Empyrean Back Arts

Lin Fan's Other Bedroom

Mimi Fan and Lightning Woo walked out of the portal and appeared in front of Lin Fan. He was currently sleeping in a bed of women as he snored underneath the sheets. As for these women, all of them looked different, and had some strange traits.

One of them appeared to be from the water race, and another one had extremely pale skin and slender legs with small bat wings on her back. Mimi Fan almost couldn't take it and charged towards Lin Fan before Grand Dragon Varos stopped her with his longer, slender arms...

"That's... that's your enemy for the next two weeks..." Grand Dragon Varos said with a smile... "This is an alternate world that I discovered so you could train... Once you kill him, both of you will be free to leave..."

"It could take you as short of a time as a day, or perhaps a week... However, I promise... Every thing you learn in here will be part of the secret tradition of the Super Clan of Eternity..."

"You want me to kill the Chicken Man?" Mimi Fan said with an aghast expression as this strange Lin Fan put his hand down the back of the Water Race glowing beauty... "You... you really think I can kill my father?! What the hell kind of training is this..."

""The hardest kind.... In order to enter in the Super Clan of Eternity, you must kill the person you love the most... Both of you, for some reason, both share love with this idiot..."

"However, what you're seeing right now is just a dark shadow... A world where one circumstance changed the entire outcome of Lin Fan's existence..."

"I still can't kill him..." Mimi Fan ran up to Lin Fan, and jumped into the bed of women... "Father.. wake up... I need you to wake up!"

"Mimi Fan... We're here for a reason... Let's go... That Lin Fan wreaks of death and hostility... If you wake him up, I'm afraid we'll both fail..."

"You know... The reason that Lin Fan let you two join is because he talked to Ja Ran...." Dragon God Varos said as he picked up Mimi Fan and put him on his shoulders... "He must have heard about the secrets that are in here, and he probably is using you to get to that Empyrean Girl..."

"How would Lin Fan know all that?" Lightning Woo said as he looked at Dragon God Varos as they walked outside together in a burning sect... "What's so great about the secrets of the Super Clan of Eternity?"

"Let's just say he can't upgrade his system without a few secrets..." Dragon God Varos sighed as a few dead bodies were carted off and thrown into dragon carriages... "He needs one secret here that he can only get if you two train your hardest..."

"I'm in it for the Chicken Man!" Mimi Fan nodded her head as she walked into a strange tower that was a few feet from them... It looked like an Empyrean Temple, but was much larger and stood like a tower piercing into the blood red clouds... "However, why is this world so creepy? It reminds me of the feeling Lin Fan gives off when no one is in the room to torture..."

"This... this is a world where the war between the seven races was already won..." Dragon God Varos opened the door to the temple, and guided Mimi Fan and Lightning Woo into the large tower... "However, the reason I took you here is because of this building... I took you here because to train in here all you have to do is talk to me..."

"I knew it... Pluck was right... You are lonely..." Mimi Fan rubbed her hands together as she took out a bottle of liquor and gently put it in the dragon's hand... "Let's get you drunk so you can tell me all your secrets!"

Fan Sect Outskirts

Lin Fan's businesses were doing well, but his main problem was that the Empyrean Girl he was with seemed glued to his body. No matter what he did she wouldn't stop hugging him with her large chest and it was making it hard for him to fight at even the simple Summoning Gates...

He was up to the tenth gate, and he felt her gigantic breasts moving every time the tiger that was Ban Ta tried to strike him... For some reason, on the tenth gate, Ban Ta had walked out of the gate and started attacking him...

Lin Fan had gotten somewhat stronger, but even still, fightning Ban Ta with a girl on his back was like trying to stop a milk truck with a glass of water! He'd have better luck if she wasn't on his back!

"I didn't know where my mother came from... Now I know my father cheated with who I thought was my mother with an Empyrean during the last war..."

"However, Lin Fan is still an idiot... He thinks I'm trying, but I'm really doing all I can to not hurt the girl on his back... She... she smells like me a little bit, and also turns me on... I think we're not related, but close enough that we smell alike..."

"Ban Ta... Can you just let me beat you? I have a girl on my back!" Lin Fan activated his [Eternal Lightning Body] as his fist went towards the extremely odd technique that Ban Ta was using. Every time Ban Ta moved, it looked a gigantic tiger appeared behind his back and pushed him forward... However, what really scared him was the girl on his back getting hurt...

"Father said that when I find my husband... I'm to trap him and force him to come into my bed room... You were already in my bed room, so of course I have to trap you!"

"I already won..." Ban Ta nodded his head and sent a sprawling fist towards Lin Fan's face as a stream of vines shot out of the earth and rapidly grew towards Lin Fan... "I planted all my seeds and activated the [Life Detonation Arts].... Does this mean what I think it means? Owa lin I'm--"

Ban Ta looked down once again as an extremely massive pain shot up his spine as a chain hit him between his legs and fractured his pelvis... He almost couldn't believe that he fell for the same trick twice, but this time was hit so hard by Lin Fan that he rolled on the ground...

"Your... your okay children.... I promise you'll be okay..." Ban Ta muttered as he looked at Lin Fan with extremely sullen and downcast eyes... "I took that shot on purpose so I wouldn't have to hit a girl... however, Lin Fan will never find out..."

"He's an idiot... He shouldn't be in my bed room..." The Empyrean Girl named Yan Lin said as she hugged tighter to Lin Fan's back... "Oh well, I guess if he has to watch me win my husband, it's okay..."