Metal Throne Tribulation

Lin Fan smiled after getting all four pieces of Eight Vein Metal to reach the level of radiant shimmering. The judges were just arriving and were somewhat dumbfounded by the sheer speed of Lin Fan's hands. They immediately realized he was trying to get his metal from radiant shimmering to the diamond star rank.

The diamond star rank would definitely cause some minor tribulation, and as such the judges were naturally to nervous to even help Ind Quin set up. He walked in roughly five minutes early after returning from the Empyrean Capital with the finest eighth grade metal. To make eighth grade metal like Lin Fan was doing, many would call it a waste of time when ten star blacksmiths sold them for cheap to students at Sacred Light Academy. He had multiple expensive pieces of eighth grade metal, a new set of Seven Star Legend Hammers and even a blue print to make a difficult seventh grade treasure.

Lin Fan's hard working nature was going to at best get him second with all the new equipment that Ind Quin had in his arsenal. He set up his own blacksmith area and took out a much better anvil, and mallet along with some spiritual tongs that cost him an arm and a leg. Lin Fan with the Metal Overlord sword had bent the sword back with his hands and spiritual energy rather then with a machine like In Quin preferred. He laughed at the idiot and looked over at Lin Fan's cheering section with scorn, pity, and contempt.

"Father is going to kick your ass today! He had multiple girls in his room last night teaching him how to kick your ass!" Mimi Fan said which caused Boris Lang some laughter as he pat Ind Quin on the back meaningfully. He seemed to be saying "If you lose, consider yourself out of the Empyrean Youth League."

"I got this..." Ind Quin took a deep breathe and then began using all his methods to begin crafting the new seventh grade weapon the Blue Conquerors butterfly sword. It was the second hardest seventh ranked weapon to make, and was literally only a little bit larger then the Seventh Grade Blue Monarch Butterfly Knife. However, you also got points for material, execution and he'd bought the best with him while Lin Fan merely used Eight Vein Metal once again.

He sighed and ignored Lin Fan's legendary blacksmith aura.

Lin Fan also ignored him as he subtly pushed the law of metal into the Eight Vein Plate as his hands moved rapidly. His hands moved so fast all you could see was a blur as simultaneous low dings reverberated one after the other. It was so fast that he literally crushed the following sound about to come out and instead caused a blanket of air to shoot at his nearby opponents.

A few fell over as Mimi Fan laughed and the judges tried their best to move them away from Lin Fan. His eyes started to shimmer as his hammer moved faster and faster and faster as he tried to reach 100,000 forge with the thin Eight Vein Metal.

Gin Ran walked in with his daughter with a smile on his face as Na Ran finally decided to stop being a rebel and join them in the booth. They had cooked breakfast together this morning, and for once he didn't die when he ate dinner with his daughters...

"Father... I want to know what you are planning to do if Lin Fan wins all three of the competitions he's in..." Yan Ran said as Na Ran sat on his other side... "I was thinking we could invite him over for dinner in Sacred Light City... I think our mothers would love to meet him..."

"He isn't a Demi-God yet, right? I can't invite him up to Sacred Light City until he earns enough meritorious deeds... The Empyrean Temples will also be leaving soon when the time limit is up... However, you both know the war will likely start after that right?"

"I don't care about the stupid war... I just want my husband to finally see the rare treasures I have in my room... Plus, father... You said I have to take a man on a long adventure before he can ever have babies with me... I feel like Lin Fan needs to start on that adventure soon, or he'll never get to learn the secrets of our heritage..."

Na Ran smiled and laughed as suddenly Gin Ran slammed his hand down and caused an entire section in the arena to jump three feet up. He face palmed himself and instantly sent a scathing gaze towards Ind Ran as he slowly and methodically worked on the second part of the Blue Monarch Series...

"You... you know... Lin Fan needs to grow up a lot before he goes in your bed room..." Gin Ran wiped the sweat off his body... "However, I heard Na Ran wants to invite Lin Fan over too... Are you okay with that Yan Ran?"

Gin Ran was hoping his two daughters would instantly get mad at each other, and as such he had a small hope in his heart that Lin Fan would be disqualified from both their hearts. However, to his surprise, both Na Ran and Yan Ran seemed to welcome the idea of him visiting both their bed rooms...

"Father... It's really okay... We girls live forever... We need something to bridge our bodies on cold nights, and Lin Fan is just the sort of connection we need..."

"He's also rather smart..." Na Ran said as she recalled the obscenities of the night before with Lin Fan. She could still feel his in print in the back of her ass as well as the feeling of his warm lips on her skin. "I... I might not even remember where the bed is when he gets to my bed room... I think I might immediately show him all I have to offer..."

"You two... You two are growing up too fast... However, looks like Lin Fan's plan is backfiring..." Gin Ran sighed as Lin Fan's hammer slammed one final time into the Eight Vein Metal causing it to nearly implode.

Lin Fan's last strike was supposed to cause a tribulation, however, to the judges happiness it merely started to shimmer like it had returned to a 5th grade metal. The only way someone could turn such a piece of crap metal into 8th grade metal was if they rose it three times to the eighth rank. There was a reason certain metals were more expensive then others, and why Lin Fan's metal had failed to reach the eighth rank. For metal to reach the eighth rank, it had first have proper material density, be properly tempered, and contain a sliver of the law of metal.

Lin Fan had knowledge of the law of metal, but the material density of Eight Vein Ore was horrible which was why it had to reach the eighth rank three times. The judges were certain that Lin Fan was an idiot for using that metal, and probably never read past the first few pages in the Blacksmithing Codex Gin Ran had given him.

However, to their surprise, the skies seemed to open up a second later as the halo on the metal started to turn completely translucent. This could mean only one thing, and that was Lin Fan had gotten it to the eighth rank three times!

The skies literally opened up for Lin Fan and out came a purple dragon roughly ten times larger then his [metal overlord]. It roared towards the piece of metal and entered into it like a line of light. The metal instantly turned purple before the Eight Vein Ore slowly started to melt and reform itself. It went from an earth metal to a heaven metal in front of the judges eyes.

"Now... next step..." Lin Fan smiled and ignored the reaction of the crowd... "I just have to pretend it's a pretty woman and follow the blueprint I have perfectly... If everything goes well, she will be screaming for me by the end of the competition..."

"Father... Father seems to be going crazy..." Mimi Fan said to Gue Fan as she held her in her lap... "Is that what he's like when he gets you alone at night mother?"

"Father... Lin Fan likes his women alone only rarely, but he's like that when he gets me alone..." Gue Fan blushed as she bounced Mimi Fan on her leg... "Imagine being trapped in a monster's cage only to find he likes to lick you for hours before he devours you whole... However, the devouring is usually a good thing..."

"Wow... when I grow up... I want to be devoured whole!" Mimi Fan smiled as Su Fan also patted her on the head... She could see a burning red fire starting to swirl in Lin Fan's body through the Eye of Insurrection, and could feel the birth of something she couldn't explain....

Lin Fan instantly followed his blueprint and took the metal over to his anvil before he began to hammer with his eighth grade diamond hammers. In less then three minutes, he'd hit the heaven metal over 3000 times, but because it wasn't earth metal it was much harder and more tough to bend. He had to hit it over 10,000 times, like a frisky girl unwilling to succumb to his whims, and by the 100,000th time he finally had the image of the Metal Throne he envisioned...

However, before he could finish putting in the last parts, Ind Quin had already walked over to him with a smile...

"You ran out of time genius... Looks like I won another round..."