Harry Potter wants to train under Neal

The night passed away quickly.

On the following morning, Neal planned to resume his potion studies in the restricted section but to his surprise, someone has been waiting at the entrance of the library.

If Isle hadn't informed him, Neal wouldn't have even realized it. Naturally, he doesn't know who the person is and how they managed to turn invisible, maybe through some spell he doesn't know or through an invisible potion.

But feeling that he shouldn't poke into others' business, Neal ignored the person at first but as he went into the restricted section, the invisible person followed him.

Neal couldn't help but get panicked, assuming that Voldemort might have sent a death eater after him. It's highly improbable to even think that someone broke into Hogwarts to assassinate him but then again, it wasn't the first time. During the last year, Sirius Black had managed to enter and then escape without any issue.

Neal went through his pockets and touched some glass kinda thing. Maybe, it's a vial? Probably…

Taking a deep breath, Neal put back the books on the shelves and exited the library. He continued to walk while Isle continued to keep an eye on the invisible person who was following him wherever he goes.

Soon, he reached one of the corridors on the fifth floor. It is currently empty. Neal finally stopped in his tracks and pulled out his Basilisk Wand. The fact that he is taking it out means he is dead serious.

Turning around, he pointed his wand where the invisible person is standing, according to Isle, and warned, "You have been following me from the library. It stops now. Come out whoever you are. Or else, don't blame me for the consequences."

Neal wasn't sure whether it is a friend or a foe. That's why he gave a warning. If there was no reply from the party, he won't hesitate to launch an attack.

In case he cannot win, he will crush the vial in his pocket. It is called a Noxious Potion, which releases a green cloud of smoke. Those who inhale it will be poisoned.

Back when he was in his second year, he created a modified version of this potion. But, instead of using Boomslang's venom, he had used Isle's venom, making it so powerful to kill the Horcrux of Voldemort and paralyzing Dumbledore even with the phoenix tears.

However, what he had now is a normal one, which can be cured by phoenix tears. Since Blaze is a phoenix, he was more assured about this suicide attack.

Neal's left hand was pointing at the invisible guy and his right hand was in his pocket.

For a brief amount of time, there was a deafening silence from the other party. Neal lost his patience and decided to attack.

"Okay, you leave me no choice." Neal brandished his wand like a whip as he was about to unleash the Fiendfyre, which he has yet to master. "Magnus ignis totalus…"


Before he completed the incantation, the invisible person revealed himself. A trace of surprise appeared on Neal, "Harry?"

Never in the world did he expect that it is Harry Potter who was following him. What's more surprising is that Harry can turn himself invisible with the usage of a cloak. At the very least, his tension was removed right away because Harry is harmless and weak in duels if he might add.

Neal became interested in the cloak and stared at it for a couple of seconds before he placed his attention back on Harry, "What do you want? Why are you following me, Harry?" he asked.

Taking a deep breath, Harry replied, "I want you to train me?"

"Huh?" Neal became dumbfounded for a second and stared at him in disbelief, "What did you say?"

Harry then said, "After I met Vold… I mean you know who…"

"Just call him Tom Riddle if you are too afraid to speak up the name." Neal interrupted him with a statement and then gestured for him to go on.

Harry nodded and continued, "After the incident with Tom Riddle, I realized how weak I am. There's so much I also don't know. Now that he is back, I'm sure that he will come after me and I don't want to suffer without being able to fight back.

In my eyes, you are stronger than any other student and Professors won't help a student to give private lessons. The one who can help me out, Professor Lupin, left.

So, I can only ask you to help me become stronger. I don't know what I can offer you in return except for money."

Neal stared at him in silence for a while, wondering what he should do. He already has enough time on his hands. How can he afford time in training Harry who was always against him?

And even if let Harry train with him at the secret place, what can Neal gain out of this deal?

All Harry has is a mysterious cloak, a firebolt, and lots of money.

Neal cannot ask for the mysterious cloak as payment as it was useless to him. After turning into a horned snake, he can just become invisible anyway.

As for money? He wasn't in need of it. He was rich.

While Neal became busy in thoughts and Harry patiently waited albeit nervously, a familiar voice echoed in Neal's head.

"Lad, take him under your protection. He is a worthy subordinate." Salazar Slytherin gave a piece of sudden advice.

"I'm not Malfoy and I don't need lackeys," As Neal retorted back, Salazar Slytherin changed his words, "If not a subordinate, then, an ally it is. Whatever the case, Voldemort hates this lad more than anyone. If he becomes stronger enough to fight against Voldemort, then, won't you have a less burden?"

Neal realized what the spirit of his ancestor is trying to say. Use Harry in getting back at Voldemort and his followers. "Well, that's not a bad idea. The stronger Harry gets the less Voldemort put focus on me."

After coming to the decision, Neal looked at Harry and nodded, "Alright, you can train with me. I will ask only for two things in return.

1) Never teach the spells you have learned from me to your Gryffindor friends, well, Hermione can be an exception. She is Gryffindor but behaves more like a Ravenclaw. Anyway, apart from her, you can bring your Cho Chang too. She's a Ravenclaw and also my friend. So, I have no problem if you can teach her. Or maybe, bring her along with you if you want. But that's it. No one else.

2) My friends might be there too. So, unless you or those two girls can tolerate their presence, I won't any issue.

If you can't fulfill the two tasks, then, we will behave as if this meeting never occurred."

As soon as Neal laid out simple conditions, Harry readily agreed, "That's completely fine with me. And also, thank you for extending the invitation to Hermione and Cho Chang. I'll have a word with him but I'm not confident that Hermione will agree."

Neal shrugged his shoulders in response, "Not that I would care. I only extended it to both of them for your sake. Anyway, if you didn't have anything else to talk about, then, follow me. I'll let you take a glimpse at how our training is going to be."