
Lin Fan killed roughly three hundred men in the course of five minutes that were remaining in the Jiang Super Clan. The reason it took him five minutes was because he wanted to earn points and show the women that the abuses they tolerated weren't going to go without punishment.

With war, there was always a certain degree of privilege that the victors earned when the won. Whether it was to get the women, or to the treasures in the Jiang Super Clan, it was understandable to Lin Fan that what they wanted most was the women. However, there were a few girls he found dead that had already been brutally handled by a few soldiers from the Water Race.

The Water Race was the closest in appearance to humans aside for the Night Queens, and had pale skin with a shade of blue in it that went away if they got a tan. Hanna Lin and Wan Lin aside, there was something unnaturally immoral about the Water Race compared to humans. He'd saved Wan Lin's father, but hadn't got a chance to talk to him, and was especially curious to learn more about the water race.


Lin Fan was so angry about the girls being murdered by the Water Race, with their clothes in shambles, that he decided to perform a little dissection. Whether it was the arms, legs, or feet of the Water Race Soldiers, he made sure that they were removed before he put them back in place.

When he was finally finished, he earned over a million Sadist Points. He sighed, and walked over to the girls who bodies were fraught with injuries and put a blanket over their heads. He promised himself to pay back the Water Race at the Forbidden Tournament in full.

How dare they?

The fact that the Water Race didn't waste any time, and didn't give him a chance to save the girls was so abnormally angering that Lin Fan's cheeks turned flush red. To him, losing these young girls because of a stupid war wasn't only unethical, but completely a waste of beauty!

The true cost of war was right in front of him, and something seemed to snap as he looked back at H a Rock's mother as she walked in with her husband. Her dress was still torn and her curled up smile nothing more than a common courtesy for someone who had saved them.

"Zen Jiang... The Water Race really is a bunch of maniacs... How dare they kill women for sport... I'll kill them for sport and make an arena out of their dead bodies!"

"You're... you're young Lin Fan... You overslept, and I can tell you are blaming yourself... However, it's not your fault... These men had a plan to kill you and unleashed it on someone who looked like you when they arrived..."

"My double?" Lin Fan gulped as he knew he had to pay extra money to that dead man's family... "I knew me putting someone that looked like me here wasn't going to be enough, but the fact he died such a horrible death..."

"It's not time for jokes..." Zen Jiang sighed and patted Lin Fan on the shoulder... "I could tell by what you did to the soldiers from the five races that you were angry about what they did... However, I'll tell you that when you get a little bit older, you'd probably do the same!"

"I think like a wolf..." Lin Fan shook his head as lightning buzzed around his body as he looked down at one of the Water Race corpses... "If I win a battle, I keep the women and get them to join my pack... If someone messes with the women in my pack, I kill everyone in that pack and keep their women too..."

"If they have children, I either kill them or incorporate them into my pack... If they have treasures, I pee on it so no one messes with it... If they have food, I eat it and I leave... If those women want children, I have more children with them and..."

"This is just insane!" Lin Fan's body sparked with all five elements... He didn't feel like a kid anymore, and felt like an adult standing in the midst of his failure... "Why didn't I wake up?! Why did I have to let these beautiful women die... They couldn't have been older then twenty-one..."

"Don't be too hard on yourself..." Anna Jiang said as she kissed Lin Fan on the cheek with the rope still hanging loosely from her arms... "Those Dragon Kin were about to make me live through it while the Water Race prefers to kill girls before they... they you know..."

"So they don't suffer? Ridiculous? What is death then? A piece of cake compared to being violated?"

"Lin Fan... About that Generator..." Zen Jiang said as he dropped on his knees and bowed to Lin Fan... "We... we weren't able to win against the Light Elves, and even lost some troops we could've used to fight this battle... All we ask is the generator if you don't mind... Please... please make us one..."

"An Moe is making one, right now for you... She said the blacksmith was dead so she took her shop..." Lin Fan's eyes sort of watered as he looked down at the girls... He felt so surprised by his anger, but wiped away his tears as An Moe walked into the room.

She had to walk past quite a few dead bodies as she wore a lace top with a pair of jean shorts. She was the only thing still clean in the Jiang Super Clan. The fact that Zen Jiang had fled and left all these women behind so his troops could survive was insane... He even left behind his wife and she almost got a treatment Lin Fan would never dream of unleashing on his girls unwillingly...

If they wanted him to be rough, then he'd be rough... However, using your power to get girls to unwillingly succumb to you was just not like a wolf! Lightning Wolves cherished their women and bonded for a long time with all they mated with!

It was an intimate dance, not a slaughter.

It was something that made him want to crush everyone in the Forbidden Tournament...

"Lin Fan... I managed to cut down the supplies required to make this generator... We should still have enough for a cooling system, and that new vibrating contraption we were going to put in your room..."

"You... you are sure it's going to work, right?" Zen Jiang looked rather impassive as bodies were carried out on stretchers and tossed into ditches... "If this generator doesn't work, the races will return and decimate not only our women but the future of our race..."

"You owe your wife an apology..." Lin Fan sighed as he walked up to Zen Jiang with an angry expression before he gently slapped him in the face... "She... she was a few seconds away from getting true pain... Did she marry you just so you could leave her when she's in trouble?"

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry, but... what am I supposed to do? I knew she would live even though they were harsh... I didn't think the Water Race would kill these girls honestly... What's a little rough love compared to death?"

"He's going to kill you if you keep talking..." An Moe brought in the generator and passed it to Lin Fan... "It's the Lightning Wolf in him... The same Lightning Wolf that makes me howl in pain when I can't go to sleep at night..."

"Let's turn this on... Bury them properly... In the future, If I have enough points I'll revive all the girls they died... I also might make a new Sadist Farm..."

Lin Fan walked outside and gulped before he shook his head before proceeding to turn on the generator.... Hopefully, it wouldn't blow up...

It didn't blow up, and luckily he created a second warship as Grey Root Mountain flew up into the air and took off into the sky. All that remained below as a gigantic fire burning as they flew into the distance...

"Damn it... Lin Fan... I just realized... This is the only time I ever had you alone..." An Moe came up to Lin Fan and kissed him gently on the lips as she pushed her chest against his arm... "You... you know what this means? You can finally make 'all' my pain go away..." She said emphasizing the all in the sentence to Lin Fan's delight...

"Show me what your made off Lin Fan... I really want to suffer true pain..."