
I teleported to the empty land near Phenex Clan territory. This was the same land which I used to train before I became arrogant.






Nothing happened.

Didn't I get system when I reincarnated to this world? If I didn't get system, then what about notification screen I saw this morning.



I tried many magic word which I knew in my previous life. But nothing happened. There was no screen in front of me like this morning.

"Am I hallucinating this morning?"

I have read many novel about people reincarnated or transmigrated to other world with their own system. And they became overpowered with their system. System could make reincarnator life more easier. And it looks like I wasn't one of them. Is it because I wasn't reincarnated as main character? Is it because I reincarnated as minor villain?

Did God, Demon, or whatever being who reincarnated me to this world wanted me to have the same fate as the original Riser so that fucking being didn't give any advantage to me?

At least let me remembered my memory from my previous life when I still infant if you didn't want to give me any advantage.

Huft… I tried to calm my mind and stop cursing something idiot who made me reincarnated to this world.

"...…..Wait a minute?"

In the first place I am supposed to be Riser Phenex, right?

"I should be able to use something like magic….right?"

No, there's no way he can't. Didn't he already used teleport magic twice today.

"Magic huh?"

That would be a miracle-like phenomenon that can't be explained by science. If I can use it then I would definitely like to try it.

Devil's in this world used demonic power. And Demonic power works through imagination, power and a good sense.

I used my demonic power to create fire on my hand.


There's a ball of fire on my right hand. I tried to touching it with my left hand but it only pass through the air. I didn't feel any hot from the fire. Maybe because of I'm a Phenex so fire can't burn me.

"Ha, Haha, HAHAHAHAHAHA, Amaaaaaaaaziiiiiiing !"

I am unable to touch the fire ball, I don't have a fever. My hand just pierces through the fire, tearing it apart. However, it soon rearrange itself and return to its original form then stopped its movement.

When I stopped supplying demonic power, that mysterious fire disappeared immediately.

Now I create fire on both of my hand.

I stop the demonic power supply and make it disappeared. Soon the ball of fire lose it power.

Taking a stance, I pull back my ring and pinky finger, forming a finger gun, point at the tree. Then a small orange magic circle form at the tip of my finger, which consists of a Phoenix encased in a circular shape. Then I launch it with the help of my demonic power.

It was so fast, that I barely caught the speed of projectile. Seeing the projectile that I launch with my demonic power, I start to remembering something.

Desert eagle. This Israeli-made weapon already has a worldwide reputation for its deadly ability. If other guns are usually just like piercing, Desert Eagle is able to make the object pierced and exploded. Power of destruction is crazy with its 325 gram bullet embedded.

You guys might question how the heck I know about that deadly weapon? Well my grandfather was Netherlands' army. When I was 16 years old, he teach me how to used handgun. Desert eagle, which is often called Deagle was the first handgun my grandfather used to teach me and my big brother.

Slowly I looked away from my finger, now facing the unlucky target. I spotted a large hole formed in the middle of the burned tree.

"That was so cool!"

Demonic power sure the easiest power to use in this world. With only my imagination, I could use my fire like Desert Eagle mechanism to pierce and explode my target. But I'm sure my fire projectile before three times stronger than the usual Desert Eagle.

There's a lake around 50 meter from the burned tree. I walked over to the lake.

I try another trick using my imagination. Forming a finger gun like before, but the different now the tip of my finger is in front of my mouth. A Phenex Clan magic circle form in front of my mouth. I blow the magic circle in front of me.

"Fire style! Fireball jutsu!"

I said that word loudly. It looks like my chuunibiyou syndrome come again when I gain my memory from previous life. Imitating anime about ninja where an idiot main character want to become the leader of his village. I believe he's idiot because when he was child, almost all of the citizens in his village bullied him and wanted him to die. And still his ambition is become the leader of his village and protect all of the citizens. Sound stupid right? Why the heck you want to protect people who hate you and wanted you to die?

Let's stop talking about that stupid main character. This story is about me, not about him!

"Fire style! Fireball jutsu!"

A large ball of fire appear in front of me. The fire evaporate the lake water a little. I cut the demonic power supply and making the fire disappear.

I make the other fire again but without imitating other anime or manga style. I find it kind of stupid when I blow my magic circle to make fireball while I can make it just by imagining the fireball.

You would be moved every time you look at it, the mysterious power of magic is drawing me in.

What I am doing right now is using the first attack magic I ever used, Fire.

This seems to be a magic that was taught to kids in kindergarten or primary school in Phenex Clan.

It wouldn't be weird if I was told something like "What, you are moved by a basic magic like that? "

But it can't be helped right?

What do you think would happen if people from a world where electricity was not yet discovered to watch television or browse the internet. They wouldn't suddenly peed themselves but they would fall on their butt in surprise, right? But our world see electricity as normal because we lived with it since we were little so we are used to it. That's why we were not surprised.

Magic is the same. If there's a guy rotten enough to make fun of me in this world, I want to say this. Try visiting a world without magic. You guys might not find large fire created by High-class devil seem fascinating. But to me it's still amazing that I even don't need gas or oil to make fire that big.


I repeatedly cast and recast fireball again and again. Every time I cast it my feeling toward magic becoming stronger and stronger.

I definitely want to learn magic.

I reach out to the fire and put my hand over it. Then I slowly open my hand, and look at the never fading fire magic. As I did that, something started to burn and smoldering in my heart.

I want to see and use various kinds of magic. I want to master this mysterious phenomenon. And if I am going to learn it anyway then I want to try aiming for the top.

"The top, huh."

If Riser Phenex is exactly like he was in the anime, manga, or light novel setting then he will have a considerable handicap. I mean, he doesn't have cheat item right? But still I want to aim for it. Rather Why wouldn't I. It's a world filled with supernatural phenomenon, you know?