Jiang Super Clan's Destruction

Lin Fan woke up the next day with spittle dripping down his mouth. He immediately realized that he'd made a promise to the Jiang Super Clan that he hadn't kept.

The Jiang Super Clan had been promised a generator, and he hadn't had time to make one. He pushed himself off the floor and took his supplies with him as well as An Moe. She was still in the shop, but since the Five Races were supposed to attack this morning Lin Fan decided to take her with him to go.

Putting her under his arms without her noticing, he flew into the sky as a metal dragon appeared to surround his body as he soared towards Grey Tree Mountain. An Moe was so shocked to find a hand on her butt... She'd fallen asleep working on a new cheaper generator design and woke up with her hair flickering against the membrane of a cloud.

"You... you could've woken me up before you stole me!" An Moe smiled and kissed Lin Fan on the forehead... "You.... you think this ass stays so round without dozens of hours of sleep!"

"I'm sorry, but the Jiang Super Clan was supposed to get attacked today, and I overslept... They might all be dead already, meanwhile I was dreaming about killing my father..."

"You... you dream about killing your father? Why?" An Moe's father was the one who taught her how to blacksmith and and took care of her through the pangs of her childhood years... "You only ever torture me, and never tell me anything about your family! What am I some cheap blacksmith that happens to have a nice body that you use occasionally..."

"I don't use you..." Lin Fan gulped as he shook his head... "I thought I made your pain go away! Anyway... I dreamed I fought my father in a place called the Universal Nexus... Sounds like a fake place right?"

"Maybe... maybe it's a secret mission... Have you ever heard of a dream weaver?" An Moe said as she gently nibbled on Lin Fan's neck... "They... they are a race without emotion on one of the planets... However, they are tied to fate, and send missions to those them deem important to the universe..."

"So... basically, they are saying it'd be best for the universe if I killed my father? Do we make take too many women? I don't like feeling like I'm schemed against..."

"What babies... I thought you were planning on using my new invention..." An Moe blushed as Lin Fan rapidly shot over ten mountains as his body roared... "The vibrations it creates makes it impossible to have children, but it's not like I wouldn't want a little Lin Fan..."

"That... that device will be put to good use sometime soon!" Lin Fan smiled and appeared in front of Grey Tree Mountain.

The speed he used to get to Green Tree Mountain was unknown to him, but like Ja Ran he made a sonic boom as he flew through the air. Trees shot up into the sky as their roots tried their best to latch onto the soil. However, at the speed Lin Fan traveled, the trees shot into the sky in a ten meter radius as he landed on his feet.

With a cloud of dust rising beneath him he rubbed his hands and walked towards Grey Tree Mountain. A path of fire was in front of him and to the sides as well as what appeared to be a few bodies...

However, at the top of the mountain, he could still hear a few people screaming... That meant that the Jiang Super Clan was still probably fighting the Five Races... Lin Fan wasn't stupid enough to pretend he could save everyone... He'd overslept, so what was he supposed to do...

"Lin Fan... Lin Fan!" Two extremely muscular men ran out of a tunnel that he'd found when he'd uplifted the trees... "You're late! Do you know how many people died because your late..."

"I'm... I'm going to take care of it... Get everyone out of there and I'll pay back those five races with an explosion they'll never forget..."

"You... you... you overslept!" Zen Jiang wiped off the tears on his eyes as he nodded his head... "Very well... Just make those bastards pay... They dare declare war on the humans... However, they forget that in the last war we beat all six of the races by ourselves!"

"I thought we were destroyed in the last war..." Lin Fan scratched his head.... "What are you talking about? Also, why didn't the other Super Clans help you? Why put so much faith in a women loving man like me..."

"Lin Fan... Just go show those bastards what a thermal nuclear bomb can do..." An Moe sighed as Lin Fan adjusted his hands to better support her butt... "Go let the five races learn that humans can do more then suffer and die... Go show them that their women also known how to make men explode!"