Humans tend to lose there way which is why creatures such as us exist. Devils and Angels and those of us that are hybrids. We are meant to fix things that humans mess up and put them back on track, I believe that's humans and are kind is still alive and continues to survive. What's left of dragons have been fighting and have reverted back to old times. Some have started attacking humans and there villages forgetting there friends that they had grown up with while other protect human villages because of our memories of the humans we lived with. Everyone lost a lot and were forced to change everything.
Dragons also started fighting more often, they became more aggressive. Some hybrids also started appear more in select communities which kept there dragon ties although they were all mainly human and most of the dragon was out of there blood. The only thing left that made them hybrids is that they are stronger and faster than normal humans and were able to create weapons that could pierce though dragons scales and have the ability to kill dragons. These hybrids were are 5th generation hybrids that were dragon and human mixes over multiple generations. Dragons had a tendency to fall in love with humans and having children with them and the first generation would still be mainly dragon but 70-85% of there genes would be human. For each parent original blood relative that was human the percentage of dragon goes down. So there great great grandmother might of been 75% dragon and was able to transform but over two generations of having children with humans there would only be 25-30% dragon left and that isn't enough to transform. You need at least 50% dragon to transform, otherwise you're human DNA has taken over to much making you only a little more advanced than normal humans. They can barely use there magic and it takes tolls on them, normally they need to use there own blood to call upon there abilities at all and they also pull on there life force while using any abilities which cuts down on there lifespan. There sent is also different although from scent you can't tell what percentage a the hybrids are making them so they could be more dangerous and risky to attack a tribe of them than a dragon would take. They are better about not over hunting and don't have territory for long them move with herds of animals that they hunt making it so it isn't worth a dragons time to bother them. A hybrid is considered a hybrid at 65% and there smell shows it so although they aren't mainly human they have the same scent as a hybrid who may only be 2% dragon, making is so no dragon truly knows how dangerous a tribe of hybrids might be as if they have hybrids that are 50-65% dragon they can still transform although they won't be as strong as a higher percentage dragon they are still strong and could potentially kill a higher dragon depending on there natural given dragon form.
All dragons have there own natural protectants such as spikes in there wings or tail or sharper horns that can be used as weapons when in a fight. These are the type of traits that a hybrid could have multiple or all of. A hybrids fire can range from regular fire, blue or purple fire or white fire based off what the parents fire was. The fire as is normally a sign of how many of the other traits they have. Normal fire usually has all of the protectants traits where blue or purple normally only has one and white fire usually have two. White fire is the hottest out of the fires but they rarely use the fire as it can harm there own but no fire can actually cause harm to them. They adapted two traits so they could fight without harming the other lower dragons that they see as their own companions. Hybrids still gain these kind of traits making it so they still can kill other dragons especially when they are in groups. The human in them makes them more social then even dragons normally are.
All the dragons who the government had were high percentage dragons since neither parent was considered a hybrid in percentage.
The dragons that they American government had split to other packs or were killed. The blood siblings for the most part stayed together as long as they were alive. They also all lost contact with one another after they left since they were no longer held together by the connection they had once had when they were a pack.