Meet My New Family (2)

The Evil Pieces, also known as the Devil's Pieces, are a set of 15 chess pieces given to top-class Devils to increase their ranks by reincarnating other beings into Devils.

The Evil Pieces are identical to normal chess pieces in terms of appearance but will glow in accordance to the magic color of its users when in use.

Based on the game of chess, there are a total of fifteen pieces (one Queen, two Rooks, 2 Bishops, two Knights, and eight Pawns) that are given to top-class Devils (King) with a peerage. These pieces are used to reincarnate other beings into Devils and become servants of the top-class Devil.

Queens are worth nine Pawns. Queens possess all the characteristics of Rooks, Knights, and Bishops, making them the most balanced piece as well as the most powerful. Within individual peerages, Queens typically act as their master's second-in-command, overseeing the rest of the peerage. Yubelluna is the current Riser's queen.

Rooks are worth five Pawns. Rooks gain superhuman strength, leading to high offense and defense. However, they are not very quick, and can get beaten easily by a high-speed opponent. Currently Riser had two rooks, Isabela and Xuelan.

Isabela is a woman with short, light brown hair and grey eyes. Her hair has three red highlights across, and wears a plain white mask which covers the right side of her face. And Xuelan is a well-endowed young woman of Chinese descent with shoulder-length black hair and blue-green eyes.

Knights are worth three Pawns. Knights gain increased speed and mobility, enabling them to perform high-speed attacks and maneuvers. However, their main weakness is their low defense, making them vulnerable to powerful attacks if they are not careful. Another weakness among knights are their legs; if their legs are injured, their mobility is greatly reduced. Currently Riser had two knights, Karlamine and Siris.

Karlamine is a young woman with light brown hair and green eyes. And Siris is a tall young woman with long black hair with a dark blue tint and brown eyes.

Bishops are worth three Pawns. Bishops gain enhanced magical abilities which they can use to conjure up a multitude of spells (offensive, healing, etc.). However, more powerful spells consume most of their magical power, which takes a long time to regain, forcing them to use their power carefully or risk becoming vulnerable to physical attacks. Right now Riser only had one bishop, Ravel Phenex.

Pawns are worth one Pawn each. The traits of Pawns is the ability to promote into a Queen, Rook, Knight, or Bishop in enemy territory or with the permission of their King. In this universe, Riser still didn't have pawn.

'I already know who I should invite to fill the rest of my peerage, but I can't invite them now.'


(Riser POV)

"Have you found suitable candidate for the rest of your evil pieces?"

My father in this life, Klarion Phenex was staring at me. The rest of the family was doing the same. I made eye contact with each of my family members. There are worried sight in my parent eyes. I think they worrying about how previous Riser choose his peerage. Well, he chose his harem-peerage based on their appearance, not based on their skill. And he's dreamed to become top ranker in Rating Game like his eldest brother.


Just one word to describe my past, idiot. How the hell he had big dreamt to become top ranker when he did nothing. He always thought that his clan ability is absolute. So, he never did hard training after he could use Phenex ability. According to my memory, the last time Riser had exercise was when he was 11 years old. That's only because he couldn't use his clan power properly before he turned 11.

Not like both of my brothers, I wasn't born as a genius devil. My eldest brother, Ruval had great magic control. He could burn mid-class devil in instant if he want, and also he could perfectly control his fire so he wouldn't hurt his comrade when he launch attack in large area. His attack would burn the enemy meanwhile his comrade wouldn't receive any damage from his fire because when his fire got close to them, the fire will disappeared or it will avoided them.

Meanwhile my second brother has a rare ability among Phenex Clan. His fire could heal injuries and also capable to regenerate amputated limbs. There are other Phenex's who had healing ability like Razer, but they only could heal devils, not like Razer who could heal humans, devils, angels, fallen angels, and the other supernatural beings. Razer was the only Phenex who has that ability. His ability was like an upgraded version of Asia's sacred gear.

Knowing both of my brothers superiority, I couldn't help to feel envy of them.

"I will let my bishop and all my pawns empty for now."

I turned my head toward the table. This luxurious feast that was different than the breakfast I used to eat just to fill my belly made me start to smile. First, I started by cutting the sausage in half with the knife.

'It is so juicy.'

I didn't know if juice flowed out as soon as I cut into it because it was handmade or because it was cooked well, but the color on the sausage made me more hungry. I started to smile without realizing it.

"It's rare to see Rye nii-chan smile when he's eating, right mother?"

Rye, that's my nickname. Well only my family who call me by my nickname.

It looks like Ravel was surprised looking me smiling while eating. Well this is my first time taste delicious meat like this. I wondered from what animal they used to make this sausage.

"Well, Rye always smile like that when he does something new. Although I'm sure this is not the first time you eat this food."

"It's delicious. Maybe I'm just too hungry so everything taste wonderful for me now."

I looked around at all of the dishes in front of me. Then I moved my fork towards a salad made of fruits that I did not recognize.

The fruit looked like an apple, but the color was orange. I put the fruit in my mouth and took a bite.


I probably shouldn't do this while speaking with my family, because we are noble, but whatever. I'm just problem child of the Phenex in the first place.

As I expected, nobody criticized my lack of manners. My family didn't even seem to care about my lack of manners. Well, sometimes my mother try to fix this personality of Riser. She's truly caring mother.

"Huh? But three days ago you told me that you want the Japanese girl who always wear kimono to become your bishop right? What's her name again?"

Raze, whose full name was Razer continue the conversation about my peerage candidate.

"Mihae? I think I will pass."

"Why? You said that she's pretty and unique right? Do you perhaps not confidence to conquer her? Should we continue our lesson 1001 Way to Become The Greatest Guy?"

Raze spoke dramatically and I could hear a bit laughter when he said to continue our lesson. (1001 Way to Become The Greatest Guy) was a subject that I learn from Razer. He teach me about how to stole girls heart and pleasure them. It worked with his current harem-peerage member. But still, Riser never used it to heroines in this world.

It seemed like Razer was the greatest womanizer than Riser was. Well he called media guy after all. Of course he knew how to act in front of different people.

"No, I just need to do something first."

"And what do you want to do?"

My father asked me with curiosity sight. Not only my father, but also all of my family curious about what I wanted to do.

"Hmm.. training?"


I heard something fall down and made eye contact with my eldest brother Ruval. I could see that Ruval had dropped the fork in his hand.

"My apologies. It's rare to see you practice again Riser."

Ruval calmly apologized. The servant in charge of the meal quickly came over to hand Ruval a new fork and picked up the fork on the floor. Watching that made me think that it was nice to be a noble.

"I have told you that I will defeat you in Rating Game right Ruval nii-chan. And the last few years I used to practice with Razer nii-chan you know."



Both of my brother dropped their fork. Maybe they were shock hearing me called them 'nii-chan' again. They knew nothing good going to happen to them when I called them 'nii-chan'.

"Pfft.. Hahaha."


Both of my parents laughed seeing their son interaction. I could see the servants tried not to laughed hearing us too.

How many years have passed since our family had conversation like this while we were eating.

"Rye, is there anything you need?"

I was confused at my father's sudden gesture, but I decided to honestly answer.

"Please give me some vials of Phoenix Tears, father"

"Sure, I'll give you a lot."

Klarion answered without any hesitation.

As the only clan who could produce Phoenix Tears, they had many stocks of Phoenix Tears right now.

Maybe I should make my own Phoenix Tears.

I needed Phoenix Tears to proceed with my plans. That fateful encounter to get myself a strong enough power to keep myself safe. I needed some Phoenix Tears in order to cause that fateful encounter to happen.

Suddenly, a circle appeared in front of my father, motes of light flowing through the magical symbol that hovered in midair before gather at my lap. I could only watch in fascination as the light seemed to solidify as it coalesced before me and in a flash of light and power, what was once simple specks set aglow was an opened box that cradled ten precious vials of blood red liquid. The box dropped to my lap as the circle supporting it faded.

"Thank you, father."

I had gotten up from my sit and said something to my family.

"I will be heading out now."

I used teleport magic to teleported to empty land near Phenex Clan territory.


(Problem Child of The Phenex) is one of fanfic about Riser in here. Unfortunately it dropped. Even though i found it interesting to read fanfic about someone got reincarnated as Riser Phenex since he's still a baby. What will Riser do? Will he become the antagonist or will he change Issei as the mc.

I hope the writer (Problem Child of The Phenex) continue his story.