
Area 51, June 2110




"Get in line!"

All 8 children moved into place as they were told. The children ages ranged from 11 to 8 years old.

"Walk one at a time to the doctor!"

The children stayed quiet following the orders they were given. When the first reached the doctor the got a shot in the back of his neck right on his spinal cord. He let out a small whine but then moved so the next could go. All 8 of them went through this.

"You have just been placed with a tracker and each of your new commanding officers will have a remote attacked to it so you will do as they say! You have already been broken off into teams as the teams you all have been training in, now break into your new positions!"

The three boys left together then the twin left. Finally me and the other two Megan's went to our new station. Our officer had us get into a car. We had no idea where we were going or what was going to happen to us. We drove through the night. We hadn't ever been separated before though, from as long as I can remember we all lived in a small room with 4 bunk beds, we shared the same two bathrooms and showered and changed in the same area. Then we'd all go and train together we all worked in our teams during training but we were always in the same room as each other.

They had been preparing us to go fight there war and we did. Once when I was 8 we went on a field trip and they had us turn into dragons and take out an enemy base, we took out a few actually. We were there for two weeks and then got taken back to base and we continued training as usually.

Now I heard the war is almost over, they are just in finally area of signing the treaty.

The car stopped as the sun came up and we were all taken out of the car. There were 6 adults waiting for us when we got out. They told us where to go to.

"These are the people you will be living with now. Follow there rules and do as they tell you." The officer said.

With that we got into separate cars with the new people and they drove off.




These people volunteered to become our legal guardians and became our family. We started school and I still got to see the others on occasion, but the government had let us go since we were only children and without a war they had no need for us. I heard it was something within the treaty they signed that we would get to be free and have a family and to allow us to go fit into normal society. At that age we didn't really know what was happening or understand it. We just did as we were told and obeyed. I mean what else was there to do for us.

We had been trained in pie abilities our entire lives so we had great control over transforming and how much we wanted to transform. It was weird being alone though not having any other dragons with me and knowing I didn't have anyone to have my back if something would happen. I saw both of the other Megan's still but we weren't aloud to be at the same schools and we only had limited contact with each other.

The people that took me treated me as if I was there child and they were very kind to me. Them and the others in their family took me in and excepted me as if I was there own blood and they bought me gifts on my birthday and on other holidays. They were all there for me when I first thought I fell in love and did my first heartbreak. They helped me in school and got me ready for my first school dance. They became very import in my life, more so then I ever thought any human would be. Before them humans had only yelled at us and hurt us, none of us had any trust in them and a part of us hated them for what they did to us and for hurting our family. These humans were different though. Some of them at school were mean while others were nice and tried to become my friends. A few of them did.

Things had definitely changed a lot but I got comfortable with my new life, but then things changed again. Andy moved in, they said his parents died and he was going to be a part of our family now. I was so excited to have another dragon around especially since I had been raised with him. I was already his big sister.

He was my blood but wasn't at the same time, Logan was my blood brother we had the same mom and dad. Andy shared a father with us and his mother was my moms twin sister. So we were all of the same blood and we all had similar genes.

Andy and Logan took after our father and are light grey dragons with golden eyes. While I'm a white dragon with blue hazel eyes. I resemble my mother in many ways, my wings are feathered with 4 blade like fingers hidden between my two layers of feathers, then I have a trident shaped blades on my tail which are surrounded by feathers as well. I don't look dangerous at all and I have feathers on my head that hide my 3 of my 5 sharp horns. The second two inside are a little longer and barely show.

My brothers don't have feathers both of them have a single spike at the end of there tails and they have 5 fingers within there wings where I only have 4, they are better equipped to fight since they are males. Where my feathers are good for young to be against, they look like a typical depiction of a dragon for the most part but Logan has 3 horns the 2 outside are longer than the one in the middle and are all on the top of his head, while Andy has 3 all the same long length he has two on towards the side of his head and own in the center. Allof our horns are go back and curve up towards the ends and not just straight up unlike other dragons.

With Logan being the tallest he's also the strongest but Andy is almost the same height as him and I'm the tallest female and I'm taller than some males so I'm up there when it comes to defending.

Dragons started having packs so that they had more than one female to protect the young and while other females could hunt to provide for all of them while the males protected the territory and more males meant better chances at fending off intruders and protecting there young and there females. Females would fight a male to protect there child if they were alive and once in a pack the other females would protect the child as well even if it wasn't there's because of the "family" bond they had and the loyalty they had to their pack. It caused a lot of bloodshed throughout the years though.

I was actually the only one out of all 8 of us who had mostly feathered features. Nicole and Lindsay are the twins, they are both a dark blue color with green eyes they both have feathers where the body and wings meet but that's it and they don't have horns, they have a crown like backing like a bearded dragon and they have spikes like them as well on it. The other two Megan's have some at the bottom of there horns. We were referred to as the triple M's.

I was the first born so I was Megan 1, then there is Megan 2, and Magan 3. Megan 2 had two horns on the side of her head that curve up and out, she's a dark red closer to a maroon color with ice blue eyes. While Megan 3 has horns that look kind of like a rams on the top sides of her head and she's a brown dragon with ocean blue eyes.

Corey looks like a typical dragon as well and his horns go almost straight up, he has white eyes and is dark gray.

We look very different as humans compared to dragons, our human appearance determines nothing other than our height. Nicole and Lindsay are both 5'2 foot, in 5'4 Megan 2 is 4'10, and Megan 3 is 5'1. Cory is 5'10 while Andy is 5'11 and Logan is 6 foot.