Sacred Law Manuals

Lin Fan went outside and found a few unconscious Ocean Realm soldiers, but it seemed that the assassin, Wen Yin had left no one dead. He sighed and walked into his private study and walked over to his desk and took out the three sentient grade treasures he hadn't yet learned.

His points had skyrocketed to close to two billion in the three days he was suffering the pangs of creating his heaven grade body, and he now had more than enough points to hopefully master the three treasures. The three sentient grade treasures were the [Sacred Law Manuals], the [Tempestuous Lightning Tome] and the [Space Sea Tome].

The first book he wanted to learn was the [Sacred Law Manuals] because in addition to having information on all the ten secondary laws, it also had information on over one hundred obscure laws related to things like the law of poison that Pox Ran had mentioned earlier when they were talking. The law of poison was an obscure law because it didn't relate to power or creation and instead would only act to benefit the person's internal world or the people around them.

There were some obscure laws that would benefit leadership and included things like the law of rhetoric, the law of command, and the law of shadows. These laws had to do with keeping track of where soldiers were, controlling them, and also predicting enemy moves.

The fact was that Pox Ran was a million times better of a leader than Lin Fan right now, and could probably predict everything he'd do with knowledge of these obscure laws. Lin Fan took this into account when he chose the [Sacred Law Manuals] and gently touched down on the cover.

The book simply ignored him and was in a [passive state]. It had a black frame with yellow emblazoned font on the cover with some rather fanciful markings from other assassins. It had dried blood on the edges and seemed like it had been around since antiquity.

[Sacred Law Manuals is considered a peak grade sentient treasure and will cost more to master than most manuals...]

[In order to attempt to learn the entire book, the cost will be one point five billion points... Would you like to attempt to master the [Sacred Law Manuals]?]

Lin Fan hated how things always seemed to get more expensive, but quickly decided to invest one point five billion points into the manual. All he had to do now was wait to see if the hacking was successful.

[The Sacred Law Manuals seems to have a distaste for you and resisted sixty percent of the attempt... You mastered forty percent of the [Sacred Law Manuals]

[The Sacred Law Manual has turned from a [neutral state] to a [slightly contemptuous] state. It will not let you learn any techniques inside the book until you get it to reach a [friendly state].

'It... It didn't appreciate one point five billion points? Does it realize how many people had to suffer for me to get those points...'

Lin Fan looked down at the tome as it turned away from him and jumped down onto the floor. It walked over to the wall and started slamming into it like it was pissed it was in the presence of Lin Fan.

He sighed and walked over to collect the book and put it back in his spatial ring. However, didn't he master forty percent of it? Why didn't it seem like he learned anything?

[You've gained knowledge of twenty obscure laws, but have only truly ascertained the obscure law of poison, the obscure law of shadow, and the obscure law of secrecy...]

[The reason these are called obscure laws because you normally don't know you mastered them as well as the fact they are hard to understand... They will show up on your actions and can be tested for at a place like the Sacred Ring of Assassins headquarters...]

"Great, well, was there any progress in the other laws? I thought it helped teach all ten secondary laws?"

[It didn't seem to want to give you information on the laws, and chose to only give you what it thought were its worst skills... The book is normally controlled by assassins, so it probably doesn't like your attitude... You may have to kill people in front of it to increase its favorability...]

"It... it wants me to kill people..." Lin Fan was learning more and more and more about sentient grade treasures and wasn't surprised that it had such a strange penchant for death after hearing about the destaff assassination codex. He sighed and quickly put all his points towards the other two tomes.

He finally had a break and fully mastered the [Lightning Tempestuous Tome] with one billion points and reached sixty-five percent in the law of lightning. When he tried to learn the [Space Sea Tome], however, he only had five hundred million points remaining and only got to fifteen percent mastery in the law of space.

The primary laws were much harder to learn than the secondary laws and some people said you had to have a hundred sentient grade treasures for every thousand years of studying the law you wanted to skip.

Lin Fan didn't have a thousand years to get stronger with Pox Ran threatening to kill him in six months. He sighed and walked outside his workshop only to find Han Zhou with his arms crossed as he leaned on the door...

"It turns out Pox Ran just put out a bounty for me to some of the top Sacred Assassins... I'll be dead in a few days Lin Fan... I need to teach you how to be strategic now before I'm dead..."