Chapter 6 - The Gate of Victory

In the middle of the preparation to visit the town

"Angel, Angy what are you doing?"

"I'm looking for the sketch of the map to the town" A moment later he displayed a rough paper looking item in his hand.

"Where did you get this?"

"I asked someone who went there. Do you remember that guy who cried? That guy in the first day... The one who asked to go home. His name is Joseph. He took a trip alone to the town."

"Alone? Wasn't he scared to go alone?

"Yes, he went alone and he told me something about the town. And he wasn't the only one who stayed alone, like..."

"But all people I see in the field formed groups. For safety, it's better staying in groups." Kassandra said.

"I don't know but there are many others who want to stay independently, like the guy next to the little girl in black and white. Did you remember him? The orange head." Angel asked.

"Oh that guy, I remember the girl was so scared to stay near him." Jun said.

"Uhm" "Naí" Darien and Kassandra confirmed.

"What guy! what guy! I don't remember!"

"Sarah, on the first day when we appeared in the field. Before they were teleported here." Pointing at the three guys.

"Uh?" Sarah had no idea.

"You wanted to ask that little girl with a beautiful blonde braided hair. (probably some original French braids) But when you saw that guy, you too changed your mind" She continued.

"But he was so scary! Isn't he?"

"A bit..."

Angel resumed his explanation, "The only thing he told me about the trip to the town, was the monsters in the way. In this world there are monsters and on the route to the town, you can encounter a gelatinous species one, a slime. It's easy to take down but they often go in groups of 7-9 or more, for groups of 3-5 are harder to handle. This is what he told me."

"So in this world exist something like this. Did he say anything else?" Sarah asked.

"Nothing else, But there was something weird..."

"What weird?" Kassandra asked.

"Mhm... He was scared, too scared to be normal. Like he knows something or what is happening. I don't know, but he was a good man. I'm sure we can be friends. And... Others like him, were somewhat scared. It's so strange."

"I haven't seen anything about this, more like the opposite. For example the three from the first day? They were too anxious and their followers too." Kassandra rejected.

"Well... You are right, but... For now, we'll think about it later." Angel thoughtful asked something bothering him for some time. "And... Sarah, why did you call me Angy?"

"Oh... Because I call Kassy, Kassy, so you are Angy" She said smiling sincerely.

This way, their journey began, with more doubt than before.


A moment later, when the party arrived at the grand entrance of the tower.

A gigantic door ornamented by reliefs of an angel with two pairs of wings, probably Michael, and a long snake with six wings, *A dragon?*

"Now war arose in heaven, Michael and his angels fighting against the dragon; and the dragon and his angels fought, but they were defeated and there was no longer any place for them in heaven." This was written one the top of this scene.

*It's not the truth!*

"And the great dragon was thrown down, that ancient serpent, the deceiver of the whole world. He was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him." This was the second scene.

*You had be the one!*

"Now the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God and the authority of his Christ have come, for the accuser of our brethren has been thrown down, who accuses them day and night before our God. And they have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, for they loved not their lives even unto death. Rejoice then, O heaven and you that dwell therein! But woe to you, O earth and sea, for the devil has come down to you in great wrath, because he knows that his time is short!" and the last one.

*No! It's all wrong!"

Under this door three figures were discussing.

"We're late! There isn't enough time!"

"Andrew! You can't! We don't have to worry about it, moreover, we need to help each other!" A curly brown hair young man said. "Do you think so too?" Asked to the asian.

"I don't know... But you are right."

"You too... Did you see these three? I know they are hiding something! They haven't accepted everyone! But they have chosen even a fourteen years old girl! A fourteen years old girl!"

"Andrew! Stop that! You are right, they didn't choose everyone, But don't complain! We need to move more carefully. This world isn't all that you see, there are dangers hidden"

"Yes, listen to Felix."

"Ok..." *A fourteen years old girl, I'm better than her!* He thought.


"Angel, were they the guys from yesterday?" Kassandra asked.

"I'm not sure, probably not, I remember five shadows and the first to talk was a female voice."

"But I see only three shadows." Not certain Kassandra said what she recalls.

"I felt five people too. The other two were hidden, one near that obelisk and the other waiting for them." Jun said what he sees too.

"Jun, that one looked at me."

"Really? We were far and from their angle, it was a little difficult to see us."

"I'm sure he was looking at me."

"Angy, Angy, who?"

"The one near the stairs, the one waiting for the other four.

Well... For now, we need to go out from this tower"


At the main entrance of the tower, the little group of three, talking on the front, seeing them, one said, "Sorry, if we are blocking your way, I'm Felix, he is Andrew and him Isamu. And you?" And so, they moved from the doorway.

Likewise, Angel introduced his group, "Hi I'm Angel this armored guy is Darien and that one, hidden there is Jun the two girls on the back are Sarah and Kassandra"

*So we didn't have all the same equipment. This Felix has a light armor with shield and sword, Andrew light armor too and dual swords, Isamu a strange asiatic armor with a lance and short sword.* Angel examined their gears.

"What are you doing here?" Kassandra suddenly asked.

"We are talking about the road to the town. We wanted to take a look. Did you know anything?" Andrew redly answered looking at the beautiful girl, who ignored him.

"Are you going to the town too?" Angel interfered. "We wanted to make a trip there."

"We too, but we don't know how, can we go together?" Felix said.

"For me, there are no problems. You guys?" Angel asked.


Looking back, Angel admires this masterpiece, *This tower is much smaller than what you can see from the inside... And I hate this flag on the top. But this tower gives me a nostalgic feeling... Like this was a part of me or mine. I need to know why...*

"Angel, Angel? what are you looking at?"

"No...Nothing, I remembered something. And you, Kassandra?"

"Mh... I... N-Nothing too. A-And remember what you promised to me!"

"Sure, I'll make that dish, when we'll be back. I promise."