Empyrean Sister

Green River Mountain

Hanna Lin looked at her reflection on the floor as an image of Lightning Woo flickered in a puddle beneath her feet. Dragon Zen was too her side still passed out form Ban Ta's punch. However, her water serpent was in a much different place, resting in the center of Lightning Woo's chest.

Her Water Serpent was caught by her father in the Green Sea around the same time he found the Seven Legendary Pearls. It had been sleeping in the Pearl of Destruction and had went from a normal Grey Root Serpent into a Mutated Grey Root Serpent.

A normal Grey Root Serpent never made it past the Warrior Realm, but her serpent seemed to have gotten a special skill after living with the Pearl of Destruction. It was able to act like a parasite, and was able to swallow it's prey's energy until it ran dry.

However, Lightning Woo seemed to find a clever way to delay the day he was going to die, and that was by cultivating in the Lightning Pagoda in the Empyrean Temple. If he ever got stronger then the Grey Root Serpent, then he would be able to expel it from his body.

"He's... he's going to make my serpent enter into the enchanted realm if he keeps trying so hard... Then Lin Fan will have to watch his little brother explode..." Hanna Lin kissed Dragon Zen on the cheek as he made a perverted facial expression and tried to fondle the air... 'He's going to end up becoming the reason I get revenge on Lin Fan..."

"Are you listening... sister?" Hanna Lin turned around and glanced at the rock on the wall... "I know you don't like coming out in the day, but hiding behind the rocks isn't going to make you less attractive..."

"I... I can hear their thoughts... Those perverts... When they stare at my legs, and undress me, and do things to me in their head! I see all of it sister! Can't I just go back home?"

"Sister... Why don't you look at those visions fondly? I can imagine I would feel happy if every man I met wanted to wed me and take me to their home..." Hanna Lin had rather large breasts but developed much slower then her sister who was practically perfection in motion... "I mean... Are men really that bad?"

"Father once... Father! Father imagined things about his secretary and I saw it!" Wan Lin said as she shivered behind a cold shimmering rock. "He... he even once had thoughts about my teacher! I was there during a teacher's conference and he... he did so many things while he was supposed to be helping me!"

"Sister... What would it take for you to like a man..." Hanna Lin used the Pearl of Illumination to see through Lightning Woo's eyes as his stats displayed as a small bar over his head... "What would you need? Does he just have to be honest with you..."

"That... that would be better..." Wan Lin said as she shivered and trembled at more and more memories of the men she knew in her life... "The more honest he is the better! I want someone who makes me feel dirty on the outside and the inside!"

"Well, that idiot might be perfect for you..." Hanna Lin thought about her dreams of Lin Fan spanking her as her mind fell into a path of darkness and indecency... "The one who killed our brother is an extremely perverted man... I don't think any of his desires go unacted... He says one thing one moment, and the next a girl is doing it..."

"That would be nice..." Wan Lin got out behind the rock as she looked down at Lightning Woo struggling to absorb lightning on the second level of the Lightning Pagoda... "However, who is that? Why is he struggling so much?"

"My Water Serpent is currently in his stomach... If he train enough, he will die and cause my serpent to mutate... When that happens, I expect even Lin Fan won't be able to resurrect him..."

"Why don't you just ask Lin Fan to resurrect our brother... Maybe... maybe in exchange for my services he'll do it! Sister, I already feel like I've been defiled thousands of times even though I'm pure! Just give him to me and in exchange have him resurrect brother!"

"Idiot... What did father tell you about offering to sell yourself..." Hanna Lin sighed as Dragon Zen's hand somehow managed to get on her butt... "Damn it... What is wrong with your mind? Is it really that hard to have men always desiring you?"

Wan Lin nodded her head as her black hair traced the floor as she walked outside and saw a small turtle hidden beneath the rocks. Why was there a turtle here? She turned to look at her sister as she picked it up and held it in the air.

It was a small, sleeping turtle? Was this another one of her sister's pets...

"Throw that turtle in the river, sister!" Hanna Lin kicked Dragon Zen in the face after he tried to grope her over and over and over again... "I'm sure that turtle is a man! Men should be punished for not liking me!"

Fan Sect Outskirts

The new Fan Sect Hospital was a rave success with thousands coming to get the pills of An Moe as she wore a rather short, white nurses outfit... She charged exorbitant prices, but with tales of the new Water Race Expert many were excited to get back into the temple...

"Are you feeling sick?" An Moe felt pain coursing through her veins as she looked at Rae Moe, her geologist sister, did her best to sell rocks to some of the sick and injured on Lin Fan's request... "If you want, I can guarantee you feel better in five minutes, but it's going to cost you..."

"Are you serious?" The man started to turn red as he laid on a small bed that barely fit his broken body... "I just paid everything I had, and even offered my wife to try for an Empyrean Treasure... Is there really nothing I can do to get treatment..."

"Just sign this document..." An Moe passed him a paper that basically said he'd have to work for the Fan Sect for a month, and give them all their treasures... "I know it's hard to see right now, but I promise Lin Fan will treat you the same as he treats us girls..."

An Moe pointed at her sister An Moe who was currently building casts for the injured patients as they screamed in pain and held their ears. The Lion Thunder Serpents were known to cause damage that when left untreated could become permanent.

However, at Lin Fan's request, it had to be expensive enough that they would suffer and give him points. There was no point in having this huge operation if he didn't get points!

"So... now that you signed it... Are you going to treat me?!"

"Sure, but just so you know you're now Lin Fan's property..." An Moe handed him a case of pills and then tossed him a suit with pin stripes... "Put that on afterward, or you agree to be terminated according to the contract..."

"I couldn't see!"

"Well, that's why you have to take your pills..." An Moe winked as her gorgeous figure disappeared to find Lin Fan as he rapidly accrued points. His eyes glittered with a shimmering light as more and more and more points came in from various parts of the Fan Sect Operation...

However, he had to be careful... Out of the seventh gate of summoning a beautiful girl appeared as she stretched her arms above her head.... This was Lin Fan's toughest opponent yet in the Gates of Summoning, and he couldn't help but smack her butt to make sure she was real...

At the same time, she was extremely confused as she looked at Lin Fan's dilated eyes...

"This... this isn't my bed room... Why am I here?" A young empyrean beauty looked at Lin Fan with a strange gaze... "How did I end up here... I thought my bed room had different colored walls..."

"Lin Fan! I made a mistake!" Ja Ran ran up to Lin Fan as sweat dripped off his head. He'd misused the portal and had accidentally summoned his younger sister... "Please! Please don't touch that! Father is more protective of her then he is of any of his possessions! Touch her butt again and he might appear!"

"It's very round..." Lin Fan grabbed her butt as lightning started to spread out in the room, and flicker through all the gates of summoning... "I think... I think we had an agreement Ja Ran... Introduce me to her or I tell your father everything..."

"Sister... Your brother is an idiot..." Ja Ran looked at Lin Fan with a stare of incredulity... "However, Lin Fan this is serious! My father is so strong even this world might get destroyed if he arrives!"

"I thought Owa Lin's butt was perfect, but this is the same class..." Lin Fan ignored Ja Ran as his sister started smiling as Lin Fan explored her body... "Wow... i really can't wait until I meet your mother... What do I have to squeeze to bring her down too?"

"I like him..." Ja Ran's sister smiled and gently put her hand over Lin Fan's as she stared into his eyes.... "However, brother... why is this guy in my bed room... Did father want me to get married to him?"