Infinity Super Clan

Lightning Pearl Pagoda, Empyrean Temple

Lightning Woo walked up to the third floor of the Pearl Pagoda, and walked into the presence of Forbidden Realm Experts. All of them were exceptionally terrifying, and were also incredibly shocked to see a mere Warrior Realm Lightning Wolf showing a condescending gaze towards them as he sat down near the entrance.

The lightning in this room was exceptionally terrifying, and struck each of the participants with three colored lightning. The more colors the lightning had, the more powerful it would feel when it sunk into your skin and circulated to your core. However, to make a Lightning Pearl, you had to control those minor strands of energy and turn them into pearls.

The technique to do this was sort of like rubbing an ass gently before you tried to sculpt it out of clay. Only with the proper technique would you have the perfect shape like Owa Lin's butt. However, for Lightning Woo, he was trying to make a Lightning Pearl that was much bigger than his head. However, Lightning Woo was rather smart for his young age. He planned to use the Water Serpent in his chest to manufacture bigger pearls, or take him down with it...

"Brother... It's nice to see you joined me up here..." Pluck said as he sat down on Lightning Woo's back... "As I'm going to be a terrifying dragon in the future, it's nice to know I have good friends..."

"I'm here too!" Mimi Fan said as she sighed and sat down next to Pluck as he tried his hardest to make small Lightning Pearls as several men stared at them with stares of disbelief and anger... "Lin Fan said he's worried about you Lightning Woo... What are you doing up here?"

"I'm... I'm not interested in your company..." Lightning Woo closed his eyes as the storm clouds surged above him and a countdown clock started in the grey swirls of cloud... "I'm going to take this strike..." Lightning Woo held up his paw, which seemed to cause the lightning cloud to respond...

A few of the men looked at Lightning Woo and also held up their hands... They weren't going to get beaten by a small dog... They planned on making it all the way to the thirtieth floor and getting the prize...

"Lightning Woo... You can't be serious?" Pluck said as he shivered as he raised his little wing... "I'm just here to watch people suffer... Are you really going to play with three colored lightning? If you can't control it, you'll explode!"

"I'd rather explode then be useless to Lin Fan..." Lightning Woo's fur stood up as he felt the contaminated aura of the worm swelling in his chest... "I... I'm not someone that can just watch a friend walk into the clouds only to throw down scraps... I want to be brothers right hand man! Even if he sleeps with thousands of women, I will also sleep with thousands of women!"

"You... you don't have a system though..." Mimi Fan only knew to point out the obvious at her young age... "Uncle Woo... Put your hand down or I'll tell Lin Fan what you're doing... You don't want him coming up here and killing those men..."

"Be careful..." Lightning Woo pushed Mimi Fan back as a triple colored lightning streak swirled in the sky and then rapidly approached Lightning Woo as a girl screamed in the background.... "This is dangerous! It's about to strike, and I need to focus!"

"Let's go... Mimi Fan... I don't want to be fried chicken..." Pluck sighed and flapped his wings back three meters as Mimi Fan's lips quivered... She wasn't the type to just let someone close to her die in front of her eyes, and she felt forced to grab Lightning Woo as the lightning struck...

"No.. Mimi Fan!" Lightning Woo sent out a bolt of lightning from his stomach that was like a twig compared to the massive lightning spiraling towards him as a girl kept screaming in the background... At this time, Lightning Woo's body began to glow brightly as Mimi Fan struggled to hold on tight to his body...

"I'm... I'm tired of this!" Lightning Woo activated the berserker skill hidden inside of him as his small bolt of lightning tried its hardest to hold of the three colored lightning. This took just a brief moment, but for him it felt like two full eternities...

He couldn't let Mimi Fan die just because she wanted him to live! That wasn't why he was here! He was truthfully here to try and rid Lin Fan of the burden that laid deep within his stomach...

A second later, a massive explosion appeared as the three colored lightning manifested the head of a dragon. It roared and suddenly transformed into a massive figure that was over ten feet tall...

"I think you more then qualify to be my new disciples..." The dragon said with an immense glower before he pat both Mimi Fan and Lightning Woo on the head... "Welcome to the Super Clan of Infinity..."