Empyrean Oath

Back at the Fan Sect

Lin Fan had finally decided to walk up to Ja Ran and give him a break from kowtowing and bashing his head into the floor. He clearly was already feeling sorry for what he did to Lin Fan, however, Lin Fan also was getting tired of the noise as he tried to sleep.

The moon was up above in the clouds, and little rabbits could be heard snoring as they rested on panties of the various wives of soldiers from the garrison. Even as the soldiers stood guard all across the Fan Sect, even they were staring with contemptuous gazes at this Empyrean Demi-God. As of right now, he was even below them on the hierarchy in the Fan Sect. He'd be better off using his floor to scrub the ground then make so much damn noise!

"I... I decided to help you help me..." Lin Fan pat Ja Ran on the head as tears came out of his eyes... "I know you were outsmarted by me, and were only acting tough when we met because you're really a coward... However, I think it's time you make an oath to me..."

"You mean an Empyrean Oath?" Ja Ran whimpered as he got up and put his hands on his thighs... "Damn it... How do you know so much about the Empyrean Race? I thought your father left you in the woods when you were born... Wait, is that the right child?"

Ja Ran was referring to Gale Fan who was currently in one of the other Empyrean Temples slashing away at obstacles. Even as Lin Fan looked down at the pathetic Demi-God, Gale Fan was currently attempting his hardest to play by the rules and win the ultimate prize.

He wanted his property back and he also wanted to win Ja Ran's sister heart. As for Lin Fan, why did he have to play by the rules? He had all the prizes in his possession, he had this Empyrean in the palm of his hands, and it was getting late and he wanted to sleep...

"What oath do you want me to take, damn it? Tell me... As long as it's fair, I'll swear to the highest order to follow your will until I leave this planet!"

"I want you to help me cheat..." Lin Fan said as he gently patted off the blood on Ja Ran's face... "This way, you won't stain my bedroom door anymore... The only blood I want is from the thighs of maidens fit to give me points as they scream in pain..."

"You are really going to make me beg you to make me swear an oath..." Ja Ran's throat trembled, his eyes turned blood red, and his face wrinkled with sadness... "Please... please save me from my father! Please give me that ring back or he'll throw me into the silent world for thousands of years?!"

"Oh, that place exists?" Lin Fan sighed as he watched Owa Lan begin to walk into the vicinity of his heart and bed room. "Well, all I ask is that you help me cheat and win every prize... Also, I want anyone else besides me and my allies to have the hardest test possible... So hard that unless a miracle happens, they will be forced to buy medicines from the Fan Sect..."

"You mean... You want to make their suffering into a business..."

"Don't try and read into your master's plans..." Lin Fan felt extremely proud being the master of an Empyrean... "I'm too wise for someone so old and handsome... Now... repeat these words after me..."

"Okay..." Ja Ran wiped his tears off his eyes, finding Lin Fan's request actually to be quite minor compared to his dad's eternal wrath and derisive vengeance. "Just tell me if there is anything else you want now... Otherwise, after I swear the oath, I won't be able to swear a second one..."

"I know the rules... Only one Empyrean Oath per person..." Lin Fan waved over to Lightning Woo as he cuddled his head against his father's massive silver haired body... "Well, I want you to swear to me that you promise if you have any sisters you put in a good word for me, and if you can, you'll help me conquer them..."

"I also want you to swear that you'll follow the rules of what I said earlier... You'll make sure that any challenges that I face in the temple I can beat... I still want to be challenged, but just enough that I improve and don't lose and get your treasures and your sisters..."

"My sisters would never go for a mortal, a human, a race like yours is nothing but a stain on the life span of eternity! You really want me to swear that to you?"

"Do you want your father to find out? I think it should be pretty easy to contact someone so powerful right?" Lin Fan really knew more about the Empyrean Race then he wanted to because he didn't have much to do when he was with the Lightning Wolves besides read and hunt.

Jin Lan had a large collection of books from some of the villages that he slaughtered when he took over the upper territory of Eight Clan Mountain. They were killed hundreds of years ago, so the blood stains had already dried, but Lin Fan learned much about the Ancient Empyrean Rituals.

Basically, Ja Ran's sisters were already his and he was drueling as he thought about whipping a god. There had to be some bonus for flogging a demi-god right?

"I.. I swear... I swear to help you enchant my sisters, and I will make sure that you will never suffer a defeat in the temple..."

"However, there is only so much I can rig it Lin Fan... If you try and compete in any of the Echancted Realm challenges, even I can't adjust the rules... All I can do is promise you that you won't die in those challenges..."

"I want more..." Lin Fan pat Lightning Woo on the head as he rubbed his silver fur against his head... "I want you to swear that any relatives who are beautiful you will do your utmost to make sure they obey my every whim..."

"Are you nuts? My father will kill me if he--"

"Say it or I'm destroying this ring!" Lin Fan pulled out the ring and blew on it before he started to apply pressure to the silver frame of the ring... "Do it now, or your father will feel this ring break and immediately appear! Then what? He'll kill you and I'll be stuck with a stupid temple on my property..."

Lin Fan gulped as he looked in his hand at the broken ring?

Ja Ran gulped and immediately started to cry as he gifted Lin Fan the most points he'd gotten in his entire existence in one moment.

+ 5000 sadist points

+ 10000 sadist points

+ 20000 sadist points

Lin Fan had no idea but with Ja Ran's enhanced processing speed he imagined himself dying thousands of times in a small time frame as Lin Fan gently pulled out another ring. Obviously, he'd broken the wrong ring to get points...

"Just kidding, but now that you saw those images of your self dying over and over again... You mind completing your oath to me?" Lin Fan nodded his head, and watched as Ja Ran uttered out his every wish, and even added a few extra lines in to ensure that Lin Fan got what he wanted...

"You... you won... Now can I have my ring back?" Ja Ran smiled as he felt the suffering that had been his last day banging against the door come to an end... "You told me I could have that storage ring back if I swore the oath right?"

"I lied..." Lin Fan patted him on the head... "Now be a good boy and go to sleep... Father has to make sure that your uncle is okay... Isn't that right, Lightning Woo?"

"Brother... It was so horrible..." Lightning Woo's coat sparked with fur as he trembled in fear... "I got swallowed by this turtle, and he kept chewing on me on the way back..."

"I'm so glad to see you Lightning Woo!" Mimi Fan ran out and gave Lightning Woo a hug as her cute dimples curled up into a smile... "I'm sorry! I'll never talk to strangers again unless they are beautiful! Father is training me to be a pick up artist as well!"

"Mimi Fan... You aren't supposed to talk about that in front of Su Fan..." Lin Fan sighed and turned Su Fan to the side as she almost walked into the wooden pillar on the side of the door... "She's... she's not supposed to know about trade secrets..."

"Lin Fan... come to bed..." Su Fan pouted her lips and accidentally sat on Ja Ran's head... "I'm getting tired and I can't find the toilet? Is this the toilet..."

"Su Fan... don't sit on that... You don't know where that head has been..." Lin Fan smiled and picked up Su Fan before he gently shocked her as he hugged her beautiful hips... "You need to be careful...If you sit on that again, you might get sick..."

"Father... by the way..." Mimi Fan said as he tossed Su Fan onto the bed and plopped down by her side... "Why is there that strange tiger man staring at you through the window... He looks absolutely terrifying and keeps muttering to himself..."