Great Ocean and Sea Migration

Lin Fan and Ban Ta's eyes met as Owa Lin lingered in the background by her father. She had anticipated that the day the man crushing on her met her future husband sparks would fly. However, she forgot how socially awkward Ban Ta could be thanks to the Tiger Muttering Arts.

When you combined the Tiger Muttering Arts with Lin Fan's normally perverted yet honest demeanor, she could already predict these two were going to fight. However, she didn't think it would be so fast as a brick was tossed out the window at Ban Ta's face.

"Pervert! Su Fan is blind, but it doesn't mean you can watch her undress!" Lin Fan angrily slammed the door open and looked at Ban Ta as he stared up at the moon... "You... Are you paying attention? There is a very important lesson a pervert is trying to bestow upon another pervert..."

"He's... he's going to have her in this room unless I don't come up with a plan... Right there on the bed, and the electric horse... Oh god... The sooner I trick him into fighting me... The better the chances of me winning Owa Lin back into my chambers..."

"He's been like that his entire life!" Owa Lin screamed before she pushed her head into her father's fur... "He can't keep a secret! He's more of an open book then even you Lin Fan!"

"She's screaming at Lin Fan and warning him about me... That must mean she thinks he stands a chance against me, but look at him... He's clearly only interested in that girl's nice and round ass... If I were him, I'd want to be in there too..."

"Can I help you?" Lin Fan felt somewhat sorry for the tiger-man nervously trembling against his window as Mimi Fan closed the blinds in front of his face... "You... you clearly like Owa Lin, and are here to challenge me... If I fight you, would you stop staring in my window?"

"There is so many reasons I should accept that offer..." Ban Ta turned away from Lin Fan and remained absorbed in the beauty of the moon as it flickered against the night-grey clouds... "However, if I beat him, then he might earn Owa Lin's pity... It's better to ask her about it first..."

"Father... that's Ban Ta... The Tiger from Snow League Mountain... He's been courting me for ten years since we both reached the forbidden realm... Do you think if he beats Lin Fan, you'd at least let him meet one of my sisters?"

"Lin Fan... Kick his ass!" Jin Lan said as he lowered his head and sniffed the dirt... "Since I consider you a member of the Lightning Wolves, you have no choice as my step-son, but to fight him... According to the rules of Magic Beasts, you have to fight him or you can't marry my daughter..."

"Is it possible? Is my life finally going to get better!" Ban Ta couldn't believe it as he brushed back his black hair and started to tremble from the waist upwards... "No, this Lin Fan is too stupid... Instead of accepting the battle, he could just leave and he wouldn't have to accept the challenge... Then I'll never get Owa Lin... She'll be in that room, on his bed, conceiving to his every temptation and thought as I suffer with a second class tiger wife..."

"You're... you're something else..." Lin Fan sighed as he looked towards the new Fan Sect Hotel the two An Moe's were building along with some members of the Jiang Super Sect... "If you want to fight me, just ask... I'm starting to see myself in you, and it's embarrasing me..."

"He... He really is like me..." Ban Ta turned around and pat Lin Fan on the head... "I guess I'll fight him, and if he wins he can be my brother... I like this Lin Fan... I promise not to kill him father to honor our bond with the Lightning Wolves..."

"You... you're... you're fly is open..." Lin Fan sighed to see if at least that got through the tigers thick skull... He looked down acknowledging that he heard Lin Fan, but then decided to unzip his pants...

"Yes, he's right... I shouldn't keep my pants zipped up... Just in case I transform I won't break my pants that way.. When I turn into a tiger, my strength doubles, and so does my waist... He just saved me breaking these pants and revealing it all to Owa Lin before one of our nights..."

Fighting Hall, Fan Sect

Lin Fan sighed as he looked at the new techniques he'd downloaded from the Sadist System. He'd already swallowed all the Lightning Pills from the Jiang Super Sect, and his Eternal Lightning Body was now at the Awakening Stage.

When he first got it, the skill was at the basic stage, but it gradually increased from the Basic stage, to the Moderate stage, to the Control stage, to the Awakening stage as the lightning stored in his spiritual roots increased to that of a Forbidden Stage Expert.

However, he'd also swallowed the Low Grade Fire Catalyst Pills and also was able to learn a few Ocean Realm Fire Grade techniques like the [Fire Ancient Fist], and was even able to activate a skill called the [Fire Cloud Domain] to help make An Moe's blacksmith room more hot and torturous so he could earn more sadist points.

The skill that he liked the most, though, was a lightning skill that he purchased from the system called [Lightning Horizon]. Every time he moved, he could rapidly alter the magnetic field around him to teleport a distance of three meters to dodge attacks. He walked proudly into the ring as Ban Ta sat on the floor in the middle of the stage...

"I... I'm sure Owa Lin likes to watch me fight... Otherwise, why would she smile every time I got hit... She must secretly be a masocist, and hates watching her future husband get tortured..."

"I don't plan to get tortured..." Lin Fan attempted to pat Ban Ta on the back before the later jumped off the ground and landed on one foot... "Jeez, we haven't even started fighting yet, and you're already imagining what I'll do to Owa Lin?"

"It's true... I imagined it as we brought Lightning Woo back to the Fan Sect..." Ban Ta cracked his knuckles as he sighed and looked at Mimi Fan cheering for Lin Fan with a cute dress on... "I imagine he'll have lots of children that are almost as pretty as that little girl... That's only if I let him beat me... However, should I concede the fight to get her pity?"

"You... you know... I'm going to attack now..." Lin Fan activated his Eternal Lightning Body and turned into a blur and shot out his fist towards Ban Ta's face... In an instant, Ban Ta dodged over twenty of Lin Fan's attacks as he kept muttering to himself over and over and over again...

"Fine, if you want it faster... I'll give it to her faster!" Lin Fan didn't mince words as lightning coursed through his body and increased the celerity of his attacks by a great amount...

At the same time, he felt like he was trying to strike an illusive figure.

Ban Ta was now muttering faster and faster and faster as Lin Fan activated his [Fire Cloud Domain] and [Lightning Horizon] at the same time. A gigantic cloud of billowing smoke shot outward as Lin Fan seemed to appear in two places at once...

"Well, I'd say he's pretty strong, but so stupid..." Ban Ta blocked both fists before two large fire serpants surrounded his left and right hands... "He should try and figure out my element first before using two elements... If he had such a secret, he should've kept it to himsel--

"Get him, Lin Fan!" Owa Lin shouted as Lin Fan's hidden attack pierced through the ground and hit Ban Ta right in the balls...

Ban Ta looked down in disbelief. How did he not notice Lin Fan's hidden attack... Suddenly, his face paled as his legs shook. His irises turned extremely chaotic as a large metal chain had just hit him in the balls...

"I'm going to kill him... I thought I liked him, but he's a sneaky bastard..." Ban Ta began to transform into a tiger in front of Lin Fan's eyes as he tried to quell the pain sinking into his legs... "He's the sneaky type that will definitely cheat on Owa Lin if I let him win..."

"Now I have to win or Owa Lin's future will be one of both happiness and lies..."

"I'm... I'm sorry, but father! Get out of the ring!" Mimi Fan screamed as hundreds of Dragon Kin descended from the night sky and even more ascended from the Green Sea from the edge of the Fan Sect. "We have a lot of business for your new hotel! Get out here quickly father!"