Willow of Sacred Ice

The second day of the Forbidden Tournament ended with a victory by Grain Kan in a battle that lasted three seconds. The team Grain Kan faced instantly fainted when the match started, and it took three seconds for the referee to call the match for the Undying Night Organization.

Lin Fan didn't see a reason to watch the rest of the matches as Na Ran was depressed and wanted to go to the Fan Sect early for dinner. She went to the Fan Sect with Lin Fan, Mimi Fan, Lightning Woo, and Pluck as spectators on the streets accosted Lin Fan for his signature.

The few who got Lin Fan to stop were greeted with the words "No" by Lin Fan. He hadn't gotten Sadist Points from such a direct way in a long time, and only signed children's offerings before he arrived at the Fan Sect.

Na Ran and him then went into the Fan Sect Workshop for a private talk on the law of water and to look at a book called the [Willows of Sacred Ice]. She wrote the [Willows of Sacred Ice] at a school in Sacred Light City for her thesis project and was declared a prodigy by the Sacred Light Organization that fostered geniuses. However, she got scared from the prospect of being called a genius and ran to her father and asked to go with Ja Ran to the next world they visited.

That was the first conversation they had over dinner, and Na Ran blushed as Lin Fan poured over the details in the [Willow of Sacred Ice]. He sat next to her and put her hand on his leg as she blushed and looked at him read through the details on the law of water and how it can create tsunamis from the droplets of water in the air. It could be used to heal injuries, allow for gravity defying movements, and increase life span of family members.

Lin Fan's eyes wandered from the page to Na Ran's chest and then down to her hand as he closed the book. He had enough points to learn the [Wollow of Sacred Ice] because his system had rapidly gained points after the last battle. The cost of the [Wollow of Sacred Ice] was one million points, but the Empyrean's Rage and Despair from Boris Lang's defeat was worth millions of points.

The reason he got the points was because Gale Fan looked like him from head to toe and thus all the rage soon turned to Lin Fan's direction, so he gladly accepted it and mentioned he was Gale Fan's brother. Lin Fan had no idea he was telling the truth, thinking he was lying, but felt at peace gaining points from beautiful women, ugly men, and even fierce beasts from the Empyrean Clans.

The only thing he didn't appreciate was the reticent attitude of Na Ran as she barely ate her food. Her hand gently caressed his leg, but she looked lost in Lin Fan's eyes. Her skin blushed, her chest heaved, and her mind seemed like a mystery Lin Fan couldn't unlock. He couldn't help it and finally put her fingers in the grasp of his hand, and smiled as he reached over and grabbed her shoulder.

"That idiot Gale Fan isn't worth worrying over..." Lin Fan said as he licked off the taste from the scrumptious meal Na Ran cooked for them with Yan Ran. "He's an idiot, but your father brought him to Sacred Light City... He'll be safe there and probably find a nice beautiful dumb women that he'll have lots of children with..."

"It's not just him... It's you, idiot... You told everyone he was your brother, and now the Empyrean Championship league is discussing with my father how to merit your punishment... They are extremely sly, clever, and above all strong... If you're blamed for Gale Fan's errors, then I fear my sister will never be able to have her wedding ceremony with you..."

"I'll be inserting myself into your family very soon..." Lin Fan cleared his throat as he clicked on the book cover of the [Willow of Sacred Ice]. He put two million points to learn the skill for the book before he closed it and kissed Na Ran's cheek... "Now, why don't I show you what I do to make all my girls happy... I'm a frank, honest man that knows how to make a women happy..."

"What can you do to make me happy, but live a long time, idiot?" Na Ran blushed as she felt Lin Fan's hand rubbing against her shoulder... "You're strong, so my protections against you are barely existent, however, if you try and go for me as well as my sister... My father will want your head..."

"I think sometimes a man thinks he only must live for himself... However, I want to live for you and your sister and lots of other girls... If you wouldn't mind, lean into me... I'm curious about something... Close your eyes too, and put them to my lips..."

"Shameless!" Na Ran smiled and closed her eyes as Lin Fan twisted her hair between his hands... "You want to kiss me and you set up this entire ruse? Why not just do it in front of my father... That way I can watch him kill you instead of the Empyrean Championship League..."

"We have two minutes... two minutes until I have to go make points... Two minutes until you either let me put you up on that wall so I don't die tomorrow, or two minutes until you leave and I die tomorrow..."

"Why would you die because of me..." Na Ran blushed as Lin Fan rubbed his hand against her face... "I'm nothing but a smart girl with a little penchant for studying the law of water... What can you do with me but read my book?"

"I have a secret that I can't tell anyone, but I swear if you don't let me put you up on that wall I will die! You care about me right? Because you and me can both tell are fates are connected... Since our fates our connected, I can just skip the formalities... You're my woman, and such I'm going to shamelessly kiss you now okay?"

"My eyes are closed..." Na Ran's skin blushed as Lin Fan's hand went between her hair and pulled her in. They kissed for a moment before she suddenly felt handcuffs clicking against her wrists. Lin Fan smiled and pulled back his lips before Na Ran smiled and closed her eyes...

"Fine, I'm guessing you really do need to shame me to get something... just don't be too rough.... The worst pain I ever experienced in my life was me slipping once, and my father caught me..."

"You're going to be mine quicker then you know it..."

Lin Fan nodded his head and watched the download for the [Willow of Sacred Ice] finish.

[Willow of Sacred Ice has finished downloading... You've gained three percent mastery into the law of water!]

[Na Ran has high affinity with law of water and as such you will gain points the higher your domination of her gets. Increase domination to master-slave role in order to increase rate of learning law of water!]

"What's that look..." Na Ran said as she blushed as Lin Fan pinched her cheeks and only getting a single point... "Is that the look of someone whose going to be the husband of two beautiful girls, or someone whose scared of revealing who his true self is..."

"My true self?" Lin Fan spun her around and put her head on his bed as she laid on all fours... "My true self is a simple man... I find something that benefits me and I grab it by the ass... I find something that doesn't benefit me, and I grab it also by the ass!"

+ 50 sadist points

+ 100 sadist points

+ 1000 sadist points

+ you've gained an insight into the law of water and have increased your knowledge by .001 percent!