Things changed dramatically when Andy moved in. All of a sudden there were new rules, since they had been trying to keep our contact with our own pack down it made it harder for me to see the other Megan's and the government only let us take Andy because he was younger which meant we wouldn't be in the same school for very long, seeing how he is 2 years younger than me and he's the youngest out of the 8 of us.

Me and Andy became very protective over each other which is part of why they didn't want to have us together although they let the twins share parents but there parents were divorced so they weren't together all of the time but were still in the same school. The government wanted as few people knowing who we were so it made sense to put more than one of us together if need be. My life really seemed to run by in a flash. High school is when things started to slow down. I had only been with this family for two years when Andy joined us and everything went perfectly. We got two dogs and had a nice yard to go and play in we got to go club trees in the forest next to our house. Life was really perfect for a while, all of our pack was getting together once a month since all of our parents became friends so we would all go out for a weekend and be together. It allowed us to remain close. We discussed many things but most were about our new lives and schools. Sometimes we would talk about our chips and discuss ways that might work to get them out because we didn't want to be controlled or have to worry about them calling us away again one day once we have families. Corey and Nicole started seeing each other as more then friends and Logan and Megan 3 soon started being the same as well. We all went on vacations together every summer, but it started to change once I was a sophomore in high school.

There wasn't a personal cause for this but we all got really busy with almost all of us in high school already and the news talking about an illness that had killed millions in Europe over the course of three weeks and that had spread here. We all got sent into quarantine. School shut down so did business and people went crazy. Places quickly ran out of food and water and other essentials along with cleaning supplies. It killed a lot of people over in America including political leaders and other government officials along with normal citizens and public figures. The death tolls were dramatic, more than 800 people were dying a day in our country alone. It took about 5 months for it to go under control and seemingly disappear. Then the next things started to hit. Our world began to change very quickly in ways that people weren't used to or at all ready for. Many people had already died and we were aloud to go back to school.

That's when I meant him. A guy named Hunter. I had liked a guy before and been in a few relationships already, but something was there between us and it felt different. Andy Hated him the moment he meant him, but I mean who wouldn't hate the guy your sister is with. I started spending a lot of time with him outside of school and joined his friend group. The only problem was Hunter has a girlfriend and we didn't get along at all. He was dating someone older than him and I truly didn't like her with a rage I hadn't ever felt before towards a person even the ones who betrayed my trust I didn't feel this strongly towards. I wanted her out of the picture and I didn't really care how. I was a hatred so deep that should could of died and I would of thrown a party to celebrate. I realized I wanted to be with him and I wanted more than a friendship, but I also knew he wanted to join the Navy. If I was with someone in the military how could I ever have a kid knowing it couldn't ever be safe and I what kind of family would I be able to have with him. I was aware of all of it and still wanted him even though I knew deep down we would never work.

As I said earlier though things only got better for a short amount of time before they got very much worse. Hunter and his girlfriend broke up and then I took my chance. We worked out after a few bumps in the road. We spent everyday together for months and he would come over as soon as he got off work but then thing between us changed. His ex was back in town and they started spending time together. He tried to hide it from me so I wouldn't know but I found out through other people and he became distant from me. My heart broke, I felt pain in my chest and sadness filled the spot that he had been and with it came a different kind of darkness. I stayed in my basement the entire weekend that I found out hoping that she would die a horrible death and never be able to be happy. I wanted both of them to feel my pain, but I couldn't bring myself to hurt him or do something that could make it so he was unhappy. So I sat and drank drowning my sorrows alone, I drank so much I had alcohol poisoning. In class I avoided him the best that I could and controlled myself from saying a word about it. Somewhere along the way we worked things out and ended up together but it was never the same. Something that was broke can't ever truly be put back together as it was before. The love between us was still there but it had changed. I felt less and less for him even when I tried to stop it, the pieces of me that were missing were still filled with a darkness that I couldn't shake and trust wasn't something I was able to do no matter how hard I tried.