Rain Drop Bomb

Grey Root Mountain

Lin Fan's hands flashed as he tossed down three bombs into the celebrating camps of the Water Race, the Light Elves, and the Dragon Kin underneath the protection of the sun. He was high enough up in the sky that the three small bombs looked like nothing but droplets falling from the sky.

The sky had started to rain when Lin Fan arrived, and he'd made it rain on purpose by using the water element stored in his body as he remained hidden in the clouds. No one expected, especially the Apotheosis Stage Experts Lin Fan had targeted, for something the size of a rain droplet to contain the power of a nuclear bomb.

The bombs fell down as Lin Fan remained hidden in the clouds as he felt a strange sensation spreading through his body. It felt like someone watching him, a beautiful women, had shut her eyes and left him to his schemes. He shut his eyes at this moment as a rage surfaced in his heart. He didn't like the feeling of being humiliated, and felt a sense of vehement anger as the three bombs fell towards the ground in the hidden mist of rain droplets.

The Apotheosis Stage Experts of the Five Races were on guard, but were only on guard against attacks with spiritual energy infused inside of them. Most weapons made by blacksmiths usually couldn't harm anyone past the Enchanted Realm, and at the Apotheosis Realm your body could heal rapidly if you were injured.

These Apotheosis Stage Experts were smiling as their men wantonly had fun with the women in the Jiang Super Clan. It was a tradition that the victors got the spoils and the ass that went with it. This had been a tradition since the beginning of wars between the seven races, and it was these fruits that they most delighted in. However, since they were in the Apotheosis Stage, where the basis was on learning laws, they had to keep their minds clear in order to try and reach the Demi-God Realm.

The Demi-God Realm was the most important stage in terms of increasing life expectancy, and made it possible to live 15,000 years or up to 150,000 years if you had a perfect five element body. At the Apotheosis Realm, these men could only live for maximum of a 1000 years, and many had grizzled beards with great grandchildren running amok on the streets of the various cities in East Continent.

They smiled and shared a drink with each other as Lin Fan's rain droplet sized bombs bounced against the floor. The fires around them went out slowly as they smiled and relished in the feeling of an easy victory. Without Lin Fan to fight, the humans experts hadn't even bothered to show up and had fled in a series of trapped tunnels.

These men were powerful and were going to be hard to kill, so they let them flee, but to do so they had left behind their wives and opened up a world of beauty to their young recruits.

"I... I'm glad Lin Fan didn't show up..." One man smiled before he looked down and noticed one of the rain droplets hadn't fully evaporated and had expanded in size instead of bursting. At the Apotheosis Realm, he noticed small details like this, and felt it odd as a droplet rolled on the ground.

"Wha... What the hel?" Suddenly, that water droplet seemed to burst and spread outward engulfing that man in flames. He couldn't even reflect on his past as three giant fireballs shot up into the sky.

The sounds of screams weren't heard as Lin Fan had accidentally made the bombs a little too strong. He landed in the Jiang Super Sect as the explosions ripped the experts to shreds as their soldiers rapidly turned to face the three mushroom clouds.

One group turned around and noticed Lin Fan had arrived behind them. They were currently about to ravish Ha Rock's mother as she laid shivering against the bed. Her hands were tied up in knots and her mouth was stuffed with a socks with her white short torn and her body scratched...

She wasn't only scratched, but because of how little she aged Lin Fan immediately saw someone who looked like Ha Rock about to get tortured... An extremely scary anger welled up in his heart as the men drew out their weapons...

"You... how did you get here.. What was that explosion?" The men didn't recognize Lin Fan because of the mask he had on his face... He wasn't an idiot enough to give them the pleasure of seeing his face... "You... you crazy?" Go check it out and stop staring at her! She's ours... you hear me?"

"I think... I think death can be served many ways..." Lin Fan rapidly lifted his hand and sent out five icicles that burst into the hands of the soldiers, sending them off their feet and into the wall... "Some like death hot... Some like death cold... Some like death on fire... and some don't get to turn old..."

"Ah! What the fuck?! HELP!" The men screamed as Lin Fan put his hands together and pulled out a gigantic ice pick... He rapidly disappeared from their vision as they scrambled to pull themselves off the wall...

+ 100 sadist points

+ 500 sadist points

+ 1000 sadist points

They rapidly moved their heads side to side trying to find out where he went. Lin Fan had disappeared like a ghost and the only sound they could hear was Ha Rock's mother moaning as she pointed out the window...

"Seeing me kill you is too good for you..." Lin Fan stabbed the blade he created through the wall as blood gushed out one of the soldiers... "I hope you enjoy dying slowly because father needs some points..."

Fan Sect

A small little bunny sat in front of Lin Fan's room as three shadows rapidly appeared on the Fan Sect Sun Battleship. After the three explosions, the Dragon Kin took it as a sign that Lin Fan had appeared in Grey Root Mountain.

Lin Fan had been hard to track the last few days, because of all the diversions he used when he was leaving. Most men wouldn't think to hire three impersonators who looked like Lin Fan, but Lin Fan had gotten the habit of creating masks that looked like himself that he could send out at various times.

Lin Fan wasn't paranoid, but had learned from the attack by Hanna Lin that he needed to be careful. If he was discovered to be away from his sect, then someone would attack his girls.

Even with the booby traps he'd laced in the various parts of the Fan Sect, many wouldn't fall for his new bunny mines, nor would they be dumb enough to fall into a ditch of spikes. Instead, he had come up with another idea as those three shadows rushed towards Gue Fan as she put out clothing to dry.

She was humming, and her butt was sore from the night before with Lin Fan. However, she felt like she wanted to tell Lin Fan how she felt, and felt extreme enjoyment regardless of the bizzare circumstances of Lin Fan's affection...

He liked it rough, some didn't. He didn't mind she had a child, some definitely did.

She put up one more shirt before she looked down and saw a button with a remote control in his hands. The bunny appeared to be controlling something with an extremely fierce look.

The men noticed the bunny and scoffed as they rushed towards Gue Fan from the shadows. A small little rolling ball passed by them that appeared to have wheels. However, they ignored it as the bunnies eyes flared with passion and killing intent.

As the men ran towards Gue Fan she finally turned around and noticed three men were ten meters from her. She screamed "help" immediately as their faces turned up with contempt for their prey. At the same time, they looked to their side and noticed a small little ball appeared to be chasing after them....

That small ball was remote controlled, and the bunny ate a carrot as it pressed the red button and caused that small ball to explode. A second later, what looked like a small Blaze Field Generator spread outward and trapped the men inside.

Unfortunately, this trap was meant to only trap people, but Lin Fan had miscalibrated it and accidentally caused a small hole to appear in the sect as those three bodies disappeared...

"Did you save me bunny..." Gue Fan said as she looked at the crater that had appeared in the sect along with some tattered clothes that blowed in the wind... "Did... did Lin Fan have you protect me..."

Meh... Meh..." The bunny nodded its head and took out another ball and remote control and started moving it along the ground... "Meh... Meh!"

"How many of those did he give you?"

"Meh!" The rabbit shook its head... Lin Fan had given him a lot of them, but he didn't want his secret getting out to those who might be watching...

"I... I think I have a crush on you, Lin Fan..." Gue Fan blushed as Mimi Fan walked up to her as she scratched her head...

"Did... did dad's experiment fail again?"