An Idiot's Last Chance

Boris Lang felt fear for the first time in ages as something inside of him snapped. His entire body turned to flames as the blood sword from Gale Fan's hands stabbed right through his shoulder.

He could hear the bones in his shoulders break as Gale Fan quickly pulled out his sword and stepped back in fear as he looked down at his sword and smiled before he licked the blood of his blade. Immediately, a small blood throne appeared behind Gale Fan that was completely opaque and black.

It seemed to be shimmering with a slight flame that contained a subtle trace of the law of fire swirling inside of it. Gale Fan immediately felt an extreme sense of pride as he wiped the blood off his mouth as the world started to dim.

The Blood Throne could steal knowledge from the blood of opponents that could improve the hosts ability by leaps and bounds. Gale Fan never dreamed that he'd steal even a little bit of Boris Lang's law of fire, which caused all his efforts to seem worthwhile.

Even though he could barely move from the heat spreading up his body, he still felt calm standing in the middle of Boris Lang's [Hell-Fire Prison]. With that little knowledge of the law of fire, it didn't melt his flesh immediately and instead just trapped him for a few seconds before the circle underneath his body disappeared.

Boris Lang's [Hell-Fire Prison] was an attack that literally was meant to slowly melt the skin of traitors to the Empyrean Kings, and was passed down to the monsters of the Empyrean Leagues. However, for some reason, Boris Lang felt like his knowledge of that skill had disappeared as well as some of his knowledge of the law of fire.

His knowledge of the law of fire was all that he had keeping him in the top spot of the Empyrean Championship League. Without that law, he was nothing more than a small ant in a see of geniuses. He looked down at his fist, eyes blazing, and manifested a small ball of fire and slowly caused it to change into a spear that solidified.

He'd just lost about three percent of his knowledge of the law of fire, and had only lost the knowledge to [Hell-Fire Prison] because it was the last skill he used. However, the sheer fact that some bumpkin took one of his prized skills made his mind spin with rage.

In that instant of life or death, he accidentally tapped into the gateway to become a demi-god and used a mental attack to cause Gale Fan's blade to swerve. Tang Fan, because of that, lost all his ability to hold back Boris Lang, and immediately went up in flames to the audiences horror.

Lin Fan instantly grew enraged and nearly jumped from his seats before Gin Ran appeared by Tang Fan's body and caused the fire to go out with a motion of his fist. He disappeared with Tang Fan onto the side lines quicker then it took the audience to blink. In a second, he was already back by Yan Ran with an excuse for why he returned from the bathroom.

"You... you're going to die... Give me that throne, let me swallow it, or the rest of your life will be full of an endless inferno..."

"I take ten attacks... You lose..." Gale Fan smiled smugly as he held up ten fingers... "You man of word, or little baby? You want me to kick your ass more?"

"Don't go back on your word..." Grain Kan screamed as he stepped onto the stage... "You can still win in the losers bracket and make it to the finals so I can crush you..."

"Grain Kan? You're barely a piece of shit I'd use to feed my plants... Hold on... I need to take this Gale Fan's head... I can deal with you in just a second..."

"Han Zhou..." Gin Ran suddenly turned with a serious expression... "Stop the battle... Gale Fan lost this round.... Declare it now or else we'll have a real political shit-storm on our hands..."

"Why? I mean... I will, but why?"

"If that boy turns into a demi-god now, due to his rage, his father will literally go to war with my Sacred Light City... I'd rather not have a war start due to Boris Lang losing himself to the law of fire..."

Losing himself to the law of fire...

What did that mean, and how was it possible?

Certain laws came with certain requirements to master, and the law of fire tended to make you more mad and impulsive. The law of metal tended to make you more rigid, but also more strong willed while the laws of water, lightning, and even space all had similar effects.

Lin Fan hadn't been affected by his law because he hadn't trained in it for many years. In fact, he might have to train with it a hundred years before he felt a tiny bit more rigid. This wasn't the case for Boris Lang who had literally sat in the hottest fires for nights on end to understand every chemical reaction that occured.

His body began to swell up with fire as lightning spread across the sky. Instantly, Han Zhou appeared in front of him, and instantly hit him in the neck. He fell onto Han Zhou's back as the audience gasped at the battle that had just happened. Was it really possible that the Empyrean Championship League had lost to some unknown person in a lower world?

The Empyreans who had come from the Empyrean Temple Portals broke out into shouts of rage as Han Zhou held up Boris Lang's hand. He'd been declared the winner... Gale Fan shook his head and laughed before he looked back at his small, nascent blood throne and smiled...

He could tell that he'd done something he shouldn't have done, but was proud of his victory. It would take a simpleton like him dozens of years to learn even a sliver of a law and he just got three percent with one slash.

"You... you can't ever come back..." Gin Ran said as he tapped Gale Fan's shoulder... "You can't ever come within ten feet of my daughter anymore, or I'll have to kill you..."

"You knew that when you stole a sliver of law from Boris Lang my response would be this... You may be an idiot, but if you wanted a chance with my daughter Na Ran, you shouldn't have messed with my top genius..."

"I... I care about power... I get strong and then get your daughter... Now... Can you tell me why he win? Shouldn't I win if he get knocked out..."

"Did you hear me?" Gin Ran said as his squeezed Gale Fan's shoulder. "You... you can't show up here anymore or I'll kill you?! How dense are you?!"

"I... I complete idiot, but I'm not moving... I want to marry your daughter... I just want to show you my strength, and win battle... I give idiot back his laws if he apologize for calling me bumpkin..."

Gin Ran slammed his hand into his chest before Gin Ran sighed and tapped him on the shoulder. Suddenly, a set of armor appeared on Gale Fan that surprised the entire audience. That was the armor of someone who was invited to join the Empyrean Youth League!

"If you're such an idiot, then spend fifty years in my world training and see if you can become one of the top geniuses... If you can ever become a monster in the Empyrean Youth League, I will let you meet Na Ran again... Is that okay?"

"You mean... you let me keep laws, and keep daughter in future... Can I get blood if I go with you?"

"Only if you're victorious in the league..."

"I go..." Gale Fan smiled and looked at Lin Fan and Na Ran with a smile... "I see you soon Na Ran! Thanks for the back massage and for helping me with broken foot! I pay you back in future!"

"I... I can't believe someone can be so dumb..." Na Ran sighed as she waved to Gale Fan... "Don't die in the Empyrean Youth Leagues Testing Division, and maybe if you reach the top I'll introduce you to my sister!"

"Sister... There more?" Gale Fan suddenly started to disappear as Lin Fan sighed... Was it possible that being an idiot could be genetic? He wasn't sure, but looked at the knocked out Boris Lang with a smile on his face.

He never imagined in a million years that the parasites he planted in Tang Fans' body would work well enough to completely stun Boris Lang for a few whole seconds. There was now almost no way he'd be able to secure a spot in the finals of the tournament...

"Well, it looks like you owe me a date..." Lin Fan winked at Na Ran as she blushed and realized her hand had moved further up her leg... "Looks like you're single again... I don't think most women respect long distance relationships,right?"

"I never was dating him... Just... sometimes I can't say no to an idiot... They can be cute, but pathetic at the same time.."

"I'll see you tonight... However, if your hand goes any higher I think your father might crush my skull..."

Na Ran instantly blushed and slowly took her hand of Lin Fan's leg as the audience broke out into a cheer! That was the type of battle they'd never expected to see, and screams and exhalations spread like wild fire!