Water Race's Hidden Expert

Empyrean Temple, First Level

Lin Fan looked down at his system to make sure that the skill he'd downloaded for 100,000 sadist points was really worth its weight in golden pearls. He looked at his slightly pale hands and the blue dots speckled all over his body.As for his face, he looked like a handsome member of the Water Race that came from an extremely opulent and isolated background.

Lin Fan knew a lot about the Water Race thanks to Jin Lan, and the stories that were told before they went out to hunt. The Water Race normally had special symbols placed on the body of those with powerful bodies, and thanks to his new skill [Race Dominion], he looked like a genuine member of the Water Race.

Ja Ran could already sense Lin Fan was walking into the temple and went to go meet Lin Fan as hundreds waited in front of Summoning Gates. Out of those summoning gates monsters from the Empyrean Race would be summoned, and if you were able to beat them you could move to the next gate.

"Lin Fan... I wasn't expecting you to have such a clever camouflage skill... If you weren't wearing my father's ring, I would've sworn you were a member of the Water Race..."

"I know... I think my new technique has a lot of potential..." Lin Fan already imagined all the types of pranks he could play on his girlfriends with the ability to change race... "I especially see potential with Owa Lin... Now there is no form where she can hide from me..."

"I see... I see your point..." Ja Ran sighed as he gently escorted Lin Fan over to a summoning gate as the hundreds of other participants prepared for their gates to open. For some reason, all of them have had to fight Lion Thunder Serpents, which were the hardest Forbidden Realm Beast in existence.

Many had already lost so many treasures that they were beginning to sell their service to Fan Sect Members. However, Lin Fan was extremely certain that he was going to win to the dismay of the members of the Water Race...

"The gates will now open... Please remember... This is all due to chance that you have all been getting the Lion Thunder Serpents... However, I promise, unless you are all cursed, at least one of you won't get a Lion Thunder Serpent..."

"Sure, this must be one of the cursed temples I've heard about in legend! If someone doesn't win soon, we're all going to leave and while we're on our way out kill that Lin Fan!" A Dragon Kin fumed as he grinded his fist into a ball and smashed it against the golden gate... "Taking advantage of a temple he knows we can never win at! Let's see how he responds to two races destroying his sect!"

"Enough... The Fan Sect is on Empyrean Territory..." Ja Ran had no choice but to say that thanks to the pact that Lin Fan made him make... "If you attack the Fan Sect, I will have no choice but to ban you from all future temples..."

"You... you can't be serious!"

"I'm bored..." Lin Fan said as he cracked his knuckles and prepared for the gate to open... "Please... hurry up and show me why these Lion Thunder Serpants are so bad... Maybe if you just give it a little bit of love it will let you pass..."

"Are you mad?" The Dragon Kin laughed as the gates slowly opened with a bright blinding light... "You realize that a Lion Thunder Serpant is equal in strength to a Enchanted Realm Beast, right?"

"Your... your mother is quite the beast..." Lin Fan teased as his gate opened to the disbelief of everyone in the room... "However, why do you all seemed so shocked?"

Lin Fan looked up at the summoning gate and noticed that everyone else had a lion serpant appear above their gates and he had a small goat appear on top of his gate... Even he couldn't believe that Ja Ran actually rigged it for him, and he jumped back as a three horned ox walked out and charged towards him.

It was a pathetically small ox, and everyone else screamed as they all encountered the Lion Thunder Serpant again, which was an extremely scary dragon like creature with the head of a lion. As for Lin Fan, all he had to do was move to the side and the goat awkwardly fell over.

"You.. you can't be serious?" One man named Mar Tan said as he jumped back and dodged the extremely long tail of the lion Thunder Serpent. His eyes filled with disbelief as Lin Fan's opponent bumped into the wall over and over and over again like it couldn't see...

"He gets a blind goat, and we have to fight... Ah!"

Lin Fan smiled and gently shocked the goat just enough that it fell unconscious...

"See, now tell all your friends that its truly the luck of the heavens why you all can't win in the Empyrean Temple..." Lin Fan walked towards the next gate as dozens were swatted away like flies into the wall... They all dropped to the floor with shock and immediately ran towards Lin Fan's gate...

As for Mimi Fan, she watched from the entrance of Lightning Pearl Pagoda as Lightning Woo cultivated in a swirl of purple and red lightning. The goal in Lightning Pearl Pagoda was to tame lightning and turn them into pearls using your internal energy.

She pat Lightning Woo on the head as the lightning dodged her body like it was scared of the wrath of a god...

"Chicken Man... He really is incredible... I'm afraid the world might be destroyed, and he'd make a profit off of it..."

"That's my brother..." Lightning Woo minorly scoffed as Lin Fan walked up to another gate as a bright light shinned summoning another beast... "I can't wait to get stronger then him... Just watch how much I'll help him in the future Mimi Fan..."

"You... you sound different?" Mimi Fan smiled and leaned into look at Lightning Woo's eyes... "Even your eye color seems different... Have you not been taking your vitamins?"

"It's nothing, Mimi Fan...." Lightning Woo gulped as Mimi Fan smiled and ran after her father as he whispered... "Just... just stay far away from me... I don't want you to get hurt from the thing growing inside of my chest..."