Divine Ethereal Body

Lin Fan smiled and took out two rare pills as Su Fan smothered her face into his chest. She was blushing as his hand slowly moved to her mouth, and stopped at the tip of her tongue... As for the object approaching her mouth, she could tell it was a small pill that Lin Fan really wanted her to swallow.

She'd spent the last few nights taking pills that Lin Fan had prepared with An Moe. However, she could tell that this pill was a little bit different. It seemed perfectly round as it entered into her cute pink lips, and as it touched against her taste buds.

Suddenly, her eyes flapped open as she attempted to look at Lin Fan's face... She smiled until she realized that the world was still black, and once again she'd been tricked!

+ 300 sadist points

+ 500 sadist points!

Lin Fan smiled and laughed as he cheered her up by rubbing his hand against her depressed forehead. She lowered her brows so much that even Lin Fan felt bad, and at this point he already had his hand around her butt as she complained underneath her breath...

"Idiot... This isn't time for jokes... You told me I was going to see you and I got so excited that I nearly chocked on that pill! I'm not going to be able to scream if I don't have any air in my lungs!"

"Here's the right pill..." Lin Fan's hands shimmered as he took out a gold and silver pearl that had three rings of light shimmering around it, which meant that it was a high grade pill! "Here... swallow it without water... You look cute when you're choking..."

"I... I forgot what i look like, but thanks Fiance..." Su Fan rolled her eyes and opened up her mouth widely in order to swallow the pill... "There... It's going down my throat..."

"I'm surprised you can talk and swallow that pill at the same time..." Lin Fan blushed as Gue Yan walked into the room and collapsed onto the bed. She was so tired from working at the Fan Sect Hotel that she almost forgot something special was happening in the room.

Instead, she frowned and looked at the picture of Mimi Fan before she hugged it tightly. Her little girl was off somewhere on an important mission for Lin Fan. It made her feel exceptionally proud as Lin Fan stepped back away from Su Fan...

At the next moment, Su Fan collapsed onto the floor and writhed in pain to Lin Fan's surprise... She started to make choking sounds as she rapidly slammed her hands into the floor... Her chest started to feel extremely strange, almost like wings were sprouting, as her spiritual roots spread out rapidly in all the directions of her chest.

The weight of her spiritual roots started to rapidly increase as spittle dripped down her mouth and danced against the edge of her beautiful brown dress. Her mind felt like it entered under the canopy of heaven as she started to lightly scream in a mellifluous tone....

"What did you give her?" Gue Yan asked as she tossed a pillow at Lin Fan... "You... you haven't even looked at me for a few days Lin Fan... When are you going to realize how beautiful i am?"

"She's growing new spiritual roots... However, if you're willing to beg, and walk over to me on your knees, I can also provide you with a path to eternity..."

"No way..." Gue Yan scoffed as she crossed her arms and jumped on the floor. "I'm useless... Unlike my daughter who's apparently gifted by her father, I'm just a girl that wants to serve a handsome man like you..."

"Open your mouth and swallow the pill..." Lin Fan placed the pill in Gue Yan's mouth as her eyes watered with tears. "I... I had to rob thousands of people before I got five of these pills... You can thank the Dragon Kin for being exceptionally good at science..."

"I... I think both me and Su Fan will have to thank you later..." Gue Yan swallowed as she begged on her knees in front of Lin Fan with a daring smile... "You... you know that as the step-father of my daughter, you have some responsibilities to tend to?"

"I'm... I'm... I'm not sure what's happening..." Su Fan began to float off the floor to Lin Fan's surprise... "I feel... I feel like I'm getting touched by the universe, and I don't like it!"

"An Moe... What's happening?" Lin Fan turned to An Moe as she raised her brow in surprise... "I thought that pill only made her grow spiritual roots... Why is she flying?"

"You... you told me to make the design of the pill map better..." An Moe sighed as she walked up to Su Fan and grabbed her cheeks, opening her eyelids to check the dilation of Su Fan's eyes... "Ugh, I guess this went from a High Grade Pill to a Peak Pill... Her spiritual roots are probably causing a reaction from the universe..."

"It's gifting her with strength..."

"So... The universe likes my girl... When I get stronger, we'll have a discussion..." Lin Fan joked as Su Fan's skin blushed from the intense rush of spiritual energy as it flooded her system... "However, why is Gue Yan just sleeping? Does the universe not like the mother of my daughter?"

"It's... It's probably because you need to make a real daughter..." An Moe put Lin Fan's hand on her head... "You also haven't tortured me and the pain in my heart keeps growing larger and larger... Please... please hit me on behalf of the universe..."

Lin Fan turned to the last contraption Mimi Fan made and smiled before he gently placed An Moe on top of the Bell Shaped Chair. Even he was unaware of it's purpose, but the spikes and several contraptions that closed around it brought shivers into even his sadistic heart...

"The pain is finally going away..." An Moe smiled as she looked at both the girls trembling on the floor... "We're also finally alone... You mind if you close your eyes..."

Lin Fan smiled as a pair of gorgeous lips granted him a feeling of pure ecstasy as he lit a small fuse on the Bell Shaped Chair. The next moment, a series of contraptions started to attack An Moe form every direction as her eyes rapidly dilated...

"You girls make me a lucky man..." Lin Fan walked out of the room as a sweet scent waft in his nose from the pain flowing through all of his women... "However, it's about time I increase my physique to the next level..."

Fan Sect Training Room

Lin Fan sat with his legs crossed as he opened his system dialog box. He wasn't interested in many of the stats besides physique, and clicked on the window to cause it to enlarge in front of him

Physique 89,555

'I... I noticed that the requirement to only put 500 points into Physique has changed quite a lot. Each point also went from costing 20 points to over 100 points. However, with close to two million points, I should be able to increase my physique quite a lot...'

'It also seems that every element I learn adds to the amount of physique I'm able to accrue. Whereas three weeks ago my body could only handle a 500 point increase in physique, It can now handle an increase of over 20,000 points!'

Lin Fan smiled and added all of his points to physique. He wanted to increase his internal energy to the peak of the Forbidden Realm, so he'd have permanent protection against damage to his body. Many of the experts he'd seen in the Forbidden Realm had crooked noses and loose jaws from their years of fightning in losing.

Basically, the more handsome the man, the more likely he never lost a battle! Of course, women tended to spend lots of money on expensive pills to fade these injuries, and were not such open books. However, Ban Ta was one such man that had a pretty face, and he could hear him muttering as Su Fan screamed in the background...

"He's growing stronger... I must not let him know my secret..."

"I've even learned to keep somethings secret by talking about other things... My treasure that makes me stronger is rank 50 on the Heavenly Chest list... However, since I said it that way, that means he'd have to look it up and buy a list from a merchant..."

"However, the nearest merchant who sells that list is hidden in the Eight Clan Forest in a place that only I know... Only if he bothered to follow me tomorrow would he be able to find her! Too bad! Only I know where she sells it at Green Mount Lake!

"I... I think Ban Ta secretly wants me to beat him..." Lin Fan increased his points by 1000 and then by 10000 until he reached a 20000 increase in physique! Suddenly, his muscles started to bulge and his body cracked causing what sounded like fire works to spread through the Fan Sect.

Many men were already used to the screaming girls in Lin Fan's room, however, hearing a man screamed made them all raise their brows... How much of an expert had Lin Fan got at causing pain to make a girl scream in such a painful and hoarse way?!

"I... I still can't see..." Su Fan floated in the air as she flailed her feet and rowed backwards like she was swimming in the sky... "However, I don't like this... It's easier to hit walls when it's so easy for you to fly..."

"I don't believe it..." An Moe said as she pulled Su Fan away from the spikes on the wall... "You... you got gifted with a Divine Body... I think Lin Fan is going to be very proud that you still can't see..."

"I'm... I'm useless..." Su Fan blow out air to her side causing a massive gust of wind to spread through the room... "Just... just toss me out side and let me float up... I'm useless to anyone but the clouds..."