Neal's trial at Wizengamot

While the House of Avery is busy doing the things Neal wanted, there was something else happening in the muggle world, surrounding Harry.

On the second night of august, just two days before Neal's trial, Harry gets attacked by a pair of dementors.

He managed to shoo them away and protect his evil cousin, the ministry sent him a notice to appear at Wizengamot on the 12th of august.

At first, the notice was about how his wand is going to be destroyed, then, he will be expelled from Hogwarts and he needs to be attended a disciplinary hearing where his further punishment is decided. It was quite harsh if one should point it out.

But then, in just a couple of hours, there was another notice stating that he may retain his wand until the 12th of august and his expulsion will also be decided in the trial too.

While this piece of news gave him room to breathe, the matter of expulsion was there to worry him a lot.

Adding on top of that, there weren't any letters from Hermione or Cho Chang, who were the only friends he got these days, well, at least, in his view. Harry felt like his whole life turned upside down all of a sudden.

In such a moment, he remembered Neal. He wanted to write to him to explain his situation but then he remembered reading Daily prophet where it was mentioned that Neal was currently in a similar situation as himself.

Along with stating Dumbledore as a liar for trying to unnecessarily create fear by spreading the resurrection of Voldemort, the Daily Prophet was also attacking Neal with a headline. "Is there a second incoming of the Dark Lord?"

On one side, the newspaper praised Neal as a genius but at the same time, it also questioned his mindset for using powerful dark magic spells like Protego Diabolica.

Seeing that Neal is also in trouble, Harry didn't want to be selfish and ask for help. He doesn't know who but he received a few letters to stay at home and Dumbledore is trying his best to help him.

Harry could only put his hopes on Dumbledore and waited.

August 5th, 1995;

This is the second time Neal visited the Wizengamot, only this time, he was here as an accused.

Nevertheless, Neal knew that the allegations against him would do nothing. Hence, he was calm and confident as he walked into the room and sat on the chair.

Because Neal is still a minor, Oakley tagged along with him as his counsel.

As the both of them sat, Cornelius Fudge proceeded to speak, "Very well, let us begin. Are you ready?"

"Yes, sir," replied Percy, displaying eagerness, not because he was against Neal or anything but it is because he was just showing his loyalty to be in the good books of the minister of Fudge.

Meanwhile, Neal was quite calm.

Fudge continued, "Disciplinary hearing of the fifth of august into offenses committed under the Decree for the Reasonable Restriction of Underage Sorcery and the International Statute of Secrecy by Neal Berry Slytherin, resident at Avery Mansion, Tagues village, England.

Interrogators: Cornelius Oswald Fudge, Minister of Magic; Amelia Susan Bones, Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement; Dolores Jane Umbridge, Senior Undersecretary to the Minister. Court Scribe, Percy Ignatius Weasley…"

"Witness for the defense, Oakley Birch Avery," said the grandfather of Neal.

Neal has yet to speak. His eyes were just wandering all over the room as Salazar Slytherin spoke to him that he could sense the presence of Horcrux somewhere around and he needs time to spot it exactly.

Fudge then extricated a piece of parchment from the pile before him, took a deep breath, and read, "The charges against the accused are as follows: That he did knowingly, deliberately, and in full awareness of the illegality of his actions, produce a Devil fire (Protego Diabolica), on twenty fourth of July, which constitutes an offense under paragraph C of the Decree for the Reasonable Restriction of Underage Sorcery, 1875, and Paragraph I of the Degree for the usage of forbidden magic, 1945."

Fudge then looked at the calm-looking Neal and asked according to the procedures, "You are Neal Berry Slytherin of Avery Mansion, Tagues Village, England?"

"Yes." Neal nodded in response.

"Did you admit to conjuring a forbidden dark charm outside the school of Hogwarts and the wizarding village?" asked Fudge.

"Yes," Neal nodded in response, once again.

"Knowing fully well that you are underage?"

"Yes," Neal continued to stay calm.

"Did you really master the spell?" A gasp escaped from one of the jury members. She was Amelia Bones, the head of Magic Law Enforcement.

"Yes." Neal continued to give short answers.

"At the age of 15?" Amelia Bones appeared to be stunned. "Impressive…"

The other jury members started muttering among themselves.

As Neal nodded once again, Oakley couldn't help but brag about him with a smirk of his face. "Ms. Bones, At the age of 11, he mastered seventh-year spells and powerful spells like Expulso and Deprimo. Everyone witnessed his valor when he saved a bunch of senior students from a Troll.

At the age of 12, he mastered Patronus charm with a corporeal form of a serpent and displayed it when he was 13. He saved a couple of students on the train from a dementor that went rogue for a moment. There are witnesses to that too.

He was also a main member of the Irish National Quidditch team. My grandson is also a registered animagus. Everyone in Triwizard Tournament witnessed his valor when he battled against a dragon.

I don't need to explain further to say that my grandson is once in a century genius. So, commenting that Neal mastering some spell is impressive is quite an understatement, Ms. Bones."

Amelia Bones actually was impressed by Neal's talent but Oakley's bragging turned her mood to sour. On the other hand, the other members of the jury couldn't help but discuss between themselves.

At the same time, Cornelius Fudge felt like he was being slapped for some reason. He cleared his throat and said loudly, "all the more reason we need to be strict about the underage magic, Mr. Avery."

As he gained the attention of everyone, he continued, "Mr. Slytherin is certainly talented but if his actions cannot be kept in check, then, we will be responsible if he grows up to be a reckless wizard who practices dark magic."

It was at that moment Neal raised his hand, "Excuse me minister, but I don't understand why I'm here in the first place."

"You don't understand?" Fudge raised his eyebrow. He looked like he was about to erupt in anger.

Neal then calmly said, "This is the Wizengamot of the British Ministry of Magic. I was born and raised in a muggle society, located in Ireland. Hence, by law, I'm a citizen of Ireland, not the united kingdom. The fact that I play for Ireland's Quidditch national team should be obvious for everyone to know my nationality. So, why am I being questioned by British wizards?

Adding on top of that, the incident happened in Greenland, which is a part of the kingdom of Denmark and is out of your jurisdiction. Shouldn't the Danish ministry of magic hold my trial in that case?

On what rights do unrelated people like you hold my trial?

According to the International laws of magic, article 144-clause 3, I'm entitled to file a case against the British ministry of magic or on the one who approved these charges on me for unlawfully holding a trial and demand compensation for the mental damage I received during the past ten days," he raised his voice in the end, throwing the wizengamot into chaos.