. These made up the map of the pill that she was eagerly working on...

"Do you want me to take a turn?" Su Fan bent over and gently slapped her ass as Lin Fan kept reading the books... "I'm able to last longer than most the other girls... However, if you want to keep getting slapped by yourself, it's okay..."

"I need it to focus..." An Moe smiled as Lin Fan took out a barbed whip and scratched his head. "I also have an extremely tough body Lin Fan... Please feel free to use any weapon you want on me below the Blaze Rank..."

"This... this will take some planning" Lin Fan nodded his head as he sat down and crossed his arms... "I wasn't planning on going to the Forbidden Tournament, but now I have to go if I want the alchemist pot..."

"However, it's also unbelievable that An Moe is unfazed by my attacks... I was so sure that no one could take this much damage, and stay standing... Does it have something to do with her past history?"

"You're thinking out loud..." Su Fan smiled and kissed Lin Fan on the top of the forehead... "Anyways, I'm seriously addicted to you getting points off of me... Can I please get a turn..."

"Su Fan doesn't give as many points, but I definitely like her butt as well..." Lin Fan kept thinking out loud to Su Fan's dissatisfaction... She had to try harder tonight at all costs! Even if she had to hit herself with Lin Fan's arm while he was sleeping she wouldn't rest...

"Father..." Mimi Fan walked in the room as Lin Fan looked distraught in the middle of a pile of books... "Something really strange is happening outside... Please come look!"