Metal Overlord

In the morning in the Fan Sect, one strange phenomenon could be seen flying overhead the Sect. There appeared to be a dragon made out of metal ore stirring in the clouds as light flickered against Lin Fan's bedroom.

The metal dragon seemed completely immutable, and gave off the feeling of fear to all the residents staying in the Forbidden City. They were scared that this was a bad omen, and that soon their rates in their hotels would go up once again.

That wasn't the point, though, and Grain Kan sighed as he realized that another Metal Overlord had been crowned by the heavens. The last element someone mastered in order to get a five element body would turn them into an overlord of that element.

Things like dragons appearing in skies, though, was completely unnatural and meant that Lin Fan had a perfect five element body. Grain Kan also had a perfect five element fire body, and only did so because of the generosity of his sixteen masters. The fact that Lin Fan had it without having a master meant that he was either very lucky, or extremely smart...

Lin Fan was both in this case and had been lucky enough to get Chen Low to teach him some things after giving him the hand maiden. Chen Low had been so enamored by the Hand Maiden that he and Lin Fan went out to drink in the city. Lin Fan really knew how to get someone drunk to get what he wanted, and had the Spiritual Wine that Fatty had given him.

The spiritual wine was obviously a valuable resource, and could've made Lin Fan much stronger, but it was also one of the only ways to get Apotheosis Stage Elites drunk! Since he needed information, and Chen Low had a lot of that information, making him drunk was one of Lin Fan's only paths forward...

In an hour, he'd literally told Lin Fan how to get a perfect five element body, how to go about learning his first law, how to meditate for long times alone, and how to really make a women suffer.

Lin Fan could only stare at Chen Low with suspicion as he described ways to make women suffer to the point that they begged to be dead. Of course, Lin Fan would never take it that far, but he had to admit there was some veracity to Chen Low's ideas.

"Lin Fan..." Chen Low had said... "If you want to make a women truly suffer, you have to make her suffer along with someone she cares about... Bring her sister in the room and have both of them suffer together..."

"If you make her family watch, that adds another level of embarrassment, and if you record it she'll never stop feeling bad about the deeds you did to her..."

Chen Low earned Lin Fan's approval as he nodded his head and gave Chen Low another drink of Spiritual Wine. Chen Low was one of those drunks that really did tell it all, and then went onto explain his tragic past.

Chen Low had actually grown up near Eight Clan Mountain and had his sister's chastity taken in front of his eyes as his mother begged the men to stop. These were thieves that left a scar on his body, and in particular a mark on his heart. Every time he saw anyone that looked like a thief, he'd always kill them and find their sisters to torture.

This was the one reason that everyone from the Water Race to the even the Dragon Kin were scared to rob people anywhere near Eight Clan Mountain. There was rumors of a demon that ripped apart men's heads only to their relatives, wives, and even mothers to torture and enjoy. Lin Fan had to admit helped explained his odd penchant for threatening everyone and trying to screw everything.

Ten women had already turned him down, but Chen Low hadn't given up. Lin Fan sighed and decided to take him home before he destroyed half the city in a drunken rage...

"Lin Fan! You're an idiot! If you don't force yourself to keep taking Metal Catalyst Pills even past the point of feeling like vomiting, you'll never have a perfect five element body! That will make it almost impossible the five hidden elements, which will make it impossible for you to become a God!"

"However, I already saw you swallowing those pills like I've seen so many other people swallow... When you get home, you must stuff your mouth with pills over and over and over again until your body feels like it's going to explode!"

"Then when you think it's going to explode, be like a women and keep stuffing! You must force your insides to rupture or else you'll never get a perfect five element body! When you cause it to explode, it should immediately heal... If only I knew that, perhaps I wouldn't be struggling so hard to find a nice mother to pick up! Am I so unnatractive?"

"You... you're a nicer person drunk... I promise... If I get anymore wine, I will give it to you just so you can spill all your secrets..."

"It's not a secret!" Chen Low smiled at a hot waitress before he got smacked in the face... 'Damn it! I didn't even do anything... I'll kill you... I'll kill you and then find your family and do them too!"

"Let's go... I think you're seeing things..." Lin Fan smiled and returned to the sect. After having a good night with Gue Fan and Su Fan, he proceeded to do what Chen Low said and caused his insides to rupture...

He suddenly knew what it probably felt like for a women's water to break as he fell down and coughed out blood on the floor. Mimi Fan panicked by Yan Ran kept her back as a Dragon shot out of Lin Fan's back and spiraled into the sky only to destroy the clouds.

"Your father... He's... he's going to be able to get any women he wants now... I just hope my cooking was good enough..." Yan Ran sighed as the dragon roared in the clouds to the dismay of the hotel owners... "He... he's getting so much stronger now... I must cook something that'll make his heart explode with glee..."

"I think you should try it on Zhou Ran first... I think he earned the title of indomitable stomach in the last eating competition..."

"Why... why are they having an eating competition every time I cook? What's it for..."

Mimi Fan smiled, and pat Yan Ran on the back... "There... there is some food that needs to be eaten quickly before too many people can have it... If too many people had it, then they wouldn't be able to savor it..."

"Hey... Can I have more of your cooking?" Pluck said as he licked his lips with a cheerful smile... His snout had gotten longer over night and he looked more like a dragon... "I don't know what ingredients you Empyrean use, but I seem different today ,don't I?"

"You look like a fat dragon chicken..." Mimi Fan smiled as the metal dragon roared once again above the clouds... "You look like a fat brave dragon chicken..."

"My cooking is that good that it can turn chickens into dragons..." Yan Ran passed by a few bodies that had been hidden from her last eating competition... "That's great... I can't wait to show you what I'll cook next!"