Eight Clan Mountain Unites?

Fan Sect

Three days had passed since Lin Fan increased his internal strength greatly, and his muscles and features had grown much more sharp and domineering. However, he had a plan as he walked up to the top of Eight Clan Mountain.

Two of the eight clans had already been destroyed in the last few weeks. One was destroyed by the giant rock that Dragon Zen had sent spiraling towards the Fan Sect, and the Rock Sect had been completely decimated by the Jiang Super Clan. However, the other five sects were beginning to get overrun by guests, and Lin Fan saw how much money he was losing by not owning the territory completely.

Lin Fan was fully aware of how powerful his body had become, and could walk into a wall and cause it to crumble. He sighed as he pulled on the rope that Su Fan was attached to as she tried to master the ability to fly. Learning to use a divine body, was like a girl trying to learn how to cook for a man. For a few weeks, the man would suffer, but after months it would become a great ability that he hoped one of his girls would soon possess...

As of right now, though, he was more worried about Su Fan getting overwhelmed by being blind and having so much power at her fingertips. With her new divine body, her figure had improved to Owa Lan's level, and her mouth had also softened to the touch. Everything about her was perfect except for why she couldn't see... He'd read about the High Grade Pill An Moe had made and it was supposed to improve all maladies...

Was her not seeing actually a strength?

"Lin Fan... I think something pooped on me..." Su Fan complained as she rapidly floated down to his side and landed with her legs around the back of her head... "At least now I've gotten a little bit better at pulling on the rope to find you..."

"You're getting a little bit too good at sitting on my head... I can't help but smell your sweet scent... However, what do you think about my plan of taking over this mountain? By the way, where the hell did Bin Fan and Gang Fan go?"

"They... they went to go train with Jin Lan..." Su Fan rubbed her hands against Lin Fan's head as a tree branch almost hit her in the face... "Just like I'm training not to bump into things... They are also training to get strong enough to hold a candle to you..."

"To put it bluntly..." Lin Fan said... "They finally no longer have to worry about taking care of their daughter or their sect so they went on an adventure with my step father, Jin Lan?"

"Yup, and I heard they took a lot of the money you made so they could increase their strength... Either that, or mother said they might use that money to spend it on the pleasures of life..."

"I... I don't believe it... Here I am... Going from the Rock Clan to the Tang Clan to even the Yan Clan and forcing them to join me and charge my hotel rates... At the same time, your father is spending my money on beautiful women..."

"My mother broke her back recently, so she gave my father a free pass..." Su Fan smiled and kissed Lin Fan on the head before they arrived in front of the Yan Clan. Dozens of members of the Water Race and Dragon Kin Race were sitting basking in the sun before they shivered uncontrollably. They immediately sensed Lin Fan had come into the area, and all their fears activated that he'd placed deep inside their hearts...

+ 50 sadist points

+ 100 sadist points

Lin Fan smiled and nodded at the Dragon Kin as an extremely toady looking fellow ran up to Lin Fan with a platoon of soldiers behind him. Instantly, all the soldiers bowed as Lin Fan looked at the man in red armor with a mixture of contempt and pity...

"I'm sure you heard... The Rock Clan and the Tang Clan have been destroyed because they didn't follow my rules... However, you guys have never schemed against my family... Give me full possession of your territory, and charge my rates, and I'll give you 70% of the spoils..."

"You... you're great... I mean Great Lin Fan... We can't just give you our Sect... Our founders wouldn't approve of such a thing! However, we prepared many gifts!"

"Sorry, but the only gift I want is everything..." Lin Fan pat the rather round belly of the man kowtowing in front of him before he activated his [Eternal Lightning Body]. Suddenly, an extreme aura began to grow and spread outward that contained elements of lightning, fire, and even water. It caused the soldiers to quiver in fear as Su Fan smiled and wrapped her hands around Lin Fan...

"There eyes are closed... Will you get points if I kiss you in public..."

"Wrong system..." Lin Fan blushed as Su Fan began to massage his back and kiss his neck... "If i got points for Public displays of affection, that would be a different story though..."

"In public? We're in public?" Su Fan dropped her jaw as Lin Fan looked down at the trembling man as he knelt in fear...

"Fine... I'll only take 50 percent of your profits... Take the deal now or welcome to the Silent World... I heard dying isn't actually that bad... It's the part that comes after that's much worse..."

"You... you can't just take 40?" The pale man raised his hand and pushed back his black hair, revealing a set of shrewd eyes with a proud glint... "I promise... With me at your side... You'll never be scammed..."

"Give me 65% and I won't slap you in the face..."

"Deal!" The fat man introduced himself as Young Yan as he nodded his head... "I'm going to make you a lot of money! I promise you won't regret picking me..."

"Lin Fan... I... I actually got kind of hot when I kissed you in public..." Su Fan said as she smiled and rubbed Lin Fan's hair... "Can we do it again, and make it a habit?"

"I can charge?" Young Yan said before he found Lin Fan's hand had sent him into the sky... Lin Fan smiled and turned around, before he looked at everyone and indicated for them to close their eyes... He was just a few clans away from owning Eight Clan Mountain...