Nine Tailed Legendary Bronze Lion (Part 2)

Lin Fan and the Bronze Lion sized each other up as Zhou Ra stepped back and shook his head. There was no reason for him to get involved with something weak. He pulled out a Spiritual Root Onion and began to eat it as he sat down at the side of the stage.

This instantly caused the Bronze Lion to start drooling as the elves looked at Zhou Ra with shock. Who was this rich boy that dared take out the Nine Tailed Legendary Bronze Lion's favorite food? Lin Fan could only look over at Zhou Ra as the lion swiftly turned into a blur and appeared right in front of Zhou Ra.

It's orange fur began to glow a bright red as its body turned to flames causing an almost bronze light to shine across the stadium. It's eyes turned bright white and it looked like a moving deity as it appeared in front of Zhou Ra and gently touched him with its nose.

Even with the fire burning around it, and with its intimidating look, it started whimpering as Zhou Ra mercifully turned around and took off a small piece of onion and handed it to the Lion. Instantly, the Lions body went from a sweltering hot to an extremely cold frost. A smile appeared on its face as Lin Fan shook his head...

Zhou Ra was definitely like him and was an smart guy pretending to be an idiot. In a few seconds, Zhou Ra had the Lion rolling on the floor for another piece of onion.

"I'm going to hit you..." Zhou Ra said with a smile as he patted the lion and gave it an onion... "You... you fly to the other side of the stadium, okay? I'll be gentle..."

"Ru! Ru!" The Lion said as it swiftly looked at the two judges as they stared with incredulous stares... "Ru! Ru! Ru! Ru! Ru!"

"Okay.... Here I go..." Zhou Ra's arm began to glow white before it suddenly blurred and hit the lion in the chest. To everyone's surpise, what looked like a weak attack sent the lion flying towards the bleachers and it left a giant crater in it.

Smoke rose in the air as Zhou Ra smiled and tossed an onion at the lion before he pulled out another Spirit Root Onion...

More shock filled the arena as Mimi Fan smiled and accepted the onion from Zhou Ra.

Lin Fan sighed and wondered why everyone cared about Mimi Fan so much. Why couldn't he have an onion and why did that lion have to be so lucky? How many girls would get hit that hard in the face for an onion like that? Practically any girl would take off their clothes for one of those onions! It was like an entire extra life span in the layers of that onion!

"Inconclusive!" The judge said as he looked at Lin Fan and Zhou Ra... "We... we need to run another test! Please remain on the stage so we can activate the doors again!"

"Stop it! He clearly used his brain to outsmart the lion!" Mimi Fan sighed and tossed the onion on the floor... "How dare you?! How dare you insult father when, I, his little Chicken Girl is around!"

"Mimi Fan... Let them waste their creatures..." Lin Fan smiled as he nodded his head at the judge... "I want to see more of what Zhou Ra has in that big belly of his..."

"What? I like my belly..." Zhou Ra smiled and took out another onion... "Did it get bigger again?"