Nine Tailed Legendary Bronze Lion (Part 1)

Lin Fan walked in front of the Elves Ancient Monster Vault with just Zhou Ra. The other two girls were mostly there because of their seduction abilities, and it wouldn't be very easy for a human to seduce a monster.

He also had time to go over the rules as they walked over as a few elves rushed them to participate in the Qualifying Round. Because Lin Fan was late this morning, dozens of angry teams had to wait including the Magic Beast Academy Team as well as a few other unknown teams from various schools.

Lin Fan felt somewhat bad for those students seeing as the Empyrean Youth League and the Undying Night Organization had sent not one but two teams to participate in the tournament. The members of both organizations would be some of the strongest in the outer ring of worlds. Lin Fan wasn't knowledgeable had traveling from world to world worked, but he did learn as a child that the Empyreans were some of the strongest of the middle ranked races.

This meant that all the students here, if they were unlucky enough to fight in the tournament against Grain Kan's group, for instance, would get completely owned and dominated like one of Lin Fan's favorite girls. He almost felt bad because Ban Ta wouldn't stand a chance... There was no way he'd advanced as quickly as Lin Fan, and they probably wouldn't get a chance to fight before a team came and destroyed him...

"Lin Fan... I see you've gotten stronger... However, you're understimating me... I will defeat you with my new hidden ability, The Hidden Tiger Blood Stance..." Ban Ta muttered at Lin Fan as he sighed and walked past Owa Lin with a curled up smile.

The other teams cracked their knuckles angrily as Lin Fan jumped on the stage with Zhou Ra. The two girls, as stated, stayed behind to watch from a distance. Jan Fan had learned seduction arts in the last few weeks from Vase Hen and she looked more alluring.

Her blonde hair seemed to shimmer and her body looked like that of an angel as her boobs seemed to have slightly grown. Even though her strength was just on the cusp of the Forbidden Realm, Lin Fan would have more then enough points to upgrade her body by the later rounds of the tournament.

There would be a few matches a day with the blacksmith, alchemy, and auctioneer competition to come in the middle of the day. Mimi Fan had already signed up for the Blacksmith competition and made him sign up as well... He wasn't happy about it, but for his little Chicken Girl he was willing to put his old designs on the line for her happiness...

To become an alchemist he also needed to win the Blacksmith competition in order to earn a gold token that he could put towards the top 10 prizes. Since there was eight competitions with twenty four prizes, the rankings were each giving a prize value. First place was equal to three points and the top prize was six points. Basically, in order to get the best prize you had to be a gifted person.

Lin Fan considered himself gifted and was happy that he'd finally made it on the stage.

Zhou Ra stood in front of him like a tank as his body began to grow white like an onion. He smiled and stood in front of Lin Fan as the Elf Ancient Monster Vault opened up. A white vortex appeared and out of it came a shadow that spread across the entire small stadium that the Qualifying Competition was being held in at the moment.

"What... what the hell is that? Is someone trying to kill my father?" Mimi Fan complained as she watched with both An Moe's from the sidelines... "This is rigged! Why are they fighting against a Nine Tailed Legendary Bronze Lion! Isn't that the strongest Enchanted Realm Beast on East Continent?"

"Mimi Fan... Don't draw attention to us..." Lightning Woo said as he snarled at the men from the Empyrean Youth League... "Your father can handle it... However, we can't distract him..."

"Father... Father's going to kill that smug looking bastard Han Zhou..." Mimi Fan learned that name from Grand Dragon Varos... "My teacher said men like Lin Fan always get the girl... That means he's going to win this competition too right?"

"That... that's... that's some interesting logic..." Pluck laughed as he looked down at his body, finding that he'd once again grown over night... "If that's true, then I'll never win! I can't imagine any dragon ever liking me..."

Lin Fan turned back and smiled at his favorite trio as the Nine Tailed Legendary Bronze Lion stopped in front of him and began to growl... It's eyes burned with fury as Lin Fan's body began to suffuse with the five elements.