Origin, the source of magic

Salazar Slytherin hesitated a bit before he slowly answered, "Origin."

"I know that Origin is the source of magic but all of your descriptions so far indicate that it isn't as simple as it sounds." Neal was quick to guess its secret just by reading between the lines. "It felt as if the origin is an entity, like a god."

Salazar Slytherin once again became silent for a while. He knew that Neal wasn't ready to go on the quest to unseal Origin. The danger he must face will be a lot higher compared to Voldemort and his weak death eaters. Several secret organizations, magic societies, magical beasts, and even one's loved ones might turn into enemies at any time.

So, after thinking for a while, he realized that it is better for Neal to concentrate on the Dark Lord instead of Origin. That's why Salazar Slytherin gave limited information about it.

"No one knows whether Origin is a god or not. All I know is that it is said to exist from the beginning of the time, waiting for its master who can wield its power. As the source of magic, it is said to contain an infinite amount of power. So, the one who finds it will sure to become the most powerful wizard of all the time, nope, one can even become a god.

But, if it were that easy, the wizards would have found it by now. After I left Hogwarts and return home, I stumbled upon it during the old records left by Herpo the foul. I went in search of it, although in vain. After spending 30 years, I gave up because of my age.

According to the records of our house, only Herpo got closer to obtaining it but his soul wasn't strong enough to contain the Origin. The power overwhelmed him and his body was destroyed.

Had he not created a Horcrux and split up his soul into two equal parts, he would have been successful. We don't know what happened to Herpo's Horcrux. It's been nearly 2500 years since he died, after all.

You are one of the people who had received acknowledgment from origin. You hold tremendous power inside you but you have yet to unlock your full potential. That's why you should never attempt to split your soul, atleast before you reach your peak.

Once you reach your peak, if you want to create a Horcrux, I'll help you in splitting up your soul in a way that you never had to face too many disadvantages.

Anyway, I think I have spoken enough. Let's get back to work. We don't have much time, after all."

Once he understood the basic details of Horcrux and Origin, Neal get back to the book but he no longer wanted to study deep into this matter and only focused on the spells.

Several spells in Magick Moste Evile made Neal feel uncomfortable to use but he still took down the notes of the brief descriptions and incantations of those dangerous Dark arts that can even harm the user if one isn't careful.

After he was done with the book, he shut it, causing a ghostly wail to escape from the book.

By the time he was done with the book, it was already noon. However, Neal ate enough in the morning that he didn't feel the need to eat lunch.

He didn't move from the spot and focused on Moste Potente Potions. Meanwhile, Salazar Slytherin went back to the Spirit Realm as he was bad at potions and didn't like the subject despite the fact that several potion masters came from Slytherin House.

Slowly, the time passed. There are no classes and the students are free. The teachers are tight-lipped about the matter. Even the Prefects don't have full information.

As a result, a wide variety of rumors spread among the students. Some are blaming Harry, some are on Neal, some are on Draco and his father, and some think that Dumbledore is paranoid.

Meanwhile, Harry, for some reason, avoided his friends. Except for Cho Chang, he had never told the truth to anyone. It is indeed surprising, considering his character. Maybe, he was slowly having a change of heart?

Anyway, Cho Chang is a Ravenclaw, and truth to be told, the members of Ravenclaw House aren't great at keeping secrets. They like to show off the knowledge and truth more than anyone else. It's their characteristic.

So, she told her best friend Marietta Edgecombe who revealed it to others and so on. Thankfully, the range of the rumors was so wide that the students didn't even take it seriously.

Harry sighed in relief but at the same time, he got angry with his girlfriend who is currently a Fith year student. Neal wasn't the only one who was affected by darkness. The incident with Voldemort also influenced Harry's mind considering he was also a direct victim.

Due to the presence of Voldemort's soul inside him and the lack of friends, the darkness would only lead him to have negative thoughts.

In a way, Neal was indirectly responsible for the damage done to the friendship of the Gryffindor trio. Ever since Harry got selected as the Triwizard Champion, they were slowly getting back together but the incident with Voldemort only made him push them away. Whether it is out of concern for their safety or whether it is because he thinks he is wasting time by roaming with Ron, perhaps, not even Harry dwells on the matter.

It was around 7 in the evening. As the library is getting closed for the day, he was kicked out by the librarian after spotting him.

Before he left, the librarian informed him that Draco came to look for him a few times but as the boy didn't have access to the restricted section, he wasn't allowed.

Neal thanked her and left for the dorm. In the common room, Draco appeared to be waiting for him.

As soon as he saw Neal who tried to evade him, Draco stopped him, "wait. I need to talk to you."

With his voice, a bit loud, the other members glanced at the both of them. Neal ignored everyone and just stared at Draco, "Did you have a talk with your father and got clarity on the matter?"

Draco was stunned for a second before he looked down and shook his head, "I have written a letter. I haven't got a reply yet."

"Then, don't bother." Neal sounded cold as if he was treating Draco as an enemy, not a friend. Amid everyone's gaze, he further said, "I'm going to get stronger, Draco, so strong that I will be able to protect our house from all the outside influences, especially from the likes of your father."

He might sound arrogant but to the students standing in the common room, it didn't appear that way. They didn't know what happened but for some reason, the seniors, as well as the juniors, who heard those words, believed that Neal Slytherin is serious and these aren't empty words.