Grand Dragon Varos

The Super Clan of Infinity

Imagine a thousand beautiful woman got together in a room and had one son with one man who had reached the God Realm. That was the beginning of the Clan of infinity, and one of the billions of that man's children was the Dragon that stood in front of Lightning Woo and Mimi Fan.

He radiated the aura of a million mothers, which was kind of hard to explain, but what made possible by the domineering patience of his great grandfather. His great grandfather, the founder of the Super Clan of Infinity, after having his fun with all those women decided to make an egg that would bear his off spring.

As for the contents of that egg?

Imagine a million women's best qualities and the best qualities of one god. This was the foundation of the clan of Infinity and as such Lightning Woo surprisingly didn't feel afraid. He was facing a death battle right now, and merely wanted to shrug off the offer... Lin Fan would be put to risk if he decided to accept a teacher as powerful as the dragon spreading his wings in front of him.

The wings were extremely long and had black scales that made him think for some reason of his sister's future. If something happened to Lin Fan because of him, then his clan wouldn't have the offspring his dad was already preparing to pamper...

"You... you look dissatisfied... However, I know that you have a serpent in your heart... Promise to lock yourself in a room with me for three weeks, and I promise you'll both reach the Forbidden Realm!"

"Mother said don't talk to strangers unless you want to scam them..." Mimi Fan shook her head as she stared up at the large dragon... "Besides, I can't cultivate... You can't scam a scammer dragon!"

"I... I also don't agree to be trained by you... My dragon race makes yours look like giants!" Pluck said as he trembled with fear from the massive dragon staring into his puny eyes... "I'll only accept the training if you ask me to..."

"Ignoring the chicken..." The large dragon said as he pat Lightning Woo on the head... "Little girl... Your mother clearly hasn't had your spiritual roots tested... You have golden eternity spiritual roots... Your blood is flowing with that of potential, and... also a little bit of sadism?"

"That's because my father beats women in the best way..." Mimi Fan said as her cute red cheeks turned crimson as she thought of Lin Fan... "However, maybe you should talk to him first before I accept..."

"I... I... I felt you were in danger, Mimi Fan..." Lin Fan showed up and pat Lightning Woo on the back to the surprise of the Dragon... "Sorry, I was actually watching Lighting Woo over there, but decdied to change my appearance..."

"You? You are her father..." Grand Dragon Varos said as he raised his brows... "You... you can't have possibly made something so beautiful... Her father had to be someone from the Super Clan of Eternity..."

"Chicken Man is my father! He's the best father that didn't make me!" Mimi Fan stuck out her tongue as both Lin Fan and Grand Dragon Varos laughed together as they stared into her cute eyes... "So... so you listen here! Lin Fan tells me what to do! Not some big dragon from a stupid clan..."

"Mimi Fan.... He's right... I'm nothing but a small time man... However, I was really worried about Lightning Woo... Grand Dragon Varos... What can you do to help him?"

"You... you knew?" Lightning Woo said as he grumbled and dropped his long snout to the floor as a sadness welled up inside of him... "Why... Why? Why did you let me go here then when I'm a danger to you..."

"I'm the stronger dragon..." Pluck mumbled as Lightning Woo started to whimper as lightning started to spray rampantly off his fur...

"Why? Why Lin Fan? If you knew, then why didn't you just kill me..."

"Brother... Your new teacher here just promised to help free you from the Water Serpent..." Lin Fan could detect the serpent with the system but he didn't dare say that out loud. Whomever was behind the serpent seemed extemely smart, and cunning, and he also wanted to find her... "If he didn't say you had it in you, I would've never known..."

"Smart brat... Perhaps you're worth two tons of shit..."

"Perhaps you'll one day pick up my shit... I have the perfect farm..." Lin Fan smiled and did a slight bow before he jumped into the clouds, disappearing into the distance as Lightning Woo raised his head...

"Fine, I accept you as my teacher... However, please forgive me for asking this... However, what can you possibly do to make me strong so fast?"

"Well... You know what it's like to feel pain? Imagine being able to feel something much worse, and through that you'll get stronger then you ever imagined..."

"He has no idea what he's talking about..." Pluck laughed and nodded his head as he looked at the might Grand Dragon with contempt... "He's just lonely... I can smell it on him... As a fellow dragon, I can tell when someone is desperate..."

Pluck said that before he spread his wings and fell from the third floor of the pagoda and hit his head on the ground. Mimi Fan could only laugh before a black portal appeared in front of them to the surprise of the Water Clan members sitting and watching and trembling at the site of the massive dragon...

"Well, let's go slap some ass!" Mimi Fan smiled as she walked into the portal after the Grand Dragon... "Like Lin Fan smacks mother ass... I will also one day get smacked in the ass!"

"I take it back... Your father is a monster, and extremely smart..." Grand Dragon Varos smiled as he spotted Lin Fan in the distance with an exceptionally beautiful girl that was screaming... "Let's go little ducks..."