Elves Ancient Monster Vault

Forbidden Arena

Lin Fan walked into the Forbidden Arena expecting a sprawling stadium full of thousands of people, but was instead greeted by a single man. He turned to his left and his right and his left again trying to figure out if he was in the right place.

He turned around and realized that his team had seemed to disappear. This was complicated, and he scratched his head as a man with an extremely long white beard appeared in front of him. Lin Fan was confused as to who this man was, but didn't think much of it and tried to find the table to check in.

The Forbidden Tournament was set up like the stages of dating. First, you had to qualify to get the women and then you'd have to fight for her in a sixteen qualification round battle where at the end of it you'd get her as the prize. That was what he read about the tournament, and he was planning on conquering this tournament like he conquered his women... However, he still didn't know who this old man was that showed up in front of him.

"Excuse me... The tournament was supposed to be here... Do you know if I walked into the wrong building?" Lin Fan felt like an idiot having to ask this old man where the tournament would be held... "I mean... I don't mean to offend you, but isn't it strange we're the only two idiots who are here?"

"My daughter..." The old man smiled as his hand blurred and ended up on Lin Fan's shoulder... "My daughter deserves better then shit... She deserves better then a shitty brother like Ja Ran... You were wondering why Ja Ran never returned to that experimental warship of yours right?"

"I... I thought he was in the bathroom... Did you do something to your son?" Lin Fan gulped as he realized he was in the presence of an Empyrean God, and probably in his domain. Past the demi-god realm, there was something called the domain of a god, and walking into it meant you'd fallen into a god's hands.

Normally, once you got to the demi-god stage, your body would naturally resist falling into a domain, but Lin Fan was like a bug in front of an actual god. Even with his system, he'd barely survive a millisecond if this man had cruel intentions against him...

"No... He wasn't in the bathroom..." The man sighed and pointed to the corner where Ja Ran had just appeared. His head was in chains, his face downcast and his eyes completely bloodshot... "He's in hell, and you're going to be in hell if you lose against my Empyrean Youth Elites..."

"Who? Why don't I just not participate in the tournament... I really don't want to go to hell..." Lin Fan said as he gulped and lowered his head... "As for your daughter, I wasn't stupid enough to take her chastity... The only person that deserves punishment is Ja Ran... He's the one who summoned her and she merely saw me and thought I was her boyfriend!"

"It's my fault... I made her room to hide her from the real world..." Gin Ran sighed as he patted Lin Fan on the shoulder and examined his body. "However, as her father, I also kept some beasts for the Emyprean Temples inside her room, and she must have walked into a portal because of the specifications Ja Ran put to get a beast..."

"He selected the weakest beast that was female for the final doorway of the Summoning Gate Challenge, and the only weak beasts that matched that were my daughter..."

"I planned on throwing a man in her room in a few hundred years after I got over my love for her... However, because I wanted her to be happy, I told her the first man she saw would be the love of her life and she could wed... I was planning on putting in a top tier youth in a few hundred years, however, it looks like now she's completely devoted to you..."

"So... A proposition... You beat my best Empyrean Youths or you die..." Gin Ran smiled and snapped his fingers, causing the stadium to change in front of Lin Fan's eyes... "Just a warning... The Undying Night Organization won't be the only team vying for your head..."

"Bye Father in Law!" Lin Fan smiled and casually bowed as he reappeared with his team... "What a nice man... He could've killed me with his breathe, but he instead chose to let me kill his upcoming youths..."

"Father... You okay... Also, are you really going to make us sit with a generator activated?" Mimi Fan felt somewhat embarrassed walking around in a Mini Blaze Fire Generator... "I know you don't want us to get hurt, but aren't you being too overprotective.."

"Being too overprotective would be killing every man your age..." Lin Fan patted Mimi Fan on the head as Su Fan smiled and laughed at Lin Fan's comment. "However, is it me, or is the competition here a little bit scary?"

"Each race is allowed three teams..." Lightning Woo said as walked by Lin Fan's side, looking at the human section as he snarled with suspicion.. "However, who decided to let Grain Kan be on the human team? I also don't recognize the smell of the other group..."

"Those must be the Empyrean Youths..." Lin Fan sighed as he walked over to register for the tournament... He didn't want to say too much about it as he checked in for the qualification round... "However, there is no guarantee they'll pass the first qualification round... I heard we have to fight a summoned beast from the Elves Ancient Monster Vault... I bet most teams wont even last..."

"Name..." An agitated women said to Lin Fan... "Wait, you're Lin Fan... We already prepared a special room for you to qualify... You're also first by the way as a present from Han Zhou..."

"Sounds fishy..." Zhou Ra said as his fist started to shine like a white onion... "I'll take this one out Lin Fan... Save your strength for the real battle... I didn't expect so many experts to show up..."

Zhou Ra sighed as his 'sister' entered into the stadium with a blue lacy dress and sat down with her feet crossed... He was trying to look powerful and mighty, but really didn't care about fighting. All he wanted her to do was fall in love with him?

Was that too much to ask?

"I'm sorry, but why is daddy being schemed against?" Mimi Fan didn't mind saying it as she saw it.... "Father, you really aren't going to let them make you go first are you? That's cheating!"

"Daughter... Men who try and scheme against me will die... Tell that Han Zhou I'll take his body medium rare if he messes with me in the Qualification Round..."

Lin Fan looked into the seats at the top booth before he started to sweat at the site of Gin Ran... "Also tell the man next to him that I'll be paying for all his food! Anything he wants is on the Fan Sect!"

"Father... Did someone drop a brick on your head?" Mimi Fan laughed... "Is that old man secretly the father of someone whose daughter you shouldn't have touched..."

"Smart... However, this isn't just a father... That's a god..." Lin Fan picked Mimi Fan up and put her on his shoulders... "Gods have daughters too, but can kill a lot more people... Once in a while, even I have to do some sucking up... otherwise, how will I get his daughter to suck..."

"Father... I think you're also my best friend..." Mimi Fan said with a smile as Lin Fan petted her hair... "Let's make sure you get stronger then that man so you can kick his ass!"