Death Plan

Lin Fan had a feeling that Pox Ran wouldn't like Han Zhou the moment word got out that he'd been responsible for planning the mission to intercept Glenn Kong. It made sense that Pox Ran's first move would be to eliminate the strategist on Lin Fan's side, and he wasn't too excited about the idea of losing his top general after spending six months watching him work.

Han Zhou over the last six months had caused all four of the races a lot of pain by interrupting supply routes, making hidden channels that were impossible to find, and by slightly alienating the trust the four races had in each other. He was only in the Apotheosis Realm, but had a grasp of almost all the obscure laws related to leadership, strategy, and coercion.

Some races also excelled in learning things like obscure laws and the elves were some of the finest strategists with quite a few tomes that Lin Fan wished to see in the future. The only problem was that Han Zhou wasn't stupid enough to just let him have tomes on obscure laws for free. His main role in the war was that as as strategist, and if he gave Lin Fan everything he knew then he'd lose his value, meaning, and also never get a chance to take over the continent.

This all changed, and a different side of Han Zhou came out when he heard that he was going to be assassinated. He knew that Lin Fan had gotten stronger since he had a demi-god body now, but his external body had yet to reach the heaven's grade, which meant that Lin Fan would be at a great disadvantage against the Sacred Assassins that attacked him.

He also couldn't trust that Lin Fan would be able to predict when the assassins were going to come, nor watch him all the time.

"I... I want to go have some fun... I want to go kill some people and teach you how to be a good strategist... It'll be like guys getting a couple of drinks together, but we'll be drinking over dead bodies..."

"You really think they stand a chance of killing you when you're here... We have Chen Long, and also hundreds of demi-god elves that are going to be able to protect you..." Lin Fan saw a glower appearing in Han Zhou's eyes as he crossed his arms... "I mean... I know the Sacred Ring of Assassins is strong, but we have dozens of people to protect you..."

"He wants to kill me so you have to be the lead strategist... I'm guessing... He probably knows I have mastered quite a few obscure laws and wants to get rid of me so he can get to you..."

"I'm going to surprise him..." Lin Fan cracked his knuckles as his body shimmered with a slight gold tint... "If he thinks he can snatch my general from my hands, then he has no idea how much I want to kill you myself!"

"You... you... you're a good man Lin Fan..." Han Zhou smiled widely as he rolled out a map that had the markings of several Dragon Kin locations... "Let's go see if I can get you to ten percent mastery in the law of strategy before a blade cuts my throat..."

"Giving up already... What about your sister? She finally will be able to spend time with you in a few weeks... I almost created a pill to let her control the parasitic spiritual roots... You promised her you wouldn't die..."

"I'm dead... I know it... Let's just go before I change my mind... I could always go to Pox Ran personally and surrender, but that wouldn't leave me any opportunity to rule this continent..."

Lin Fan sighed and nodded his head before he looked down at the map...

"So, we're going to Blue Sky Camp... You think they could've thought of a better name..."

Blue Sky Camp

Hundreds of demi-gods were stationed in the clouds above the Silver Heart Ocean. Silver Heart Ocean was where the main stronghold of the Water Race and the Merman were, so it made sense for the Dragon Kin to move some of their cloud camps there.

The reason they were called cloud camps was because the clouds were just dense enough that those with light bodies like the Dragon Kin could walk on them. The clouds were technically not clouds but actually spiritual plumes much like the ones seen in the South Continent. The only difference was these clouds were going to be used for the machinations of the Dragon Kin as they slowly headed towards the North Hills.

Pox Ran had met with the four races and had already come up with a plan of attack. Rather than being direct, they were going to use ambushes on the Fan Sect soldiers along with other techniques. He wanted the dragon kin to focus on assassinating targets, sending the humans into marked territories where they could be flanked, and also wanted them to get ahead in technology.

The Dragon Kin were experts at science, but didn't like using weapons in war if they didn't have to for several reasons. For one, they had a lot of pride, but secondly this meant that the enemy might be able to take their technology.

How long was a war in the span of time?

It was practically a day in history while their technology could eventually allow them to pass the other six races for good. The only problem was that Lin Fan now had a system, which Pox Ran illustrated with a graph showing the rate of his growth versus the speed of their technology. They'd get crushed in less than fifty years while their technology would take hundreds of years to fully dominate the planet.

Pox Ran was an amazing leader, and actually got the Dragon Kin to change their ways.

A group of Dragon Kin soldiers laughed and smiled as Lin Fan and Han Zhou landed behind a large cloud mountain that acted like the bow of a ship on the strange cloud...

"Time to teach you how to completely destroy an enemy Lin Fan... Consider this the first lesson I'm giving you for free... The rest were always based on the fact you'd owe me something in the future... Now that I don't have a future, you can rest easy about making the elves more pills..."

"We really need to find you a woman... Han Zhou... You aren't going to die when I'm around... I keep secrets from you too... You're forgetting who won the Forbidden Tournament..."

"You won because I let you... The moment I realized you were strong I did many things to ensure your victory... For one, I pissed of Gin Ran and kept prodding him until he finally forced me to change the rules..."

"That normally wouldn't have been allowed, but because I was two steps ahead of even a god... you're now the ally I was hoping for..."

"You... you're confidence would work really well on a woman... Seriously, after we kill some Dragon Kin, we need to find you a woman to impregate... If you're going to be dead, I'll take care of her for you..."

"I... I hate you..." Han Zhou pointed down at the bunker where the hundred demi-god were supposed to be stationed... "However, I hate them more... Take out that damn book so he can watch you kill some people..."